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How do I search profiles on Facebook?

How do I search profiles on Facebook?

Facebook allows you to search for profiles of other users in a few different ways. Here are some quick tips for searching profiles on Facebook:

Searching for Friends

The easiest way to search for profiles is to search for friends that you already have a connection with on Facebook. To search your friends list:

  • Go to your Facebook homepage
  • Click on the search bar at the top of the page
  • Start typing the name of the friend you want to search for
  • A dropdown will appear showing matching friends – click on the one you want to go to their profile

This will take you directly to that friend’s profile page, where you can view their posts, photos, and information.

Using Advanced Friend Search

If you want to search for friends using more filters, you can use the Advanced Friend Search option:

  • Go to your homepage and click on the “Friends” link in the left sidebar
  • Click on the “Search All Friends” link at the top
  • Here you can search by name, current city, hometown, school, workplace, and more
  • Enter the criteria you want to search by and click “Search”

This will show you a list of your friends that match the search criteria you entered.

Searching for Public Profiles

You can also search for profiles of people you are not friends with on Facebook. This allows you to search public profiles that anyone can see based on the privacy settings of that user. To search public profiles:

  • Go to the main Facebook search bar
  • Type in the name of the person (or username/nickname) you want to find
  • Select “People” from the dropdown menu
  • Hit enter to search

This will show results for any public profiles matching your search terms. Keep in mind users may share the same name, so make sure you have the right person.

Filters for Public Profile Search

There are some filters you can use when searching public profiles to help narrow down results:

  • Location – Search by city, state, or country
  • Workplace – Search by a company or organization name
  • School – Search by the name of a university or school
  • Gender – Choose to see male or female profiles
  • Age Range – Select a specific age range to filter by

Using these filters can help you locate the specific public profile you are looking for.

Searching Pages and Groups

In addition to searching for profiles, you can also search for Facebook Pages and Groups on the platform. Here is how:

  • Go to the main Facebook search bar
  • Type in the name of a Page or Group you want to find
  • Select “Pages” or “Groups” from the dropdown menu
  • Hit enter to search

This will display results for public Pages and Groups matching your search terms that you can then visit and follow or join.

Using Page and Group Filters

Some helpful filters for searching Pages and Groups include:

  • Category – Search by type like entertainment, business, sports, etc.
  • Location – Search by city, state, or country

Using these filters can help narrow down your search when looking for relevant Pages and Groups to connect with.

Searching Posts

You can use the Facebook search bar to search for specific posts as well. This allows you to find posts either on your own timeline or public posts from other users. To search posts:

  • Go to the main search bar
  • Type in keywords related to the post you want to find
  • Select “Posts” from the dropdown menu
  • Hit enter to search

The results will show posts from your timeline and friends that contain the keywords you searched for. You can narrow it down further by searching for posts by a specific person.

Searching Within Specific Timeframes

When searching posts, you can also filter by specific date ranges or times to help find the post you want such as:

  • Past year
  • Past month
  • Past week
  • Yesterday
  • Last 7 days
  • Date range (select specific start and end dates)

Using date filters helps you quickly locate posts you are looking for from a certain time period.

Finding Profiles Using a Profile URL or ID

If you know the specific Facebook profile URL or user ID of someone’s profile, you can type this directly into the search bar to pull up their profile. For example:

  • profile URL:
  • ID:

Typing in the exact URL or ID will take you right to the profile if it is publicly viewable. This allows you to go directly to a profile without needing to search for it.

Using Graph Search for Advanced Facebook Profile Searches

Facebook previously had a feature called Graph Search that allowed for very advanced searches using specific filters and queries. While this has been discontinued, some third-party tools and browser extensions can provide similar functionality:

  • Search scene – Browser extension for Chrome and Firefox
  • IntelTechniques – Third-party tool for searching profiles
  • Social Searcher – Browser extension for finding Facebook profiles

These tools aim to bring back some of the advanced search power that Graph Search offered by allowing complex searches using filters like location, school, work, interests, and more.

Tips for Facebook Profile Searching

Here are some additional tips for successfully searching profiles on Facebook:

  • Make sure your spelling is correct – this is key for getting accurate search results
  • Try alternate name spellings or nicknames if needed
  • Use filters to narrow down your search for public profiles
  • Search posts by date range or keywords to find specific posts
  • Use a profile URL or ID to go directly to a profile
  • Consider Graph Search alternatives for very advanced Facebook searches

Facebook Search FAQs

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about searching for profiles on Facebook:

How do I find someone on Facebook without an email or phone number?

Go to the main search bar and type in their full name, nickname, or username. Use filters like location, school, workplace etc. Public profiles matching your search terms will appear. You can also try typing a profile URL if you know it.

Can you find someone’s profile using a picture?

Facebook’s native search does not allow searching profiles using a photo. Some third-party apps claim to offer reverse image search capabilities, but these are often unreliable and may violate Facebook’s data policies if misused.

Is there a way to search private Facebook profiles?

No, there is no way to search or view private Facebook profiles that you are not friends with. These profiles do not appear in public search results. You would need to send a friend request to view a private profile.

Can I browse Facebook profiles without an account?

No, you need a Facebook account to search and browse profiles. Those without an account can only see limited public information but cannot access full profiles or search features.

Search Method What You Can Find
Search friends list Profiles of your Facebook friends
Public profile search Public profiles outside your friend list
Page/Group search Public Pages and Groups to follow or join
Search posts Posts on timelines and news feeds
Profile URL or ID Direct access to a specific profile
Graph Search tools Advanced profile searches with filters


Facebook offers powerful profile search capabilities through its main search bar, as well as through advanced tools like Graph Search alternatives. Key options include searching your friends list, public profiles, Pages and Groups, specific posts, and directly accessing profiles using a URL or ID. Making use of search filters can help refine your results.

Be sure to use proper spelling, nicknames, and multiple search methods to locate the profiles you are looking for. Focus on public information and avoid attempts to view private profiles without permission. With the right search techniques, you can find interesting and relevant people and communities to connect with on Facebook.