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How do I search for groups on Facebook app?

How do I search for groups on Facebook app?

Facebook groups allow users to connect with others who share similar interests and backgrounds. With over 1 billion groups on Facebook, searching for relevant groups can be overwhelming. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to effectively search for groups using the Facebook mobile app.

Preparing to Search for Groups

Before you start searching, take some time to think about your interests, hobbies, career, location, and other factors that might help narrow down group suggestions. Consider the following:

  • What are your hobbies and passions?
  • What is your career or field of study?
  • What causes or issues do you care about?
  • What is your geographic location?
  • What life experiences connect you to certain communities?

Having a clear sense of what you’re looking for will make searching for relevant groups much easier. You may also want to decide if you’re looking for public open groups, private closed groups, or both. Public groups allow anyone to see the group, its members, and their posts. Private groups require approval from admins or moderators to join.

Accessing Group Search on the Facebook App

The group search feature is easy to access on the Facebook mobile app. Just follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Facebook app on your mobile device
  2. Tap the magnifying glass icon at the top
  3. This will open the main Facebook search page
  4. Tap on “Groups” at the top of the page

You are now on the group search page and ready to begin looking for relevant groups to join.

Searching for Groups

Once on the group search page, you have a few options for finding groups that match your interests:

Search by keywords

Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for relevant keywords related to your interests. For example, search terms like “photography,” “health and wellness,” or “San Francisco parents” will all pull up group suggestions matching those keywords.

Browse group categories

Scroll down on the group search page to browse top group suggestions sorted into categories like Health & Wellness, Sports & Outdoors, Jobs & Careers, etc. Tap into any category to see more niche interest groups.

Location-based suggestions

Facebook will automatically suggest local groups near your current location or hometown. Scroll through these suggestions to find hyperlocal community groups.

Recommendations based on your interests

As you like Pages and join groups, Facebook will study your activity and then recommend similar groups they think you’ll like. Check these personalized suggestions for new group ideas.

Evaluating and Joining Groups

Once you’ve found groups that interest you, take some time to evaluate them before joining. Here are some tips for vetting groups:

  • Browse the group’s description, recent posts, and rules to understand the purpose and culture of the group.
  • Look at how many members the group has. More members mean more engagement typically.
  • Check when the last post was made. Active groups have regular recent interactions.
  • Search for key terms to see if discussion topics are relevant.
  • If it’s a closed private group, answer membership questions thoroughly.

When ready, tap the blue “Join Group” button. For closed groups, this will request to join, while open groups allow instant joining. Congrats, you just found a new Facebook group!

Tips for Finding Great Groups

It may take some trial and error to find the most valuable Facebook groups for your interests. Keep these tips in mind during your search:

  • Look for groups with a specific and clearly defined purpose or niche.
  • Search for both large general groups as well as smaller niche communities.
  • Make sure group members actively engage in discussions.
  • Avoid groups that tolerate hate speech, bullying, or spam.
  • Search for local groups if looking to connect based on location.
  • Browse groups your friends have joined for ideas.

Stay open-minded when evaluating groups. Even if you join a group that ends up not being a great fit, you can always leave the group. With over 1 billion groups, there is something out there for everyone. Stay persistent in your search.

Managing Your Group Memberships

Once you start joining groups, it’s important to manage your membership over time. Here are some tips for maintaining your groups:

  • Turn on notifications for your most important groups so you never miss a post.
  • Check back into your groups daily or weekly to keep up with new discussions.
  • If you’ve lost interest in a group’s content, leave the group.
  • Stop notifications from low priority groups to control your feed.
  • Create lists to organize your groups and simplify navigation.

Curate your group memberships periodically. Leave stagnant or irrelevant groups and replace them with new groups as your interests change. An active, organized membership will help you maximize the value of Facebook groups.

Using Facebook Groups Effectively

Here are some final best practices for getting the most out of the Facebook group experience:

  • Review a group’s about section before posting to understand rules.
  • Engage consistently with comments, questions, and advice to build connections.
  • Share your specialized knowledge or experience when it adds value.
  • Post thoughtful questions to spur conversations about relevant topics.
  • Give back by answering other members’ questions when you can.

The best Facebook groups have knowledgeable moderators, useful discussions, and a supportive culture. Follow these guidelines to be a model group member.


Finding relevant Facebook groups can take your network and interests to the next level. Use keyword searches, categories, and recommendations to discover groups matched to your passions. Take time to evaluate groups before joining and manage your memberships actively. Follow best practices for engaging with groups. The right communities allow you to exchange ideas, get advice, and make meaningful connections on Facebook.