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How do I scrape Facebook without being blocked?

How do I scrape Facebook without being blocked?

Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of Q4 2021. With so much user activity happening on Facebook daily, the platform contains a wealth of public data that can provide useful insights for research, marketing, and more. However, scraping or collecting data from Facebook directly is against their terms of service and may result in your account or IP address being blocked.

So how can you scrape Facebook data without being blocked? The key is to avoid directly interacting with Facebook’s API or making too many requests from the same IP address. Here are some tactics to scrape Facebook data safely:

Use the Facebook Graph API

The Facebook Graph API allows you to programmatically query public Facebook data. Rather than scraping data directly off Facebook’s servers, go through the official API which is designed for public consumption. Don’t spam the API with too many requests too quickly or your app may get blocked. Follow all terms of service and rate limiting guidelines.

Scrape data from the HTML

Facebook pages are rendered as standard HTML that you can parse and scrape data from. Use Selenium with rotating proxies to load pages and extract data. Make sure to mimic human behavior in your scraping so you don’t get flagged.

Use existing datasets

Several organizations have already collected and structured public Facebook data into datasets which you can analyze. For example, CrowdTangle and Social Media Lab have Facebook datasets going back years for researchers. Using existing data can save you time and effort.

Leverage APIs from data providers

Companies like BuzzSumo and Brandwatch have spent years building robust data collection and API infrastructures for social media data. For a fee you can leverage their APIs or get access to pre-collected Facebook data going back years.

Scrape Facebook search engine results

Search engines like Google index public Facebook content, so you can scrape that data from Google rather than Facebook directly. This can help avoid detection.

Techniques for Scraping Facebook Data

Now let’s explore some more specific techniques for collecting Facebook data while avoiding blocks.

Use a proxy / VPN

Scraping from a single IP address raises red flags with Facebook’s detection algorithms. Using proxies or VPNs that rotate IPs with each request can help distribute scraping and make it look more organic. Configure your scraper to route requests through proxy IP pools.

Popular proxy services include Luminati, Oxylabs, and Smartproxy.

Limit request frequency

Don’t pound Facebook’s servers with scraping requests as fast as possible. Mimic human behavior by inserting delays between requests and keeping request frequency modest. Start with 1-2 seconds between requests and 4-6 requests per minute. Adjust as needed while monitoring for blocks.

Vary user agents

Rotating user agents makes your scraping traffic look more human since users access Facebook from various devices and browsers. Maintain a pool of randomized user agents and sample from this pool with each request.

Handle captchas and other challenges

At times Facebook may present captchas, phone/email verification screens, or other challenges to authenticate you are human. Use a service like 2Captcha combined with Selenium to programmatically solve these challenges.

Focus on public pages and profiles

Avoid scraping private user data, closed groups, logged-in user content, and other non-public info. Stick to public pages, profiles, and posts to reduce risk of blocks.

Scrape historical vs real-time data

Collecting large volumes of historical data from Facebook faces less scrutiny than scraping real-time public posts. If you need up-to-the-minute data, mix in historical scraping as well.

Monitor for blocks

Keep a close eye on your scraping to detect any new blocks Facebook applies like captchas, blocked IPs or requests for phone verification. If blocked, you may need to slow down scraping speed.

Top Things to Avoid When Scraping Facebook

There are also some common scraping mistakes you’ll want to avoid with Facebook:

– Scraping while logged into a user account – This ties the scraping directly to your account risking a ban.

– No usage limits – Blindly scraping as much data as possible raises abuse alarms.

– Scraping special data like messages – Don’t scrape restricted data only visible to specific users.

– Scraping too fast – Crawling pages aggressively can look bot-like vs human.

– No attempt to mimic humans – Having no user-agent rotation, proxies, captcha solvers, etc makes scraping obviously non-human.

– Scraping from the same IP – This establishes a clear pattern associated with an IP address. Mix it up with proxies.

– No monitoring for blocks – Fail to detect blocks and your IP could get permanently banned.

– No variation in scraping targets – Scraping the same user or page too many times looks suspicious.

– Scraping content you’ll redistribute – You can analyze public data but be careful republishing or selling it.

Scraping Facebook Pages

One of the most common Facebook scraping needs is collecting data from public Facebook pages. Here are some tips:

– Target public pages only – Don’t try to scrape private or group pages you aren’t authorized to access.

– Vary page targeting – Scrape a mix of different pages rather than pounding the same page repeatedly.

– Use page HTML – Parse page HTML to extract titles, descriptions, images, etc.

– Leverage page search APIs – Facebook Graph API has page search endpoints to find public pages matching criteria.

– Scrape historical posts – Access page posts going back years via API or HTML scraping to avoid heavy real-time load.

– Limit post/comment volume – Only go after the data you really need from posts and comments. Don’t overdo it.

Example public pages to scrape safely

– Brand pages – Coke, Nike, etc
– Celebrity pages – Lady Gaga, Cristiano Ronaldo, etc
– Influencer pages – Popular bloggers, YouTubers, etc
– Business pages – Restaurants, hotels, local businesses
– Organization pages – Charities, universities, nonprofits

Scraping Facebook Profiles

Scraping public profile data carries more risk than pages, but can be done cautiously:

– Only scrape fully public profiles – Non-public profiles are very risky to scrape.

– Vary profile targeting – Don’t pound the same profile continuously.

– Use Selenium browsers – This renders JavaScript required to fully load profiles.

– Focus on aggregate metrics – Don’t overdo collecting granular, personal data.

– Avoid logging in – This links scraping directly to your account. Remain logged out.

Metrics to carefully scrape from public profiles

– Gender
– Location
– Age range
– Professional industry
– Relationship status
– Bio info
– Profile photo

Scraping Facebook Groups

Facebook groups contain a wealth of data but also pose big risks for scrapers:

– Only scrape truly public groups – Private or closed groups are very risky.

– Rotate group scraping – Spread group scraping over different groups to distribute load.

– Scrape anonymously – Don’t connect scraping to your own account via logging in.

– Limit scraping depth – Grabbing all group content back months is likely to draw attention.

– Watch for access changes – Groups can change from public to private, restricting access.

Scraping Facebook Comments

Comments provide great social data but also risks around privacy and abuse:

– Only scrape comments from public pages – Personal profiles and groups are very risky.

– Limit comment / reply volume – Excessive volumes will raise abuse flags.

– Anonymize usernames – Avoid associating scraped comments with user accounts.

– Watch comment privacy – Users can update comment visibility restricting access.

– Respect comment deletion – If a user deletes a comment, respect the removal from your dataset.

Scraping Facebook Events

Public Facebook events provide valuable data on local happenings:

– Target public pages and profiles – Private events are risky to scrape.

– Vary sources – Don’t scrape events just from one profile or page. Mix it up.

– Limit historical depth – Scraping years back in events will look excessive.

– Anonymize data – Remove names and IDs of event creators.

– Handle recurring events – Avoid duplicate scraping of recurring events like weekly classes.

Scraping Facebook Messenger

Messages on Facebook pose severe scraping risks and should be avoided:

– Don’t scrape Messenger data – It violates privacy and will likely trigger blocks.

– Private messages are off limits – Only message a given user if they authorize it.

– Group messages also risky – Those have same risks as private message channels.

For any kind of messaging data, it’s safest to use an authorized messaging API designed for bots vs scraping.

Scraping Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace provides an opportunity to scrape public sale listings:

– Focus on public listings – Don’t scrape restricted marketplace content.

– Spread scraping over categories – Don’t pound just one product category.

– Vary location targeting – Rotate different cities and geographic radii.

– Limit listing detail volume – Avoid excessive images, text, pricing data per listing.

– Watch for access changes – Listings can change from public to restricted access.

Scraping Hashtags and Trends

Scraping public hashtag and trending topic data can provide useful insights while limiting risk:

– Target overall volume and aggregate stats rather than individual posts.

– Compare trends across location, demographics, and timeframe segments.

– Leverage Facebook’s own trend analytics like CrowdTangle.

– Rotate different hashtags and keyword filters to avoid focusing on one trend.

– Consider summarizing or sampling trend data instead of comprehensive scraping.

Scraping Facebook Reviews

Reviews provide valuable sentiment data. Here are some best practices:

– Focus on reviews of public pages like businesses. Don’t scrape personal profiles.

– Rotate different pages you’re scraping reviews for. Don’t focus on just one.

– Limit your historical depth – a year or two max of reviews is reasonable.

– Sample data intelligently – you may only need sentiment scores vs full review text.

– Watch out for deletions – businesses can remove or hide reviews.

Scraping Facebook Jobs

Facebook job listings provide a unique dataset, with some precautions:

– Target public business pages and groups – don’t scrape individual profiles.

– Vary location and employer filters – don’t repeatedly hit one employer.

– Limit date range – stick to recent jobs vs excessive history.

– Anonymize employer data – remove info that identifies job posters.

– Respect removals – employers may delete jobs which should be honored.

Scraping Tips By Data Type

Here are some key tips for scraping major data types on Facebook safely:


– Target only public pages, don’t over scrape the same pages
– Vary page categories like industries, locations, etc
– Scrape HTML, metadata, images, reviews, etc
– Leverage page search APIs wisely


– Strictly public profiles only, limit profile targeting depth

– Scrape aggregate metrics cautiously, don’t overdo personal data
– Never scrape while logged into your own account
– Use Selenium to render full profile HTML


– Only public groups, don’t dig excessively into history
– Rotate different group targeting, don’t pound one group

– Don’t tie scraping to your account via login
– Watch for group access level changes


– Public pages and profiles only, vary sources

– Watch for events shifting from public to private access
– Avoid exhaustive historical scraping
– Anonymize event creator names / IDs


– Only public pages, carefully limit volume scraped
– Respect comment deletions, anonymize usernames

– Heed privacy restrictions set by users on comments
– Don’t scrape back months/years excessively


– Focus on public listings, spread over categories

– Limit scraped details per listing

– Rotate location filters intelligently
– Monitor for restricted listing access

Scraping Tools

The right tools and infrastructure make safe Facebook scraping much easier. Here are some recommendations:


Proxies rotate your IP address with each request making scraping harder to detect. Popular proxy providers include Luminati, Oxylabs, and Smartproxy.

Web Scraping Libraries

Python libraries like Requests, Scrapy, Selenium, and BeautifulSoup can efficiently scrape page HTML.

Data APIs

Leverage data provider APIs like BuzzSumo, Brandwatch, and Social Media Lab to safely access pre-collected Facebook data.

Cloud Computing

Scraping at scale often requires cloud services like AWS which provide computing power and automation.

Data Annotation

Annotate and categorize unstructured Facebook data using services like Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth and LightTag.

Virtual Environments

Container platforms like Docker allow you to isolate scraping to controlled virtual environments.


Actively monitor your scraping for blocks, captchas, and other restrictions Facebook imposes.


For CAPTCHAs and other challenges, use human solvers from providers like 2Captcha combined with Selenium.

Scraping Etiquette

When scraping Facebook, keep in mind:

– Don’t violate Facebook’s Terms of Service
– Follow proper data attribution and sourcing practices
– Don’t redistribute copyrighted data like photos without permission
– Store data securely and responsibly
– Respect user privacy and data deletion requests
– Use data in aggregate and avoid identifying individuals
– Don’t utilize scraped data for harassment, discrimination or illegal purposes
– Don’t negatively impact Facebook infrastructure
– Make scraping mimic organic human behavior

Scraping legally and ethically helps ensure open data access for all.


While challenging, collecting public Facebook data through careful scraping can provide valuable insights. The keys are respecting Facebook’s guidelines, intelligently distributing load, mimicking organic behavior, monitoring blocks, and scraping ethically. With the proper precautions and tools, marketers, researchers, and other professionals can safely access Facebook’s data riches. Just remember to scrape responsibly.