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How do I run an ad that converts on Facebook?

How do I run an ad that converts on Facebook?

Running a Facebook ad that successfully converts potential customers into sales can seem daunting, but with the right strategy and execution it is very achievable. The key is to understand your target audience, create compelling ad creative, test different targeting options, optimize based on data, and scale up the ideas that work. Follow the steps below to learn how to effectively run converting Facebook ads.

Define Your Goal

The first step is clearly defining what you want your Facebook ad to accomplish. Common goals include:

  • Generate leads or email signups
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Increase online or in-store sales
  • Raise brand awareness

Having a specific goal will allow you to make strategic choices when it comes to your audience, creative, and call-to-action. Measuring success also becomes easier when you have a well-defined objective.

Research Your Target Audience

One of the biggest advantages of Facebook advertising is the ability to target your ads. Take time to understand your ideal customer and what matters most to them. Look at demographics like age, location, gender, and interests. Behavioral factors like purchase history, intent, and lifestyle can also be insightful. The more you know about your audience, the better you can tailor your messaging and visuals.

Some key questions to ask:

  • What demographic factors define my ideal audience?
  • What values and interests resonate most with them?
  • What emotions motivate their purchase decisions?
  • What problems am I helping them solve?

Audience research will pay dividends as you craft your ad strategy.

Create Compelling Ad Creative

The visuals and copy in your Facebook ad will make or break its success. You need creative that immediately captures attention and generates interest. Here are some tips for making effective Facebook ads:

  • Use eye-catching images and video
  • Focus on benefits not features
  • Keep text short, clear, and scannable
  • Highlight what’s unique about your offering
  • Use emotions like humor or nostalgia
  • Leverage FOMO (fear of missing out)
  • Appeal to identity and aspirations

Great ad creative works hand-in-hand with your audience targeting. Always view your ads from the perspective of your customer.

Test Ad Placements

One of the key advantages Facebook advertising provides is the ability to test different placements to see which ones perform best. Here are some options to consider:

  • Facebook feed
  • Facebook Stories
  • Instagram feed
  • Instagram Stories
  • Messenger
  • Right column ads
  • Audience Network

You can also test placement combinations, for example running ads both in feeds and stories. Use Facebook’s reporting to determine which placements drive the most conversions.

Refine Your Targeting

Start broad with your targeting, then narrow in based on the results. Facebook gives you many options for defining your target audience beyond just demographics, including:

  • Interests
  • Behaviors
  • Custom audiences
  • Lookalike audiences
  • Detailed targeting
  • Geo-targeting

Analyze which targets are performing best and double down on those. Remove targets that have low relevance or conversion rates. Regularly updating your targeting is key to improving campaign performance.

Retarget Website Visitors

One powerful Facebook advertising technique is creating a custom audience of people who have visited your website, then targeting them with ads. This allows you to reconnect with prospects who expressed initial interest but didn’t convert right away.

Make sure you have the Facebook pixel installed on your website to enable creating custom audiences. Consider making different custom audiences based on pages visited or products viewed. Effective retargeting can capture a lot of lost potential.

Make A Compelling Offer

A good offer can make a huge impact on your ad conversion rates. Some ideas for compelling offers include:

  • Discounts or sales pricing
  • Free trials
  • Free samples
  • Bundles and bonus gifts
  • Contests and sweepstakes
  • Limited-time promotions

Experiment with different deals and incentives to determine which resonate most with your target audience. Just make sure your offer is profitable after accounting for costs.

Drive Clicks to a Specific Landing Page

You don’t want your Facebook ad to simply drive people to your homepage. Instead, point them to a targeted landing page that aligns with the specific offer and experience you promoted in your ad. This reinforces the message and makes conversion easier.

Some best practices for creating high-converting landing pages include:

  • Matching the tone and visuals from your ad
  • Prominently displaying your offer
  • Using trust symbols and social proof
  • Minimizing distractions and keeping it simple
  • Having a strong call-to-action button

Don’t forget to A/B test different landing page designs and elements.

Include a Strong Call-to-Action

You’ve gotten someone’s attention with your Facebook ad, drawn them into your landing page, now you need to convert the interest into action. An effective call-to-action is critical. Some tips for great CTAs:

  • Use action-focused language like “Sign Up Now” or “Start Your Free Trial”
  • Make the CTA button or link prominently visible
  • Use contrasting colors to make the CTA stand out
  • Keep button copy short and descriptive
  • Place your CTA above the fold so it’s immediately visible

Test different CTA placements, copy length, font sizes, and button colors to optimize.

Set Up Facebook Pixel and Conversions API

To properly track conversions and optimize your ads, you need Facebook’s pixel and Conversions API set up. The Facebook pixel tracks actions users take on your website following ad clicks. The Conversions API connects this data back to your ad account.

Some benefits of this integration include:

  • See which ads are driving conversions
  • Optimize towards better performing targets and placements
  • Create custom audiences from converters
  • Retarget converters with new offers
  • Measure return on ad spend accurately

Without the pixel and Conversions API, you’re flying blind in terms of optimizing your ads. Take the time to implement them properly. Consider working with a developer if needed.

Split Test Ad Elements

Don’t just create a single Facebook ad and hope for the best. Leverage split testing, also called A/B testing, to try multiple ad variations and see which ones perform better. Testing allows you to refine elements like:

  • Photos and videos
  • Ad copy
  • Call-to-action
  • Page placement
  • Audience targeting
  • Offers or discounts

Facebook lets you set up simple split tests directly in Ads Manager. Use the learnings to create higher converting ads.

Analyze and Optimize

Once your Facebook ad campaigns are up and running, constantly monitor the performance and optimize accordingly. Look at metrics like:

  • Cost per result
  • Click-through rate
  • Relevance score
  • Conversion rate
  • ROI

These will reveal what’s working well and what needs refinement. Don’t just set ads and forget them, actively adapt and improve based on data.

Some best practices for optimizing include:

  • Pause poorly performing ads
  • Increase budgets for top performers
  • Refine targeting
  • Change ad creative
  • Improve landing page experience

Optimization is key to maximizing your Facebook ad results.

Scale Up Winning Ideas

As you analyze performance and test new variations, pay attention to the specific ad approaches that consistently deliver results. When you discover winning formulas – whether it’s a type of visual, audience target, placement, offer, etc. – scale them up.

Ramp up budgets and run more ads using the proven concepts. Introduce them to new but relevant audiences. Expand into different areas like new geographies. Leverage what works.

You can save time and maximize results by taking ideas that already converted well and expanding their usage. Identify what resonates and keep building on it.


With the right strategic approach, running Facebook ads that successfully convert interested prospects into paying customers is very achievable. Focus on really understanding your audience, thoroughly testing ad variations, constantly optimizing based on data, and scaling up your top performers. Results require patience and diligent effort, but the payoff from effectively leveraging Facebook’s massive reach is immense. Stick with the process and let data guide your decisions.