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How do I run a Facebook ad and get paid?

How do I run a Facebook ad and get paid?

Running Facebook ads and getting paid for it can be a great way to earn money online. Facebook ads allow you to promote products, services, content and more to an audience of billions of people around the world. With the right strategy, you can generate leads, drive sales and make money. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to run Facebook ads and get paid:

Step 1: Set Up Your Facebook Ad Account

The first step is to set up your Facebook ad account if you don’t already have one. You can create an ad account by going to the Facebook Ads Manager dashboard and clicking “Create Account.” You will need to connect either a Facebook page or Instagram account to your ad account.

As you set up your account, Facebook will ask you for payment information. You can enter a credit card, debit card or link a PayPal account. Facebook does not charge you anything until you actually start running ads. The payment method is just required to verify your account.

Step 2: Choose Your Campaign Objective

Once your account is set up, it’s time to create your first campaign. When you go to create a campaign, the first thing Facebook will ask you is to select a campaign objective from the following options:

  • Brand awareness
  • Reach
  • Traffic
  • Engagement
  • Video views
  • Lead generation
  • Messages
  • Conversions
  • Catalog sales
  • Store visits

The objective you choose will determine how your ad is optimized by Facebook. If you want people to visit your website, choose “Traffic.” If you want them to purchase a product, choose “Conversions.” For the purpose of earning money from ads, objectives like conversions, catalog sales and lead generation are most optimal.

Step 3: Create Your Ad

After selecting your campaign objective, it’s time to actually create your ad. You’ll be able to choose the format – single image, multi-image, carousel, video, etc. Be sure to follow Facebook’s ad policies and create something compelling.

In your ad copy, include a clear call-to-action that aligns with your campaign objective. For example, “Sign up now,” “Learn more,” “Purchase now,” or “Apply here.” The call-to-action button should also match the landing page you are driving traffic to.

Step 4: Set Up Your Ad Targeting

One of the best things about Facebook ads is the ability to target your ideal audience. You can target by location, demographics, interests, behaviors and more. Take your time to really narrow in on who you want to see your ads.

Some key targeting options include:

  • Locations
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Languages
  • Interests
  • Behaviors
  • Connections

The more precise you can be with your targeting, the better your chances of reaching people likely to convert.

Step 5: Set Your Budget and Schedule

Next, you’ll set a budget and schedule for your campaign. Make sure to start small as you test and learn what works.

Budget options include:

  • Daily budget – the max you’re willing to spend per day
  • Lifetime budget – the max you’re willing to spend overall
  • Schedule – when you want your ads to run

It’s generally a good idea to start with $5-10 per day, run the campaign for a week, then evaluate the results before increasing your budget.

Step 6: Send Traffic to a Landing Page

You’ll need to link your Facebook ad to a landing page where you want to send traffic. This page should match the call-to-action in your ad.

Some best practices for creating landing pages include:

  • Include a headline and description that aligns with your ad copy
  • Make your call-to-action button prominent
  • Include trust factors like reviews, security badges, etc.
  • Minimize distractions and keep it simple

Optimizing your landing page to convert visitors into leads or customers is crucial for success with Facebook ads.

Step 7: Measure Results and Optimize

Once your campaign is live, it’s important to continuously track and measure results. Look at metrics like:

  • Reach
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Click-through rate
  • Cost per click
  • Conversions

Use these metrics to determine what’s working and enhance your targeting, creative, landing page, and bid strategy. Improving your conversion rate over time is key to driving profits from Facebook ads.

Step 8: Get Paid for Your Facebook Ads

There are several ways to monetize your Facebook ads and get paid directly from the platform:

Promote Facebook Products

You can apply to the Facebook Audience Network and earn money by promoting Facebook-owned products. For example, you could run ads for Oculus or Portal. You earn a commission each time a purchase is made from your ads.

Earn Ad Credits

With the Facebook Ad Credit program, you can earn ad credits by promoting certain Facebook features to your email list or on your website. You’re incentivized to promote things like Facebook events, friend requests and more.

Generate Leads and Sales

The most direct way to get paid from Facebook ads is to promote your own products, services or offers as an advertiser. Each conversion you drive through your ads has monetary value. For example, if you sell a $100 product and the conversion rate from your ads is 10%, you earn $10 for each lead or sale acquired.


Running successful Facebook ad campaigns takes consistent testing, optimization and scaling. But the upside can be tremendous. With billions of people around the world actively using Facebook, it provides a massive opportunity to get your message in front of your target audience.

By following the steps in this guide, strategically creating and managing your campaigns, and relentlessly focusing on improving conversions, you can build a highly profitable advertising business on Facebook.

Some key takeaways include:

  • Choose the right campaign objective for your goals
  • Take time to create quality, compelling ad creative
  • Target your ads very precisely
  • Drive traffic to high-converting landing pages
  • Start with small budgets and increase slowly
  • Track conversions and optimize for profitability

Facebook’s advertising platform takes some effort to learn and master. But the payoff for running successful campaigns over the long-term is immense. With over 1 billion people logging into Facebook every single day, the opportunity is there. So start small, track everything and scale up what’s working.

Over time, you can build a highly lucrative advertising business that provides great value to advertisers while earning consistent profits month after month. There are people earning 6 and 7 figures simply from Facebook ads alone. So get out there, run some campaigns and start monetizing your skillset!