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How do I restore my friends on Facebook?

How do I restore my friends on Facebook?

Having friends on Facebook is an important part of the experience for many users. Your friends list allows you to stay connected with people you know, share updates, photos, videos and more. However, there may be times when some of your Facebook friends get removed from your friends list accidentally or without you realizing it.

The good news is there are a few different ways to restore friends who have been removed or deleted on Facebook. In this detailed guide, I’ll explain the most common reasons you may lose Facebook friends and walk you through the steps to add them back.

Why Did I Lose Friends on Facebook?

There are a few main reasons you may notice friends disappearing from your Facebook friends list:

  • You accidentally unfriended someone by removing them from your friends list.
  • Your friend removed or blocked you from their friends list.
  • Your account was hacked and the hacker removed some of your friends.
  • There was a glitch or bug that caused some friends to be removed.
  • Your friend deactivated or deleted their Facebook account.

In most cases, you should be able to restore friends that you accidentally unfriended or who may have removed you from their friends list. However, if the friend deleted their account entirely, you will not be able to add them back unless they reactivate their Facebook profile.

How to View Removed Friends on Facebook

When someone removes you as a friend on Facebook, they will automatically be removed from your friends list as well. However, you can still view a list of users who have removed you as a friend:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile page and click on the Friends tab.
  2. On the left side of the page click on the “Removed” link below the list of friends.
  3. This will show you a list of users who recently removed you from their friends list.

Seeing this list can help you determine if someone accidentally removed you as a friend or if they intentionally deleted you. If it seems accidental, you can take steps to try restoring the friendship.

How to Re-Add Someone You Removed

If you accidentally deleted someone from your Facebook friends list, the easiest way to restore them is to send a new friend request:

  1. Go to the profile page of the friend you removed and click the “Add Friend” button.
  2. This will send them a new friend request notification.
  3. If they accept your request, you will be friends again.

In most cases, if you removed them accidentally your friend will accept a new friend request. However, if they denied your request it’s possible they removed you intentionally from their friends list first.

How to Restore a Friend Who Removed You

If you notice someone has deleted you from their friends list, you can try sending them a new friend request to see if it was accidental:

  1. Go to the profile page of the friend who removed you.
  2. Look for the “Add Friend” button and send them a new friend request.
  3. If they accept it, you will be connected as friends again.
  4. If they deny your request, it’s likely they removed you intentionally.

Keep in mind that if someone removed you as a friend intentionally, continually sending them repeated friend requests may be perceived as harassing behavior, which goes against Facebook’s policies. If someone declines multiple requests, it’s best to wait for them to add you instead.

How to Message Someone You’re No Longer Friends With

If you want to message someone on Facebook that removed you to find out why, you have a couple options:

  • Send them a message request – This allows you to send one message. They can choose to reply or ignore it.
  • Use a mutual friend to relay a message – Ask a friend you’re both connected to pass along a message to them.

Avoid contacting the person through other methods if they’ve removed you. Messaging repeatedly when they don’t want to talk goes against Facebook’s harassment policy.

How to Regain Access to a Hacked Account

If you believe your account was hacked and the hacker removed your Facebook friends, take these steps:

  1. Log into your account and reset your password if you’re able to.
  2. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security.
  3. Submit a report to Facebook that your account was hacked.
  4. Review your list of friends and send requests to any that were removed.

Recovering from a hacked account can be complex. Make sure to remove any suspicious apps or login locations you don’t recognize. Doing a full security sweep of your account can help prevent it from being hacked again.

How to Restore Friends When Reactivating Your Account

If you temporarily deactivated your Facebook account, you can restore your friend list when you reactivate it:

  1. Log back into your account using your email and password.
  2. Go to your Facebook settings and reactivate your profile.
  3. Your friend list should be restored, though some friends may need to be added back.
  4. Search for any missing friends and send them new friend requests.

In most cases, deactivating temporarily will save your friends list. But if you were gone for a long time, some friends may have removed you thinking you deleted your account entirely.

Tips for Managing Your Friends List

Here are some tips to help prevent losing friends and make managing your friends list easier:

  • Be careful when removing friends – Always double check before clicking the “Unfriend” or “Remove” button.
  • Review your removed friends list periodically – This can help you spot if anyone was accidentally removed.
  • Backup your data – Download a copy your Facebook data occasionally, so you have a backup of your friends list.
  • Avoid deactivating too long – If you plan on taking a break from Facebook, deactivate temporarily instead of permanently deleting.
  • Stay on top of security – Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and watch for suspicious logins to prevent hackers.

Following these tips will minimize the chances of you losing touch with your important Facebook friends and contacts.


Having friends disappear from Facebook can be confusing and frustrating. But in many cases you can restore those lost connections by sending new friend requests. Take the proper steps based on why the friends disappeared to re-add them to your profile.

Stay persistent yet respectful if someone removed you intentionally and you want to reconnect. Use security best practices to get a hacked account under control again. And deactivate instead of deleting your profile if you need an extended break from Facebook to keep your friends list intact.

With a little diligence, you should be able to restore most lost friends on Facebook when accidental removals happen. Be careful when managing your friends list and act quickly when you notice someone missing to increase the chances your friend request will be accepted.