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How do I resize a picture to fit Facebook?

How do I resize a picture to fit Facebook?

Uploading pictures to Facebook can be tricky, especially when it comes to resizing images to meet Facebook’s requirements. The social media platform has specific image dimensions for profile pictures, cover photos, and shared images that ensure a consistent look across the site. If your photos don’t fit the requirements, Facebook will compress or crop them, which can distort or cut out important parts of the image. Fortunately, resizing pictures for Facebook only takes a few simple steps using free online tools or basic image editing software.

Facebook Image Size Requirements

Here are the image size requirements for the three main types of images on Facebook:

  • Profile Picture: 180 x 180 pixels (up to 4MB)
  • Cover Photo: 820 x 312 pixels (up to 4MB)
  • Shared Images: 2048 x 2048 pixels is recommended (up to 4MB)

Keeping your images within these dimensions ensures they will look sharp and unpixilated on Facebook, regardless of what device your friends are viewing them on. Going over the 4MB file size limit may cause compression issues.

Checking Image Size Before Uploading

Before uploading any photos to Facebook, it’s a good idea to check the image size first so you know if resizing is needed. Here are a few ways to check:

  • On Windows: Right click the image file, go to Properties > Details and look at the pixel dimensions.
  • On Mac: Click the image file, go to File > Get Info and look at the More Info section for dimensions.
  • Using a free online tool like PicResize that allows you to upload a photo and see the size.

If your image meets the size requirements for the type of photo you want to upload, you can leave it as is. But if it’s too large in either dimension, resizing will be necessary.

How to Resize an Image on Windows

Windows 10 and 11 have a built-in photos app that makes basic image editing like resizing fast and easy. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the photo you want to resize in the Photos app.
  2. Click Edit & Adjustments > Resize.
  3. Under Resize, enter the desired width or height in pixels. For Facebook cover photos, enter 820 for width. For profile pictures, enter 180 for height.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click Save a copy to save the resized image.

Alternatively, you can resize in other free software options like Paint 3D, Paint.NET, GIMP, or IrfanView.

How to Resize an Image on Mac

On Macs, the Preview app includes basic resizing capabilities:

  1. Open the image in Preview.
  2. Click Tools > Adjust Size.
  3. Enter the desired height or width in pixels. For Facebook cover photos, enter 820 for width. For profile pictures, enter 180 for height.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Go to File > Export to save the resized photo.

Other free Mac options for resizing photos include GIMP, IrfanView, or GraphicConverter.

Using Online Resizing Tools

If you don’t want to download any software, many free online photo editors make image resizing quick and easy. Some top options include:

  • PicResize – Intuitive resizing tool with multiple size presets including Facebook profile and cover photos. Just drag and drop your image to resize.
  • ResizeImage – Easy interface with Facebook profile and cover sizes available. Allows batch resizing of multiple images.
  • ILoveIMG – Full suite of image editing tools including cropping and resizing. Has Facebook preset sizes.
  • Canva – Popular graphic design platform with customizable image dimensions.

With most online resizers, you simply upload your original photo, enter the new width/height, and download the resized image to your computer for uploading to Facebook.

Tips for High Quality Resized Images

When resizing images for Facebook, keep these tips in mind:

  • Resize the original photo – Don’t just shrink an already compressed image or it will lose quality.
  • Maintain the aspect ratio – Choose proportional resizing to avoid distortion.
  • Use higher resolution photos – Images over 720p or 1080p will look crisper.
  • Save images as JPG – Facebook recommends JPG format for best optimization.
  • Use 72 or 96 dpi – Any higher resolution is unnecessary for web images.
  • Avoid upscaling small images – This introduces blur and pixilation.

Cropping Images to Fit Facebook

If resizing the entire image distorts it or cuts out important parts, cropping just a section may work better. Here’s how to crop pictures to fit Facebook properly:

  1. Open the image in an editing tool that allows cropping like Photos, Preview, GIMP, Paint.NET, etc.
  2. Select the Crop tool.
  3. Drag the crop box to highlight the part of the photo you want. For profile pictures, use a square crop. For cover photos, use a wide rectangular crop.
  4. Adjust the crop area to meet the size requirement. For profile pics make it 180×180 pixels. For covers, 820×312 pixels.
  5. Apply the crop and save the image.

Cropping is useful for profile pictures where you just want to feature a person’s face. For Facebook covers, cropping can focus on a specific part of a wider image like a landscape.

Using Facebook’s Image Compression Tool

Facebook provides its own image compression tool on desktop that lets you resize photos before uploading them:

  1. Click Photo/Video at the top of your Facebook feed.
  2. Select the images you want to resize.
  3. Click Options > Compress Photos.
  4. Adjust the compression slider to desired image quality.
  5. Click Apply Compression.
  6. Upload the compressed images to Facebook as usual.

This can optimize images without losing too much visible quality. However, for the best results it’s still better to resize using proper image editing tools beforehand.


Resizing images for Facebook doesn’t have to be a hassle. With the platform’s specific size requirements, following the proper steps ensures your photos will look great in feeds and profiles. The easiest way is using free online resizing tools that handle the dimensions for you. Or stick with your preferred image editing software and crop or resize manually there. Just remember to maintain aspect ratio, use high resolution originals, and save with minimal compression. With the right workflow, your photos on Facebook will impress friends and grab more likes.

Image Type Dimensions
Profile Picture 180 x 180 pixels
Cover Photo 820 x 312 pixels
Shared Images 2048 x 2048 pixels recommended

Here is a handy table summarizing the key Facebook image size requirements:

Recommended Image Editing Tools

Platform Software
Windows Photos, Paint 3D, Paint.NET, GIMP, IrfanView
Mac Preview, GIMP, IrfanView, GraphicConverter
Online PicResize, ResizeImage, ILoveIMG, Canva

Here are some top free tools on Windows, Mac, and online for resizing images for Facebook:

Tips for Maintaining Image Quality

  • Resize original photo at highest resolution
  • Maintain original aspect ratio
  • Use photos over 720p or 1080p resolution
  • Save resized images as JPG
  • Set resolution to 72 or 96 dpi
  • Avoid upscaling small images

When resizing photos for Facebook, keep these tips in mind to maintain the best image quality:

Why Image Size Matters on Facebook

With over 2 billion active users, Facebook needs to ensure smooth performance across vast numbers of devices and connections. By specifying image sizes, it optimizes images to:

  • Load quickly in news feeds
  • Display sharply on high and low resolution screens
  • Minimize data usage on mobile
  • Maintain visual consistency

Following the recommended dimensions also prevents unwanted cropping or blurring. Overall, it improves the experience for you and your friends viewing photos!

Choosing the Right Image Format

Facebook supports JPEG, PNG, GIF, and BMP image formats. JPEG is recommended for photos as it provides the best compression and optimization for internet use. PNG is preferable for images with transparency like logos and icons. GIFs are great for brief animated clips and memes. BMP files are very large and should be avoided.

Finding Original High Resolution Photos

The best way to get quality resized images for Facebook is to start with an original high resolution photo. If you only have compressed images, try finding the originals by:

  • Checking your camera or phone’s SD card
  • Looking through Dropbox or Google Photos archives
  • Re-downloading images from an online gallery or social media site
  • Scanning old high-quality prints

Higher resolution originals have more detail to work with when resizing and compressing.

Using Batch Processing for Multiple Images

If you need to resize a lot of photos for Facebook, batch processing can automate resizing and save huge amounts of time. Many free online tools like ResizeImage allow you to upload and resize entire folders of images in one go. Basic image editors like Paint.NET also have batch processing capabilities built in.

Simply set the desired dimensions like 820×312 pixels for Facebook covers, then drag and drop your whole folder of images. Hit resize, and all photos will be processed to those dimensions. Batch processing is a life-saver for large uploads!