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How do I resize a Facebook cover photo in Canva?

How do I resize a Facebook cover photo in Canva?

Facebook cover photos are sized 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. This is an unusual photo size that can be tricky to resize properly in design programs like Canva. However, with the right steps, you can easily create a correctly sized Facebook cover photo using Canva.

In this article, we’ll walk through the entire process step-by-step, covering:

  • The correct Facebook cover photo dimensions
  • How to set up your Canva design in the right size
  • Tips for designing eye-catching cover photos that look great on desktop and mobile
  • How to export your finished design with the proper size from Canva
  • Troubleshooting tips if your resized photo appears distorted on Facebook

Whether you’re branding your Facebook Page or creating a one-off cover photo, following these steps will ensure your cover looks crisp and professional. Let’s get started!

The Correct Dimensions for a Facebook Cover Photo

Facebook cover photos must be:

  • 820 pixels wide
  • 312 pixels tall

This creates an image with an aspect ratio of 2.63:1 – much wider than a standard photo.

It’s critical to get the width and height right in your design program before exporting. If the proportions are off, your cover photo will appear stretched, squished or pixelated once uploaded to Facebook.

Facebook suggests creating your design at a width of 851 pixels to allow for slight cropping during upload. We’ll follow that recommendation in Canva.

So in summary, the ideal cover photo size is:

  • 851 pixels wide
  • 312 pixels tall

Next, we’ll see how to set up a Canva design with these proportions.

Creating a Facebook Cover Photo Design in Canva

Here are the steps to create a new Facebook cover photo design in Canva:

1. Go to and log into your account. Canva has a free subscription option.

2. Click the “Create a Design” button to begin a new project.

3. On the left sidebar, hover over “Social Media” and select “Facebook Post”.

4. Click on “Facebook Cover” from the top menu.

You’ll then see a blank 851 x 312 pixel design, the perfect starting point for your cover photo.

Now you can start adding photos, text, graphics and other elements to your design.

If you want to use a specific photo, make sure to upload one with large enough dimensions. For best quality, your photo should be around 851 x 312 pixels.

Some other Canva tips:

– Resize elements by dragging the corner handles. Hold shift to maintain proportions.

– Layer photos and graphics using the Layers sidebar on the left.

– Try both the free and premium templates and stock photos.

– Add text and change fonts using the Text toolbar.

Take time to create an eye-catching composition that will represent your brand. The key content should sit within the left 430 pixels, since parts of the right side may be cut off on some devices.

Once your design is complete, we just need to export it at the proper size.

Exporting Your Facebook Cover Photo from Canva

When you’re ready to download your design, follow these steps:

1. Click the “Download” button in the top toolbar.

2. Select “JPEG” or another high-quality image format.

3. Under “File Size” choose “851 x 312px” to match the cover photo dimensions.

4. Click the green “Download” button.

Your finished cover photo will download with the ideal 851 x 312 pixel size.

You can now upload it to your Facebook Page or Profile. It will appear crisp and correctly sized.

TIP: Always double check the file dimensions if opening the cover photo on your computer first. It should show 851 x 312 pixels to ensure proper sizing.

Now let’s go over some tips for designing attractive, effective cover photos.

Design Tips for Great Looking Facebook Cover Photos

While the technical size requirements are important, you also want a cover photo that’s visually appealing.

Here are some design best practices:

– Use high-quality photos and graphics that represent your brand. Stock photos from Canva are a great option.

– Include your company name, logo or tagline so visitors immediately know they’re on your Page.

– Put key info like headlines, calls to action and contact details on the left side where they’ll show up better, especially on mobile.

– Add visual interest with textures, lighting effects and transparency. Don’t clutter the composition.

– Use contrasting colors that make your content stand out. Dark backgrounds with light text works well.

– Include faces, lifestyle imagery or product photos to connect with your audience.

– Design versions for desktop and mobile, since they’ll display differently.

– Try different layouts and test them before publishing your Page.

With some creativity and strategic elements, your cover photo can reinforce your brand identity on Facebook.

Next we’ll look at troubleshooting in case you run into issues.

Troubleshooting: Why Does My Cover Photo Look Blurry or Distorted?

After all this work getting the size right in Canva, you upload your cover photo to Facebook only to see it looking pixelated, blurry or warped. What happened?

Here are some possible causes and fixes if your resized cover photo appears distorted:

  • Double check the exported file dimensions. If Canva saved your design at the wrong size, you’ll need to re-export it at 851 x 312 pixels.
  • Low image resolution can cause blurriness. Use high-res source photos at least 851 x 312 pixels.
  • Uploading JPEGs at low quality settings introduces compression artifacts. Export again using high quality.
  • Over-compressing images in Canva to reduce file size can degrade quality. Try a higher quality export.
  • If your photo looks excessively warped, the proportions might be incorrect. Recreate the design with the right 851 x 312 pixel size.
  • Crooked lines or angles can indicate incorrect dimensions. Double check Canva saved the file at the proper 851 x 312 pixel size.

Debugging these kinds of technical issues takes patience, but is worth it for a cover photo that accurately represents your brand.


Optimizing your Facebook cover photo for the right size and appearance is crucial. With Canva’s user-friendly design tools and these steps, you can easily create stunning cover photos that grab attention:

  • Set up an 851 x 312 pixel design in Canva.
  • Craft an eye-catching composition with high-quality graphics and photos.
  • Strategically place key content on the left side.
  • Export your finished design at the proper 851 x 312 pixel size.
  • Troubleshoot blurry or distorted images by double checking the resolution and dimensions.

With a professional cover photo that’s sized correctly, you can extend your brand’s visual identity to your Facebook presence. Pair it with a compelling about section and profile picture, and your Page will attract and engage more followers.

So test different designs and see which cover photo resonates most with your audience. The right visuals combined with engaging content will have people clicking through to your Page to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about resizing Facebook cover photos in Canva:

Does Canva have the right Facebook cover photo dimensions?

Yes, when you select the Facebook Cover option in Canva it will automatically create an 851 x 312 pixel design, perfect for cover photos.

What if my cover photo looks pixelated on Facebook?

Pixelation is usually caused by uploading a low resolution image. Use high quality photos of at least 851 x 312 pixels. Also be sure to export from Canva as a high resolution JPEG.

What should I include in my Facebook cover photo?

Include your logo, brand name, tagline or other identifying information. Use compelling imagery that represents your company. And add essential text or icons near the left side where they’ll be most visible.

How do I customize a cover photo template in Canva?

Canva’s templates make design easy. Just upload your own photos or browse Canva’s stock library to swap out imagery. Change colors, text and other elements to reflect your brand.

What file format should I export my cover photo as?

JPEG is the best choice for cover photos. Make sure to export at high image quality. Canva defaults to 95% quality which will look great.

How do I make my cover photo look good on both desktop and mobile?

Position the most important visuals and text on the left side. This will always show up first on desktop and mobile. Do some testing to optimize the appearance on different devices.

Should I include my website URL on my cover photo?

Absolutely – this makes it easy for visitors to find and remember your site. Just be sure the text is large enough to be clearly legible.


Correctly sizing your Facebook cover photo ensures it looks visually appealing across desktop and mobile. By following this guide, you now have the knowledge to resize cover photos to the ideal 851 x 312 pixels using Canva.

Implement the design best practices covered here, and your cover photo will capture attention and reflect your brand or business. Be sure to export the finished file at the right dimensions for a crisp, professional appearance on your Facebook profile or page.