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How do I reset my video recommendations on Facebook?

How do I reset my video recommendations on Facebook?

If you feel like the videos showing up in your Facebook feed don’t match your interests, you can easily reset your video recommendations. Resetting your video recommendations allows Facebook to start over in determining what kinds of videos you might like to see.

Why would I want to reset my video recommendations?

There are a few common reasons why you might want to reset your Facebook video recommendations:

  • Your current recommendations don’t match your interests – You may be seeing lots of videos about topics you don’t care about or find irrelevant.
  • You’ve changed interests – If your interests have evolved over time, the videos Facebook is recommending likely need to be updated.
  • You want more variety – Resetting gives Facebook a clean slate to offer new and different video options you haven’t seen before.
  • You’re seeing inappropriate content – Resetting can help remove unwanted or inappropriate videos from your feed.

Resetting your video recommendations gives Facebook a fresh start at learning about the kinds of videos you want to see. Over time, the platform’s algorithm learns from your viewing behavior, likes, comments, and other interactions. But if it feels like the recommendations are off base, resetting can help recalibrate the algorithm.

How do I reset my Facebook video recommendations?

Resetting your Facebook video recommendations only takes a few clicks. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook feed
  2. Click on the three horizontal line menu icon in the top right corner
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu
  4. Click on “Settings”
  5. Select “Videos” under the “Preferences” heading
  6. Click on the three dots next to “Videos you watch”
  7. Choose “Reset video recommendations”
  8. Confirm that you want to reset your recommendations

And that’s it! Facebook will now restart the process of determining videos that it thinks you might want to watch. Over time, you should notice the videos showing up in your feed start to better match your viewing interests.

How long does it take for my video recommendations to reset?

It usually takes about a week for the effects of resetting your video recommendations to fully take hold. During this time, you’ll likely see a mix of familiar and new videos appear in your feed as Facebook’s algorithm recalibrates.

Don’t expect an immediate drastic change though. Facebook will be testing out new video options gradually to see how you respond. So the shift will be gradual, but over the course of a week your recommendations should feel noticeably different.

Be sure to actively provide Facebook with viewing signals during this time to help refine your new recommendations. Watch videos all the way through if they interest you, like videos you find engaging, and comment on videos you feel strongly about. This will guide the algorithm into better understanding the types of videos you want to prioritize.

Can I remove specific videos from my recommendations?

Yes, you can remove specific videos from your recommendations in addition to fully resetting everything. Here’s how:

  1. Click the three dots icon next to a video post in your feed
  2. Select “Why am I seeing this?” from the dropdown menu
  3. Choose “Hide this video”
  4. Confirm that you want to hide it from future recommendations

This will remove that particular video from your feed, without affecting the rest of your recommendations. Use this option to target specific videos that you don’t want to see again.

What else can affect the videos I’m recommended?

In addition to resetting your recommendations and hiding videos, there are a few other factors that can impact the video suggestions you see:

  • Pages and accounts you’ve liked or followed – Videos from these accounts will be prioritized
  • Engagement with friends’ posts – Videos your friends watch and engage with may be suggested
  • Ad topics – Facebook may recommend videos related to ads you’ve clicked or interacted with
  • Location – Videos trending in your area may appear higher in your feed
  • Age and gender – Recommendations can be tailored demographically

So if you’re still not seeing expected results after resetting, examine some of these other signals that Facebook uses to personalize your video recommendations.

Should I reset my video recommendations regularly?

There is no set rule for how often you should reset your video recommendations. Some people like to reset them every few months to regularly get fresh suggestions. But that might be too often if your interests don’t change that frequently.

A good benchmark is to reset your recommendations any time you notice your Facebook feed feeling stale or irrelevant. As your interests evolve over time, resetting allows the algorithm to keep up. Stay on the lookout for videos that don’t resonate with you anymore as a sign it may be time for a reset.

Are there other ways to influence the videos I’m recommended?

In addition to resetting your recommendations, you can take a few other actions to influence the types of videos you see:

  • Actively like, comment on, and share videos that represent your interests. This gives positive feedback to Facebook.
  • Use the “Why am I seeing this?” dropdown to choose to see more or fewer videos from a particular page or source.
  • If available, select “Not interested” on videos that Facebook recommends that you don’t want to see.
  • View videos all the way through if you want to signal you liked them. Incomplete views may be seen as disinterest.

Giving Facebook clear signals through your viewing behavior and interactions is key. The platform can’t learn your true interests if you passively consume content.

Can I choose to stop seeing videos entirely?

If you don’t want videos showing up in your Facebook feed at all, you can disable video recommendations:

  1. Go to the “Videos” section under “Settings & Privacy”
  2. Toggle off the setting for “Show videos recommended for you”

This will stop videos from automatically playing in your feed. You can still view videos directly on Facebook by navigating to the dedicated Watch tab or searching for specific videos.


Resetting your Facebook video recommendations is an easy and effective way to improve the relevance of your video feed when it starts feeling repetitive or irrelevant. Give Facebook’s algorithm a fresh start by resetting every couple months or whenever you notice stale recommendations.

Keep providing clear feedback through your viewing behavior and interactions. Proactively hide or mark disinteresting videos as unwanted. And leverage other preference and privacy controls if you want to limit video suggestions and targeting.

With a mix of resets, explicit feedback, and actively engaging with videos you like, you can achieve a Facebook video feed that stays tailored to your evolving interests.

Step Action
1 Go to your Facebook feed
2 Click on the three horizontal line menu icon in the top right corner
3 Select “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu
4 Click on “Settings”
5 Select “Videos” under the “Preferences” heading
6 Click on the three dots next to “Videos you watch”
7 Choose “Reset video recommendations”
8 Confirm that you want to reset your recommendations

Summary of key points:

  • Reset your Facebook video recommendations if your current suggestions don’t match your interests.
  • It takes around 1 week to fully reset recommendations. Provide Facebook feedback during this time.
  • Hide specific unwanted videos in addition to fully resetting recommendations.
  • Regularly resetting every couple months can help keep suggestions fresh.
  • Actively interact with videos to give Facebook signals about your true interests.

Facebook’s video recommendation algorithm works best when you provide ongoing feedback through your viewing habits and engagement. Resetting periodically gives the algorithm a fresh start in making suggestions tailored to your interests.

With the steps provided above, you now have the knowledge to take control over the videos appearing in your Facebook feed. Follow these best practices for resetting recommendations and training the algorithm to achieve a video experience that informs, entertains, and engages.