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How do I reset my search bar on Facebook?

How do I reset my search bar on Facebook?

Resetting the search bar on Facebook can be useful if you are having issues with your searches not working properly or if you want to clear your search history. Fortunately, resetting the Facebook search bar is a quick and easy process. In this article, we will walk through the steps to reset your Facebook search bar on both desktop and mobile.

Quick Answer

Here are the quick steps to reset your Facebook search bar:

  • On Desktop: Click the down arrow at the far right of the search bar, then click “Clear Searches”
  • On Mobile: Tap the search bar to open search history, then tap “Clear Searches” at the top

This will immediately clear your search history and reset the search bar. Read on for more details and screenshots for both desktop and mobile.

Resetting Search Bar on Facebook Desktop

If you are accessing Facebook on a desktop browser, here are the steps to reset your search bar:

  1. Log into your Facebook account in a desktop browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc).
  2. In the top blue toolbar, locate the search bar on the far left. It will say “Search Facebook”.
  3. Click the small down arrow at the far right end of the search bar.
  4. A dropdown menu will appear. Click on “Clear Searches”.
  5. This will immediately clear your search history and reset the search bar.

That’s all there is to it! The search dropdown menu should now be empty when clicked and your search bar is reset to factory default state.


Here are some screenshots to illustrate the steps above:

Locate the search bar in the top blue toolbar

Click the down arrow on the far right of the search bar

Select “Clear Searches” to reset the search bar

Resetting Search Bar on Mobile Facebook App

The process is very similar when accessing Facebook on your smartphone via the mobile app:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone, Android or other mobile device
  2. Tap inside the search bar at the top. This will open your search history.
  3. Tap on “Clear Searches” at the very top of the search history list
  4. This will immediately reset your search bar and clear search history


Here is the mobile reset search bar process with screenshots:

Tap inside the search bar in the Facebook mobile app

Tap on “Clear Searches” at the top of search history

Search bar is now reset on mobile

Why Reset Facebook Search Bar?

There are a few reasons why you may want to reset your Facebook search bar:

  • Search history is not clearing properly
  • Search results seem stuck or frozen
  • Seeing irrelevant or odd recommendations in search
  • Want a fresh start with search and recommendations
  • Troubleshooting search-related issues or bugs
  • Privacy reasons – erase search history

Resetting the search bar essentially clears out any stuck search data or odd caching that may be going on in the background. It wipes the slate clean and starts you off fresh.

Does Resetting Search Delete My Friends?

No, resetting your Facebook search bar does NOT remove any of your friends or delete anything else on your profile. The only thing it clears is your search history and data related specifically to the search functionality.

All of your friends, profile info, posts, photos, etc will remain completely intact after resetting the search bar. You don’t have to worry about losing any important data.

Does This Work on Messenger Too?

Unfortunately, the steps outlined above only work for resetting the main Facebook search bar, not Messenger search. Messenger is considered a separate app from Facebook, so it has its own independent search history and no way to reset it.

However, there is a workaround you can use to reset Messenger search on mobile:

  1. Go to Settings > Apps on your phone
  2. Find and select Messenger
  3. Tap “Storage” then “Clear Cache”
  4. This will wipe the Messenger app cache which includes search data

Beyond that, there is no direct way to reset Messenger search bar like you can on Facebook main app and desktop site.

Troubleshooting Resetting Search Bar

Resetting the search bar is typically straightforward. But here are some troubleshooting tips in case you run into any issues:

  • Make sure you are clicking the correct down arrow on desktop. It’s the one on the far right of search bar.
  • Double check you clear searches after opening search history on mobile.
  • Try force quitting and relaunching the Facebook app if search isn’t resetting.
  • For desktop browser, do a hard refresh of Facebook page after clearing.
  • Still seeing old search data? It may take some time for results to fully clear out.
  • Try logging out and back into Facebook on all devices.

The vast majority of the time, the above steps should work to successfully reset your Facebook search. But if for some reason you are still seeing issues, try the troubleshooting tips above or contact Facebook support for further help.


Clearing your Facebook search history and resetting the search bar is a simple process – just click the down arrow and select “Clear Searches” on desktop or mobile app.

Resetting your search can help resolve a variety of issues, refresh your recommendations, or simply give you a fresh start. And you don’t have to worry about losing any friends or profile data.

Use this guide anytime your Facebook search needs a quick reset. Just a couple taps and you’ll be back up and running with a clean search bar.