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How do I reset my FB feed?

How do I reset my FB feed?

Resetting your Facebook feed can help declutter your timeline and show you more relevant posts from friends, family, Pages and Groups you care about. Here are some tips for resetting your Facebook feed to customize what you see.

Why Reset Your Facebook Feed?

Some common reasons for resetting your Facebook feed include:

  • Seeing too many posts from people you don’t interact with often
  • Missing posts from close friends and family
  • Your feed seems cluttered with unimportant content
  • Posts are not displayed chronologically anymore
  • You want to rediscover old connections and Pages you like

Resetting your feed clears out your history of likes, comments, clicks and other engagements. This allows posts you interact with more frequently to bubble back up in your timeline.

How to Temporarily Reset Your Feed

Here are some quick ways to temporarily reset your Facebook feed and see new content:

Refresh Your Browser or App

Closing and reopening your Facebook tab in your browser or mobile app will refresh your timeline and may surface different posts. This is the simplest way to reset your feed for new content.

Log Out and Back In

Logging out of Facebook and then logging back in again can also refresh your feed and activity history. You may see slightly different content when you log back in.

Use Facebook’s “See First” Tool

Facebook’s “See First” tool lets you manually control which friends, Pages, Groups and public figures show up at the top of your feed. You can add or remove people from this list to give your feed a soft reset.

To use it:

  1. Go to your shortcuts on the left side of Facebook
  2. Click “See First”
  3. Add or remove people, Pages and Groups

Posts from these accounts will then be prioritized higher in your timeline when you scroll through your feed.

How to Do a Hard Reset of Your Feed

For a more complete reset of your Facebook feed, you’ll need to clear out your full history of interactions:

Reset Interactions in Your Activity Log

Facebook keeps track of every post, person and Page you interact with in your Activity Log. You can remove these to reset your feed:

  1. Go to your Facebook Activity Log
  2. Click “Your Interactions” at the top
  3. Click the X icon next to each item to remove it from your history

This deletes all your likes, comments, clicks, reactions and other engagements.

Unlike All Pages

Pages take up a large part of many Facebook feeds. You can reset your Page recommendations specifically by unliking all Pages:

  1. Go to your Page likes list
  2. Unlike each Page one by one

Your feed will no longer show posts from these Pages. You can re-like Pages you want to see again later.

Leave Groups and Events

Leaving the Facebook Groups and Events you’ve joined will also remove their related posts from your feed.

To leave Groups:

  1. Go to your Group list
  2. Leave each Group you’re no longer interested in

To leave Events:

  1. Go to your Events list
  2. Click “Leave” on any outdated Events

Tips for Managing Your Feed

Here are some additional tips for managing your Facebook feed after resetting it:

  • Customize notifications for close friends to always show their posts.
  • Follow interesting Pages related to your hobbies and interests.
  • Join active Groups where you can engage in discussions.
  • Check notifications and messages often to stay up-to-date.
  • Hide irrelevant posts using the menu in the upper-right corner.
  • Add friends to your Restricted list if you don’t want to Unfriend them.

Prioritize Who You Hear From First

Facebook’s “Prioritize Who to See First” tool lets you manage the order your feed displays content:

  1. Go to “News Feed Preferences” in your Settings
  2. Select “Prioritize Who to See First”
  3. Drag and drop connections into your desired order

This ensures posts from your closest friends and family are at the top of your feed.

Clean Up Old Posts

You can also do a spring cleaning of your own Facebook profile to remove outdated posts and activity. This helps reset your digital footprint:

  1. Go to your Activity Log and click “Your Posts”
  2. Click the X icon on any posts you want to remove
  3. Delete old posts from your timeline

This clears out your previous statuses, links, photos and other personal posts.

Alternatives to Resetting Your Feed

If you don’t want to fully reset your feed, here are a couple alternatives to refresh your timeline:

Adjust Post Ranking Preferences

You can customize how Facebook ranks different post types in your feed, prioritizing content from close connections:

  1. Go to “News Feed Preferences”
  2. Adjust the sliders for different post types

For example, you can increase the importance of posts from friends and decrease posts from Pages and Groups.

Snooze Certain People or Pages

Rather than unfollow or unlike people, you can also temporarily snooze them:

  1. Click the menu in the top-right of their posts
  2. Select “Snooze” for 30 days, or indefinitely

Snoozing stops their posts from appearing in your feed temporarily.

The Benefits of Resetting Your Facebook Feed

Resetting your Facebook feed can provide a number of benefits:

  • See more relevant, timely posts from close connections
  • Less clutter from old Groups, Events and Pages
  • Rediscover friends and connections you’ve lost touch with
  • Customize the mix of content you see on your timeline
  • Take a break from social media by removing distractions

Overall, resetting your Facebook feed helps declutter your timeline and focus on the friends, family, interests and communities you care about most. It gives you more control over the social media experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about resetting your Facebook feed:

Does resetting my Facebook feed delete anything?

Resetting your Facebook feed does not delete any of your posts, photos, personal information or connections. All it does is clear out your history of interactions so the algorithm resets how posts are ranked and displayed.

Will I lose my messages if I reset my Facebook feed?

No, resetting your feed does not affect your Facebook messages, comments or Messenger conversations in any way. It only changes what posts you see.

Can I undo resetting my Facebook feed?

There’s no automated way to undo resetting your Facebook feed. But you can refollow Pages you like and rejoin Groups you want to see posts from again. Your connections and interactions will gradually rebuild over time.

Will resetting my Facebook feed hurt my business Page?

Resetting your personal Facebook feed should not affect any business Pages you manage. Pages have separate algorithms, followers and interactions.

Do I have to reset my entire Facebook feed?

No – you can choose to only reset certain parts of your feed, like unfollowing Pages or leaving irrelevant Groups. The full reset is optional if you want a completely fresh start.


Resetting your Facebook feed gives you an opportunity to tidy up your timeline and see more of what matters to you. Use the Activity Log tools to clear your history, prune your likes and followers, and prioritize the friends and family you want to see most. Customizing your feed helps you take control of your Facebook experience.

Pros of Resetting Feed Cons of Resetting Feed
See more relevant posts Lose interesting Pages/Groups
Less clutter and noise Have to refollow/rejoin Pages/Groups
Discover old friends and Pages Can be time consuming
Take a break from Facebook Temporarily lose photos, videos, posts

More Tips for Facebook

Here are some additional Facebook tips and tricks:

Organize Friends into Lists

Categorize your friends into lists like Close Friends, Work Colleagues, Acquaintances, etc. You can then customize when you see each list in your feed.

Join Interesting Facebook Groups

Groups let you connect with people worldwide who share your hobbies, passions and opinions. Find active groups of your communities.

Adjust Notification Settings

Choose exactly which notifications you want for new posts, messages, events, birthdays and other Facebook happenings.

Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts like ‘L’ to like posts and ‘C’ to comment can save you time scrolling and tapping on Facebook.

I hope these tips help you reset and optimize your Facebook feed! Let me know if you have any other questions.