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How do I reset my DoubleDown Casino?

How do I reset my DoubleDown Casino?

DoubleDown Casino is a popular free online casino game. Like any game, there may come a time when you want to reset your casino account and start fresh. Resetting your DoubleDown Casino account is a relatively straightforward process that can be done directly through the game’s settings. Here is a detailed look at how to reset your DoubleDown Casino account.

Why Would You Want to Reset Your DoubleDown Casino Account?

There are a few key reasons why DoubleDown Casino players may want to restart their accounts:

  • You want to erase your stats and progress and start the games over from scratch
  • You have changed devices and want to move your casino account to a new device
  • You are having issues with your current casino account and need to reset it to resolve them
  • You want to get a fresh start if you feel your current account has become unlucky

Resetting gives you a clean slate with your DoubleDown Casino account. All game progress and statistics will be erased, and you start over at the beginning. This can be advantageous if you want to replay games you’ve already completed or if you need to troubleshoot account issues.

The Reset Process

The process of resetting your DoubleDown Casino account is quite simple. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open the DoubleDown Casino game app on your device.
  2. Tap the menu icon in the top-left corner.
  3. Select the “Support” option.
  4. Choose “Reset Account” from the available options.
  5. Confirm that you want to reset your account when prompted.

It typically only takes a few seconds for the reset to fully process. After your account has been reset, you will be returned to the main casino screen and can start playing as a brand new user.

What Gets Reset?

Resetting your DoubleDown Casino account erases all progress and statistics in the game. Here are the key things that will be reset:

  • Your games progress and level-ups will be reset.
  • Any chips you have earned or purchased will be gone.
  • Your transaction and purchase history will be erased.
  • Your player statistics and records will be wiped clean.
  • Your DoubleDown friends list will be cleared out.
  • Any gifts, bonuses, or promotions you had will be removed.
  • Your player profile and any customizations will revert to default.

Essentially, it’s like starting a brand new account from scratch. Your entire DoubleDown Casino experience will be erased and reset with the account reset.

What Does Not Get Reset

While most of your DoubleDown Casino account details will be erased, there are a couple of things that will remain unchanged after a reset:

  • Your player ID will remain the same.
  • Any purchases you’ve made with real money will still be associated with your player ID.
  • The email associated with the account will stay the same.

This means any money you’ve deposited into DoubleDown will be retained following a reset. Your player information is server-side and cannot be changed through an account reset.

Does Resetting Affect Purchased Chips?

As mentioned above, any chips you’ve purchased with real money are tied to your player ID, not your individual account. So resetting your account does not take away or erase any chips you’ve bought:

  • Purchased chips are not reset or removed when your account is reset.
  • You’ll have to repurchase chips if you want premium chips after a reset.
  • Free bonus chips awarded by DoubleDown will be removed after a reset.
  • Any unused purchased chips will be available after the reset.

Resetting is a good way to erase free bonus chips but leave purchased chips intact. This gives you a fresh start without losing money you’ve spent in the game.

How Often Can You Reset Your Account?

DoubleDown Casino limits how frequently you can reset your account as an anti-fraud measure. According to their policies:

  • You can only reset your casino account once per month.
  • Each player is allowed a maximum of 3 resets per year.
  • Resetting more than allowed can get your account banned.

Trying to constantly reset and replay the games is prohibited. Make sure to only reset your DoubleDown Casino account when genuinely needed.

Does Resetting Boost Your Luck?

Some players believe that resetting their account can improve their luck and win rate in DoubleDown Casino games. But is this really true?

  • The games use certified random number generators (RNG).
  • Wins and losses are determined randomly, not by your account.
  • Resetting doesn’t impact the odds or change the RNG parameters.
  • There is no proven advantage to resetting your luck.

While it can feel like a fresh start gives you better luck, in reality resetting your account has no bearing on your chances of winning. The games and RNGs remain unchanged. Don’t reset solely to try to boost your winning odds.

Can You Reverse an Account Reset?

Once you reset your DoubleDown Casino account, the process cannot be undone. Here is important info to know about reversing a reset:

  • There is no way to undo or reverse an account reset.
  • Your reset account cannot be recovered to its previous state.
  • All previous account details and data are permanently erased.
  • You have to start your casino account completely over after reset.

The reset essentially deletes all your account data on the game servers. There are no backups or way to retrieve this after a reset. So only reset if you are absolutely sure!

Steps to Take Before Resetting Your Account

Because the reset process is permanent, you’ll want to take some steps before resetting your DoubleDown Casino account:

  • Install the game on your new device if switching devices.
  • Disconnect any social media links connected to your account.
  • Use up any chips or other consumables in your account.
  • Cancel any pending transactions or withdrawals.
  • Screenshot your game stats if you want records.

This will allow you to save any important account details, as well as prepare your new device. That way your reset account is ready to go right away.

Alternative Options to Resetting

Before pulling the trigger on resetting your DoubleDown Casino account, consider if these alternative options might work instead:

  • Contact DoubleDown support for help troubleshooting account issues.
  • Switch to playing different DoubleDown games if bored with current games.
  • Take a short break from playing instead of resetting your progress.
  • Remove and reinstall the game app if experiencing performance issues.
  • Change your profile picture or name to freshen up your account.

In many cases resetting may be unnecessary. Think carefully before resetting your account and losing all your casino game progress permanently.

Can You Reset and Keep Your Chips?

A common question asked by players is whether it’s possible to reset their DoubleDown Casino account but somehow keep all their accumulated chips and progress. Unfortunately, this is not possible:

  • Chips and progress are directly tied to your account.
  • Reset erases all chips, bonuses, gifts, and progress.
  • Only purchased chips are retained following an account reset.
  • There is no way to selectively reset parts of your account.

Resetting your account gives you a fresh start across the board. There is no way to reset parts while retaining your chips and gameplay progress. Those will be lost with the reset.

Reset FAQs

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about resetting your DoubleDown Casino account:

Does resetting improve your luck?

No, resetting has no effect on the luck of your account. The games use RNGs to determine wins randomly.

Can you get back chips after a reset?

No, all free chips are permanently lost following an account reset. Purchased chips remain, however.

Do resets return rewards and bonuses?

No, any claimed rewards, level-up bonuses, gifts, or other bonuses are erased after an account reset.

Can you reset only game progress?

No, there is no way to selectively reset only parts of your DoubleDown Casino account.

Does resetting help resolve issues?

Yes, often resetting your account can fix certain technical issues you may be experiencing.

The Bottom Line

Resetting your DoubleDown Casino account erases all progress and starts you over from scratch. Make sure to only reset when absolutely necessary, as the process is permanent. Try troubleshooting issues before resetting. While purchased chips remain, all free chips, rewards, and bonuses will be lost, so use them up beforehand if possible. Overall, reset with care and only when needed to maximize your DoubleDown Casino fun.