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How do I request to be added as admin on Facebook page?

How do I request to be added as admin on Facebook page?

Managing a Facebook page as an admin can be very useful for maintaining and growing the page. As an admin, you have full access to post content, respond to users, analyze page insights, and manage advertising campaigns. However, you cannot add yourself as an admin on a Facebook page you do not already manage.

If you need admin access to a Facebook page, you will need to request to be added by a current admin. Here are some tips on how to properly request admin access for a Facebook page:

Identify the Current Admins

First, you’ll want to find out who the current admins are for the Facebook page. To do this:

  • Visit the Facebook page and look for any mentions of admins in the page description or posts
  • Check to see if the page has a link to an “About” section that lists admins
  • Look at past posts on the page to identify any admins who have posted content or responded to users
  • See if the page has a link to contact the admins – this may list admin names

Once you’ve identified one or more current admins, make a note of their names so you know who to contact.

Reach Out Privately

Next, you’ll want to privately message the admin(s) to make your request for access. Avoid posting a request publicly on the Facebook page, as that may come across as unprofessional.

To privately message the admin(s):

  • Go to the admin’s personal Facebook profile and click “Message” to send them a private message
  • Or, send the admin an email if you have their contact information

Make your request in a clear and professional way. Here is an example message you could send:

“Hi [Admin’s Name], I’m [Your Name], and I work with [Company or Organization]. I was hoping I could be added as an admin on the [Page Name] Facebook page. Managing the page would help me with [goals for managing page]. Please let me know if you need any additional details from me. Thank you for considering my request!”

Provide Context on Your Role

When messaging the admin, explain why you need access and how managing the page fits into your current role. Providing clear context on why admin permissions would help you will make your request more compelling.

For example, you could say:

  • “As the social media manager for [Company], having admin access would allow me to post content, respond to customers, and analyze page growth.”
  • “I’m the vice president of [Organization] and admin access would help me share news and events with our members.”
  • “I’m a content creator working on behalf of [Brand], and admin permissions would let me manage posts and campaigns.”

Offer Value as an Admin

Along with explaining your role, also highlight the value you could bring to the Facebook page as an admin. For example:

  • “With my social media marketing expertise, I could create engaging content that reaches new audiences.”
  • “I could use my community management skills to respond promptly and professionally to user comments and messages.”
  • “I know how to analyze Facebook Insights to improve page performance and growth.”

Emphasizing the expertise, skills, and value you would bring gives the current admin more incentive to add you.

Suggest Limited or Temporary Access

To make the admin more comfortable granting you access, suggest limited or temporary admin permissions at first. For example:

  • “Could I be added as an admin for a 3-month trial period to demonstrate I can help manage the community positively?”
  • “Would it be possible to get admin access just for posting content and responding to messages for now?”
  • “Can I be added as a second admin on the page rather than the primary owner?”

Proposing limited access gives the current admin more control and ability to monitor your activity as an admin.

Follow Up Professionally

After messaging the admin with your request, give them time to consider it rather than following up too quickly or frequently. Follow up after 1-2 weeks if you haven’t heard back.

When following up, remain professional and reiterate your interest. Here is an example follow-up message:

“Hi [Name], just wanted to follow up on my previous request to be added as an admin for [Page]. Please let me know if you need any other details from me. I’m still very interested in contributing as an admin, so I hope we can find a way to make that work. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!”

Avoid demanding admin access or putting too much pressure on the current admin. Stay positive in your follow-ups.

Partner With Other Admins

If one admin is not responsive to your request, see if you can partner with another existing admin to endorse your request. Having an internal advocate makes getting added much more likely.

Reach out privately to other admins you identified earlier and explain why you want to manage the page. If supportive, they can help recommend you be added, or even add you directly if they have sufficient permissions.

Offer to Share Admin Tasks

Managing a popular Facebook page can become time-consuming. Offer to share the workload and help take tasks off the current admins’ plates.

Explain how you can help ease the demands on existing admins by taking responsibility for certain tasks like:

  • Creating and scheduling posts
  • Monitoring comments and messages
  • Putting together analytics reports
  • Managing ads and promotions

Position yourself as someone who can effectively help manage Facebook page responsibilities and fill any gaps in the current admin team.

Meet with Admins In Person

For a local business or organization’s Facebook page, see if the admins are open to meeting in person to discuss your request for access.

A face-to-face meeting can help:

  • Build rapport and establish trust
  • Allow you to explain in more depth how you would manage the page
  • Answer any questions or concerns admins have
  • Develop a shared vision for the page

Meeting in real life puts a more personal touch on your request and shows your commitment to the Facebook page community.

Suggest Page Ownership Changes

For business or organization pages where the current admins are less active, propose taking over more formal page ownership, when appropriate.

Rather than just asking to be “added” as an admin, you could message the current primary owner saying:

“I noticed you are less active in managing the page nowadays. I’m very invested in keeping the community vibrant. Would you consider transferring primary ownership of the page to me so I can officially oversee operations?”

This gives the current top admin a graceful way to step back while ensuring someone committed takes the lead. However, tread carefully in suggesting major page ownership changes.

Provide Examples of Your Past Work

To demonstrate your expertise in managing pages, provide real examples of Facebook pages or other social media accounts you currently administer.

Share links to the pages and highlight your achievements, such as:

  • Increasing followers/engagement
  • Improving quality of conversations
  • Creating viral content
  • Building partnerships/sponsors

Proof of your skills in action will give admins much more confidence in your abilities.

Suggest a Trial Run

Propose doing a trial run managing the Facebook page for a set period of time, such as two weeks. This gives you a chance to demonstrate your abilities.

During the trial run, commit to:

  • Posting quality content regularly
  • Responding to messages and comments
  • Following page rules and guidelines
  • Drafting short analytics reports

To make the trial successful, put your best foot forward and deliver exceptional community management. This “audition” for the admin role can directly lead to you getting permanently added.


Gaining admin access to an existing Facebook page allows you to fully manage, contribute to, and grow the community. Use these tips to professionally and persuasively request admin permissions from current page owners. With the right approach, you can become an admin and help take the Facebook page to the next level.

Tip Details
Identify Current Admins Check page info, posts, contact links to find names of people who currently manage the page.
Reach Out Privately Message admins individually rather than posting a public request.
Provide Context on Your Role Explain why you need access based on your current job, organization, or partnership.
Offer Value as an Admin Highlight expertise and skills you bring to benefit the community.
Suggest Limited Access Propose being added as second admin or for a trial period.
Follow Up Professionally Circle back if you don’t hear back initially, but avoid pressuring.
Partner with Other Admins Get existing admins to endorse and facilitate your request.
Offer to Share Workload Emphasize helping manage tasks to ease demands on current admins.
Meet In Person For local pages, suggest an in-person meeting to build relationships.
Suggest Ownership Changes If top admin is less active, propose taking over primary ownership.
Provide Examples Show your expertise by sharing pages you already manage successfully.
Suggest a Trial Run Volunteer to manage page for limited trial period to demonstrate skills.