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How do I request a review on Facebook for restricted?

How do I request a review on Facebook for restricted?

Having your Facebook account restricted can be frustrating. You may find yourself locked out of your account, unable to post, comment, or interact with friends. If you believe your account has been incorrectly restricted, you can request a review from Facebook to potentially get your full access restored.

Why Was My Facebook Account Restricted?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may restrict an account:

  • Violating Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards – Things like posting abusive content, spamming, or using a fake name can get your account restricted.
  • Suspicious activity – If Facebook detects suspicious login attempts or unusual account activity, they may restrict the account as a security precaution.
  • Imposter account – Having multiple accounts or an account impersonating another person will likely lead to restrictions.
  • Age violation – Facebook requires users to be 13 years or older. Accounts registered by those under 13 may be restricted.
  • Court order – Facebook may restrict accounts in response to valid legal requests or court orders.
  • Copyright violations – Repeatedly posting copyrighted content like songs, videos, or images without permission can trigger restrictions.

If you believe your account has been incorrectly flagged for any of these reasons, you can request a review from Facebook.

How to Request a Review for a Restricted Account

If your account is restricted, you will see a notification explaining the reason and the type of restriction applied. Depending on the nature of the restriction, you may see options immediately to request a review or lift the restriction.

Here are the steps to request a review if this option is not readily available or your initial review request is denied:

  1. Access the Facebook Help Center. You can search for “restricted account” or go to
  2. Click on the option for “My personal account is restricted” and then “My account was disabled and I’m not sure why.”
  3. This will bring you to the Account Disabled: Request a Review form. Fill out your name, associated email or mobile number, and any details on why you believe your account was incorrectly disabled.
  4. Click the “Send” button to submit your review request.
  5. You may be asked to verify your identity by providing a copy of your photo ID. Make sure to cover up any sensitive information like your full date of birth or ID number.

Once submitted, the Facebook review team will take a look at your account status and information provided. Here is what to expect in the review process:

Review Process and Timing

  • It may take up to 1 business day for Facebook to respond to your initial request.
  • If Facebook needs more information, they will follow up with you via email.
  • The review process typically takes 1-2 weeks, but can sometimes take over a month depending on the complexity of the case.
  • You will receive an email notification from Facebook once the review is complete with the determination.

Possible Outcomes of Restriction Review

Here are the potential outcomes once Facebook completes the review:

  • Account restriction lifted – Your account is restored to full functionality.
  • Account permanently disabled – If Facebook determines a severe policy violation occurred, your account may remain permanently disabled.
  • Temporary restriction upheld – If Facebook needs more time to investigate or you have repeat violations, the temporary restriction period may be extended.
  • Partial restoration – In some cases, Facebook may choose to lift only certain restrictions but leave others in place.

Tips for Getting Your Facebook Restriction Lifted

Here are some tips to potentially improve your chances of success during the review process:

  • Provide honest, detailed information in your initial request. Explain why you believe the restriction was a mistake or incorrect.
  • Be polite and respectful. Angry, abusive, or threatening language will not help your case.
  • Do not spam repeated requests, as this may be flagged as harassment.
  • If compromised, change your password and enable two-factor authentication prior to review request.
  • Double check you have followed all Facebook policies. Avoid gray areas.
  • Remove any questionable recent posts or friends/followers that may have triggered the restriction.
  • Explain any special circumstances around the violation, like it being an accident or misunderstanding.

Having an otherwise well-maintained account history also works in your favor during a review. The more you can demonstrate the restriction was an isolated incident and that you intend to follow Facebook’s rules, the better.

What to Do If Your Appeal is Denied

If your initial appeal is denied and your account remains restricted, here are some potential next steps:

  • Carefully review the reason given for upholding the restriction. Look for any details that may explain Facebook’s decision or things you can improve.
  • Request a second review and emphasize how you have addressed any issues since the first appeal.
  • Submit a new review request after 1-2 weeks have passed from the initial denial.
  • Remove all questionable content from your account to demonstrate good faith efforts.
  • If applicable, explain how you have upgraded security, changed passwords, verified information, etc. to secure your account.

While multiple appeals are allowed, continuing to submit requests too frequently can be flagged as harassment. Make sure to allow plenty of time between follow-up requests.

Can I Create a New Facebook Account?

If your account remains permanently disabled after multiple appeals, Facebook does not allow creating a new account. Doing so will likely result in the new account being quickly deleted.

You can continue using Facebook through an existing secondary account not associated with the violation, if you have one. But you will not be able create any new accounts if your primary profile stays disabled.

Other Options to Contact Facebook

If you are not having success with the standard account review process, here are some other options to potentially contact Facebook:

  • Facebook Oversight Board – This independent body reviews some of Facebook’s most difficult content decisions. You can submit an appeal via the Oversight Board’s website.
  • Small claims court – In some cases users have sought legal recourse over disabled accounts through small claims courts.
  • Executive email escalation – As a last resort, you can try emailing executives like Mark Zuckerberg or Sheryl Sandberg via their public Facebook email addresses.

However, these avenues are complex with no guarantees. For most users, submitting thoughtful appeals through the Help Center has the best chance of success.

Preventing Future Facebook Restrictions

The best way to avoid having your Facebook account restricted is by being familiar with and abiding by all Facebook policies for acceptable use. Here are some top tips:

  • Use an authentic identity with your real name.
  • Avoid nudity, hate speech, bullying, harassment, and spam in your activity.
  • Do not purchase or sell prohibited goods through Facebook.
  • Get permission before posting other people’s private information.
  • Abide by Facebook’s rules for contests, promotions, and advertisements.
  • Carefully review copyright rules before posting videos or playing music.
  • Report other users who violate standards instead of responding with abusive content.

Keeping your account in good standing makes it less likely run into issues that trigger restrictions. But when mistakes happen, submit a thoughtful, honest review request for the best chance to regain your Facebook access.


Having your Facebook account restricted can be highly disruptive, separating you from connections with friends and family. But by understanding why restrictions happen and carefully working through the review process, many users are able to successfully restore their account access.

Provide Facebook with detailed information demonstrating the restriction was a mistake or misunderstanding. Be patient through the review period, which may take 1-2 weeks. If your initial request is denied, don’t give up. Follow up by removing questionable account activity, strengthening security, waiting a period of time, and submitting a new thoughtful request emphasizing your good faith efforts.

While frustrating, think of a restriction as a warning and opportunity to improve. Strengthen your understanding of Facebook’s rules. Take measures to secure your account. And follow all policies closely going forward to establish a longstanding positive record. With this approach, you have the best chance of regaining full use of your Facebook account through a successful restriction review.