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How do I report someone who blocked me on Facebook?

How do I report someone who blocked me on Facebook?

Being blocked by someone on Facebook can be frustrating and confusing. You may want to report their account if you feel they blocked you unfairly or are harassing you. Here’s what to do if someone blocks you on Facebook and how to report their account.

What happens when someone blocks you on Facebook?

If another Facebook user blocks you, it means they have restricted you from viewing their profile, posting on their timeline, messaging them, adding them as a friend, or inviting them to events. Basically, it cuts off all forms of contact and communication.

You will not get any notification that you’ve been blocked by someone. You’ll only realize it if you try to search for their profile or send them a message, and get an error saying content is unavailable. Their messages will no longer show up in your inbox either.

Why would someone block me on Facebook?

There can be a few reasons why someone may have blocked you on Facebook:

  • They find your posts or comments offensive or annoying
  • They want to avoid interactions with you due to past conflicts
  • You’ve had arguments or fights with them before
  • To block contact during a break-up or divorce
  • To avoid harassment or bullying from you
  • They just want more privacy from people they don’t interact with

In most cases, blocking is not meant to be a personal attack against you. It’s simply how some users manage their privacy and feed preferences on Facebook.

Should I report someone who blocked me on Facebook?

In general, there is no need to report someone just for blocking you on Facebook. Blocking is not against Facebook rules and is a personal decision users can make.

However, if someone is clearly abusing the block feature to harass you, or has blocked you for unfair reasons, you can consider reporting them. Here are some examples of when reporting a block may be justified:

  • They blocked you immediately after you rejected romantic advances or repeatedly asked you out
  • They spread false rumors about you and then blocked you to avoid confrontation
  • They are racially abusing you or attacking you based on gender, sexuality, religion etc.
  • They blocked you to sabotage professional connections and opportunities
  • They blocked your friends and family members along with you out of spite

Blocking in these cases can constitute harassment or bullying behavior, which goes against Facebook Community Standards.

How do I report someone who blocked me on Facebook?

If you feel the person blocking you has violated Facebook rules or applicable laws, here are the steps to report them:

  1. Open the Facebook Help Center by clicking the question mark icon at the top right.
  2. Go to the Submit a Report section and click “Something Else”.
  3. Choose “Report Profile” and enter the name of the person who blocked you.
  4. Select the option “This profile is pretending to be someone else”.
  5. Explain why you think this person has blocked you unfairly in the text box.
  6. Include any screenshots or chat history you have as proof.
  7. Click “Submit” to send your report to Facebook for review.

This will alert Facebook moderators to investigate the user blocking you. If they determine it violates standards, that person’s account may get disabled or suspended.

What happens after I report someone who blocked me?

After submitting your report, here’s what generally happens:

  • Facebook will first review your report to see if it warrants action against the user’s account.
  • If there is merit, they will start investigating the account and content in question.
  • The user who blocked you may get a notification that their account is being reviewed.
  • If Facebook finds they blocked you unfairly or harassively, their account may be suspended for a period of time.
  • In extreme cases like hate speech and threats, their account may be disabled permanently.
  • You will get an update from Facebook if action was taken against the reported account.

However, if Facebook decides the block does not actually violate their rules, they may not take any action. You can appeal the decision if you strongly disagree.

What should I do if Facebook doesn’t act on my report?

If you reported someone for blocking you unfairly but Facebook replies saying it does not go against their Community Standards, here are some tips:

  • Reply to the decision message and explain again why you feel the block was unjustified harassment.
  • Provide any additional evidence you may have missed earlier.
  • Check the Facebook Community Standards yourself to see if the block falls under prohibited behavior.
  • Use the “Request Review” option in your report response to appeal the decision.
  • You can also ask friends who know both of you to report the same person and situation to reinforce your complaint.
  • Consider simply letting it go and blocking the person back to prevent further contact from them.

However, keep in mind Facebook does have the final authority regarding policy enforcement on their platform. If they maintain the block does not warrant action after review, you may have to accept that decision.

What are some alternatives to reporting someone who blocked me?

Instead of reporting the person who blocked you right away, here are some more amicable options to consider first:

  • Message them from an alternate account: Politely ask why they felt the need to block you and if the issue can be resolved through discussion.
  • Send an email: If you have their contact info, email the person blocking you to clear up any misunderstandings.
  • Ask a mutual friend: See if a common friend can intervene and convey your wish to sort things out.
  • Reflect on your own conduct: Think about if you said or did something that may have provoked the block, and learn from it.
  • Let it go: If it’s not someone very close to you, simply move on and connect with more positive people.

In many cases, the block may have been a simple overreaction that can be reversed by extending an olive branch and having a constructive dialogue. This is preferable to escalating the situation through punitive measures like reporting.

Can I get unblocked by someone on Facebook?

If you wish to get unblocked by a Facebook user who restricted you, here are some tips that may help:

  • Send them a thoughtful apology and appeal to reconnect if you had disputes in the past.
  • Ask a mutual friend to put in a good word and convey that you have reflected on the situation.
  • Assure them you will refrain from the posts or behaviors they found offensive if you get unblocked.
  • Commit to respecting their boundaries and keeping communication constructive if they give you another chance.
  • Try following up periodically in a non-aggressive way if you don’t hear back after initial outreach.
  • Ultimately you have to accept it if they still refuse to unblock you, and move on.

However, there is no direct method within Facebook settings to get yourself unblocked by another user. They have to voluntarily withdraw the block on their end. Be patient and persistent in sending the right cues to the person so they reconsider.

Can I find out if someone blocked me on Facebook?

There is no definitive way to find out if you have been blocked by another Facebook user. Here are some signs that may indicate you have possibly been blocked:

  • Their profile and posts disappear from your searches and timeline.
  • Messages you send them show a single check and remain undelivered.
  • Chat conversations disappear and they cannot be reopened.
  • You disappear from their Friends list unexpectedly.
  • You can no longer add them as a friend or follow their public posts.
  • You stop getting notifications for their posts and life events.

If you notice one or more of these changes suddenly, it likely means you’ve been blocked. However, since Facebook does not show any confirmation, you cannot know 100% for sure if you have been blocked by someone.

What happens if someone blocks me on Messenger?

If another user blocks you specifically on Facebook Messenger, it will work similarly to blocking on Facebook itself:

  • All your messages and calls to them will no longer go through and remain undelivered.
  • Their messages will not show up in your inbox.
  • You will be removed from any Messenger group chats that they are a part of.
  • You will not see their online/last seen status and when they were last active on Messenger.
  • If they block you on Messenger only but not Facebook, you can still interact on Facebook normally.

So being blocked on Messenger essentially cuts off all forms of direct messaging with that person. As above, you will not get any explicit alert if someone blocks you – you will just notice your messages do not get responses anymore.

Should I block someone back who blocked me on Facebook?

If someone has restricted you on Facebook, blocking them back is an option but not strictly necessary in most cases:

  • If you have no need to view their profile or connect with them, letting it be requires no action from your end.
  • Blocking back can seem spiteful if they had genuine reason for blocking you.
  • Your block will not have any effect anyway as their posts and updates are already invisible to you.
  • Blocking back may further escalate the conflict between you two.
  • You can simply unfollow or unfriend them to get the same effect.

However, if seeing any glimpse of their public activity bothers you, blocking them back for your own peace of mind can be justified. Just don’t do it reflexively without evaluating your own motives.


Being blocked by someone on Facebook can certainly be upsetting and confusing at first. But take time to evaluate the circumstances before reacting. In cases of genuine harassment or unfair treatment, reporting the account to Facebook is an option. However escalating the situation should be a last resort. A constructive discussion is ideal if possible. Ultimately, move on positively from the experience and focus energy on other connections.