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How do I report a Facebook group I’m not a member of?

How do I report a Facebook group I’m not a member of?

Facebook groups allow people to come together around shared interests, causes, and activities. While most groups are positive communities, sometimes groups promote harmful, dangerous, or illegal behavior. If you come across a concerning group that you’re not a member of, you can still report it to Facebook for review. Here’s how.

Why You Should Report Harmful Groups

Reporting troubling groups helps keep the Facebook community safe. When you report a group, you’re letting Facebook know that it may violate the platform’s Community Standards or local laws. Some reasons you may want to report a group include:

  • The group promotes hate, violence, or criminal behavior
  • The group harasses, bullies, or threatens people
  • The group spreads misinformation or false news
  • The group scams people out of money

By reporting harmful groups, you help Facebook identify and remove content that has no place on the platform. This helps protect not just yourself, but the broader community.

How to Report a Group You’re Not a Member Of

If you come across a troubling Facebook group that you aren’t a member of, here are the steps to report it:

  1. Go to the group’s About page. You can find this by searching for the group name and clicking on the About tab on the group’s profile.
  2. Once on the About page, click on the three dots in the upper right corner next to the Join button.
  3. Select Report Group from the dropdown menu.
  4. Choose the option that best describes why you’re reporting the group.
  5. Explain in further detail why you feel the group violates Facebook’s rules.
  6. Click Submit to send your report to Facebook.

Detailed Step-By-Step Instructions

Here is more detail on how to navigate each step of the reporting process:

1. Go to the Group’s About Page

First, search for the concerning group by name and go to the group’s About page. For example, if the group is called “Spam Group,” you would search for “Spam Group” and click on the About tab on the page that comes up.

The About page has key information like the group’s description, rules, and moderators. It’s also where you can access the menu to report the group.

2. Click the Three Dots Menu

On the upper right of the About page, next to the Join button, you’ll see three small dots. Click on these dots to open up a dropdown menu.

3. Select Report Group

In the dropdown menu, click on Report Group. This will open up the reporting flow.

4. Choose a Reporting Category

Facebook will now ask why you want to report the group. Select the option that best reflects your concerns:

  • Hate Speech
  • Violence
  • Fraud or Scam
  • False News
  • Bullying
  • Harassment
  • Something Else

Choose the most specific category available so Facebook can better understand the issue.

5. Explain Why You’re Reporting

Next, Facebook will ask you to provide additional details on why you’re reporting the group. Be as specific as possible in this explanation. For example, you could say:

“This group frequently posts violent threats against people of a certain religion. Many of the posts call for physical harm and I’m concerned it will incite real-world violence.”

Providing details helps Facebook fully investigate the group.

6. Submit Your Report

Once you’ve chosen a category and written an explanation, click Submit to officially report the group to Facebook.

You’ve now done your part to keep Facebook safe! The group will be reviewed based on your report and Facebook’s policies.

What Happens After You Report a Group

When you report a Facebook group you aren’t a member of, here’s what happens next:

  • Your report is sent to Facebook for review by content moderators and Community Operations teams.
  • These teams investigate the group based on Facebook’s Community Standards and Content Policies.
  • If the group is found to violate Facebook’s rules, Facebook may:
    • Delete specific posts
    • Disable group comments
    • Disable group posting abilities
    • Remove the group’s administrators and moderators
    • Permanently delete the group
  • If the content doesn’t go against their policies, Facebook will allow the group to remain on the platform.
  • You’ll get a notification letting you know once the investigation is complete.

It may take some time for Facebook to fully investigate and take action. Each case is reviewed on an individual basis. Rest assured your report helps Facebook improve and enforce its standards.

Other Ways to Report Unlawful or Dangerous Groups

In addition to reporting groups through Facebook, here are other actions you can take if you discover an illegal or dangerous group:

Taking these additional steps can help get dangerous groups shut down and prevent real-world harm.

The Importance of Reporting Harmful Groups

Reporting troubling Facebook groups even if you aren’t a member serves an important purpose: it helps protect the well-being of the community. While Facebook has over 2 billion users, the company relies on people like you to identify groups that violate its rules or endanger people.

By reporting harmful groups, you’re helping make Facebook safer and more welcoming for everyone. You’re speaking up when you see something wrong, and actively bettering the digital world we all share. We applaud you for taking steps to create a kinder, less hostile online environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about reporting Facebook groups you aren’t a member of:

Why do I have to report groups if Facebook should be catching them anyway?

With billions of users posting content, Facebook relies on community feedback to identify rule-breaking groups. User reports bring problematic groups to Facebook’s attention for further investigation.

What happens if I report a group maliciously or falsely?

Facebook has processes in place to determine if reports are submitted in bad faith. Falsely reporting groups may lead to your account being disabled.

Can I report a group anonymously?

No, you have to use your Facebook account to submit a report. However, Facebook keeps the details of who reported a group private.

How long does it take for a reported group to be removed?

It depends on the severity and complexity of the issue. Straightforward policy violations may result in swift removal. Issues requiring further inquiry can take over a week to fully investigate.

What if I think Facebook made a mistake in not removing a group I reported?

You can request a second review if you feel Facebook erred in keeping a reported group active. New details often help, so include additional evidence of the group’s violations.


While most Facebook groups bring people together positively, some groups promote harmful behavior and content. If you come across one of these troubling groups, take the time to report it even if you aren’t a member. By alerting Facebook to groups that violate policies or endanger the community, you help make the platform safer for everyone.