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How do I remove the monetization policy issue on Facebook?

How do I remove the monetization policy issue on Facebook?

What is the Facebook monetization policy issue?

Facebook has strict policies around monetization and advertising on their platform. The monetization policy issue arises when you try to monetize or advertise in a way that goes against their guidelines. Some common triggers for this issue include:

  • Running ads without authorization
  • Using prohibited or misleading content in ads
  • Promoting prohibited products or services
  • Spamming people with unwanted ads

If you violate any of their monetization or advertising policies, Facebook will typically restrict your access to advertising tools and features. You’ll see an error message or notification about the policy issue when you try to create new ads or access monetization settings.

Why did I get the Facebook monetization policy issue?

There are a few potential reasons why you may have run into the Facebook monetization policy issue:

  • You created ads that violated one of Facebook’s policies – for example, promoting illegal or regulated goods/services, using misleading claims, or targeting underage users.
  • Your ad account has a history of policy violations, so Facebook automatically restricted your access.
  • Your Facebook Page or ad account was hacked and used to run inappropriate ads.
  • There was an error or glitch with Facebook’s systems that incorrectly flagged your account.

Most of the time, getting hit with the monetization policy issue means you or someone else ran afoul of Facebook’s rules around advertising and monetization. Check your ad creation history and content to identify any obvious violations.

How do I remove the monetization policy issue on Facebook?

Here are the main steps to take if you want to regain full monetization privileges on Facebook:

  1. Stop running any questionable ads immediately. If you currently have violating ads or content in your ad account, pause or delete them.
  2. Review Facebook’s advertising policies. Familiarize yourself with Facebook’s detailed ad policies and guidelines to avoid any further violations. Pay particular attention to sections on prohibited content, audience targeting, and ad formats.
  3. Request a review from Facebook. In your Facebook Ads Manager, look for the option to “Request Review” or submit an appeal. Facebook will then manually review your account and ads.
  4. Wait for Facebook’s response. The review process can take anywhere from 24 hours up to a few weeks. Be patient and avoid making changes during the review.
  5. Make any necessary account changes. If Facebook confirms you violated a policy, make the required changes to get back in good standing. You may need to remove content, edit ad targeting, or change your monetization methods.
  6. Retake Facebook’s ad policies course. First-time violations may require you to complete Facebook’s free advertising policies course and pass the exam to regain full access.
  7. Consider using an ad agency. For repeat violations or if you’re unsure how to fix the issues, it may help to have an agency manage your Facebook advertising and ensure compliance.

With the right changes and patience, you should be able to successfully appeal most first-time Facebook monetization policy issues. However, repeated or severe violations may result in permanent loss of advertising privileges. Tread carefully to avoid getting your accounts permanently restricted.

What happens if I don’t fix the issue?

If you don’t properly address the Facebook monetization policy issue, a few things could happen:

  • Your access to advertising products will remain restricted indefinitely.
  • You may receive penalties on other connected Facebook accounts.
  • Facebook could ban you from advertising on their platform permanently.
  • You’ll miss out on potential reach and revenue from Facebook ads.
  • Your Facebook Page visibility may decrease over time without ads.

Essentially, not fixing the issue means losing the ability to advertise and make money from your Facebook presence. The restrictions typically won’t lift until you successfully appeal the decision and comply with all policies.

Some key risks of ignoring this issue include:

Risk Potential impact
Permanent advertising ban Lose all ability to run Facebook ads now and in the future
Page reach declines Your unpaid Facebook content won’t reach as many people over time
Loss of monetization Can no longer make money directly through Facebook advertising

To avoid these harsh penalties, take the violation notifications seriously and comply with Facebook’s requirements to get your account back in good standing.

Can I get my Facebook monetization access back quickly?

There are a few tactics that may help expedite the policy violation review process:

  • Promptly remove any problematic ads or content. Taking down anything that violates policy can speed up review.
  • Appeal each restricted ad account separately. Don’t assume fixing one account resolves issues on other connected accounts.
  • Provide details on the changes made. When filing your review request, note any fixes and policy compliance steps you’ve taken.
  • Follow up if you don’t hear back. If it’s been over a week with no response, politely follow up on your review request.
  • Work with a Facebook rep. Larger advertisers may be able to get help from their Facebook account representative to expedite reviews.
  • Suggest a call to discuss. Offering to talk through changes directly can help demonstrate your commitment to compliance.

However, keep in mind that Facebook sets its own timelines for reviewing violations and appeals. The process typically takes at least a few days and can sometimes drag on for weeks. There are no guarantees for speeding things up.

Your best bet is being cooperative, only running Facebook-approved ads, and waiting patiently during the review period to avoid any further issues. Don’t try shortcuts to get around restrictions – it will likely backfire.

Can I get someone else to run ads for me?

If your personal ad accounts are restricted due to policy violations, you may be wondering if you can simply have someone else advertise on your behalf. Here are a few options along with pros and cons:

Ask a family member or friend

You could have a trusted connection create ads for you using their own Facebook account.

Pros: Quick and easy set-up. Someone close may be willing to help you out.

Cons: Violates Facebook terms if done solely to avoid restrictions. Risks their account also getting banned.

Use a business manager account

Create a Facebook Business Manager account and add someone else as an admin to run ads.

Pros: Legitimate way to delegate ad management. Keeps your business ownership separate.

Cons: Requires trusted partner to manage ads responsibly. Still linked to your business.

Hire a social media agency

Engage an agency to advertise for your brand using their ad accounts and expertise.

Pros: Experts handle your ads compliantly. Company accounts likely have more flexibility.

Cons: More expensive than DIY advertising. Vet agency carefully regarding results.

While tempting, trying to find loopholes around Facebook’s restrictions will likely backfire. Your best solution is getting your own accounts back in good standing through proper appeals.

What are Facebook’s advertising policies?

Facebook has extensive policies and guidelines around advertising on their platform. Some key Facebook ad policies include:

  • Relevance – Ads must align closely with your Page, offer, and target audience.
  • Truthfulness – Ad claims must be truthful and have adequate substantiation.
  • Non-deceptive claims – Ads cannot use exaggeration, omission, or complex language to deceive.
  • Restricted content – Prohibited ad topics include illegal goods/services, drugs, weapons, and more.
  • Targeting – Ads cannot discriminate or target sensitive user attributes like ethnicity.
  • Transparency – Ads must clearly represent the company, product, or service being promoted.
  • Consent – User consent must be gathered for certain ad tactics like lead gen or messenger ads.

It’s critical to read and understand Facebook’s full advertising policies. This will help you avoid mistakes that get your accounts restricted. Be particularly cautious around audience targeting, financial claims, and restricted goods/services categories.

What are some common Facebook advertising violations?

Based on Facebook’s strict ad policies, these are some of the most common violations that can lead to monetization issues:

  • Using misleading or exaggerated claims in ads
  • Promoting prohibited or adult products/services
  • Collecting leads without proper consent disclosures
  • Targeting underage users or sensitive user attributes
  • Running ads with fake accounts or cloaking practices
  • Duplicate ads aimed at propelling engagement vs. conversion
  • Violating platform policies around ad placements or formats
  • Failing to provide proper advertiser identification and contact info

Avoid these and other policy mis-steps, and you’ll minimize your risk of getting hit with restrictions. Also be sure to carefully vet any third-parties helping manage your Facebook advertising to ensure they follow policies too.

What steps can I take to prevent monetization issues in the future?

Here are some best practices to avoid further monetization policy violations on Facebook:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s ad policies and Community Standards before running any new ads.
  • Use Facebook’s free advertising policies course to educate yourself and your team.
  • Add anyone creating Facebook ads as an Admin on your Facebook page and ad accounts.
  • Enable 2-factor authentication on all Facebook accounts for security.
  • Don’t push boundaries too far – stick to compliant tactics to achieve results.
  • Monitor ads frequently for any policy violations or suspicious activity.
  • Only work with trusted partners/agencies and require adherence to Facebook’s rules.
  • Maintain clean ad accounts by deleting inactive ads and assets.
  • Appoint someone to be responsible for monitoring policy compliance.

Following Facebook’s rules and keeping a close eye on your accounts are the best ways to sustain access to advertising in the future. It also helps to limit third-party access and have strict contracts with any agencies or partners that manage your Facebook presence.


Getting hit with Facebook’s monetization policy issue can be frustrating, but is usually fixable if you take the right actions. The keys are identifying any policy violations, removing them immediately, completing any appeals or training requirements from Facebook, and closely monitoring your future advertising activities. With more awareness around Facebook’s rules and vigilance over your accounts, you can resolve current access restrictions and prevent similar issues going forward. Consistent compliance will allow you to keep monetizing your audience and presence on Facebook over the long-term.