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How do I remove someone as an admin on my company’s Facebook for business page?

How do I remove someone as an admin on my company’s Facebook for business page?

Removing an admin from your Facebook business page can be a tricky process, but it is important to know how to do in case you need to revoke access from someone. Here are the steps you need to take to remove admin access from a Facebook business page:

Check Who is Currently an Admin

The first thing you need to do is check who currently has admin access to your Facebook business page. To see a list of admins, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook business page
  2. Click “Settings” at the top of the page
  3. Select “Page Roles” from the left sidebar

This will show you a list of everyone who is currently an admin on your page. Take note of the names so you know who to remove.

Remove Admins Individually

Once you know who the current admins are, you can start removing access. There are two ways to do this – individually or all at once. To remove admins one at a time:

  1. Go back to the Page Roles menu
  2. Click “Edit” next to the name of the admin you want to remove
  3. Select “Remove” to revoke their admin access
  4. Click “Remove” again in the confirmation popup

Repeat this for each admin you want to remove access for. Doing it individually allows you to be selective about who you remove.

Remove All Admins at Once

If you want to remove access from all admins at the same time, you can do that too. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the Page Roles menu
  2. Scroll down and click “Remove All” next to Admins
  3. Confirm that you want to remove all admins

This will instantly revoke admin access from everyone on your Facebook business page. Use this if you want a clean slate.

Assign a New Admin

Once you’ve removed the old admins, it’s a good idea to assign a new one so your page isn’t left unattended. To make someone an admin:

  1. Go to the Page Roles menu
  2. Start typing the name or profile of the person to make admin
  3. Select them from the dropdown results
  4. Choose “Admin” from the Role dropdown
  5. Click “Save Changes”

And that’s it! The new person is now an admin and can manage your Facebook business page.

Things to Remember

  • Double check who is an admin before removing access
  • Remove admins individually to be selective
  • Use “Remove All” to revoke access from everyone at once
  • Always assign a new admin so your page is managed

Removing an admin is permanent – once revoked, that person will need to be assigned access again to regain admin privileges. So be careful when eliminating admin roles.

Why Remove an Admin?

There are a few key reasons you may want to remove someone’s admin access from your Facebook business page:

  • They no longer work for your company
  • They have abused or misused their privileges
  • You want to limit access for security reasons
  • Your business has changed and they should no longer have access

As a page admin, you have full control over who else can manage your Facebook business presence. Don’t be afraid to revoke access if someone should no longer have that power. It’s an important part of keeping your company’s social media secure.

What Can an Admin Do?

To understand why removing access is so important, it helps to know what a Facebook business page admin can do. Here are some of the key privileges:

  • Post content on your page
  • Delete and edit your page’s posts
  • Respond to and delete comments
  • Create Facebook ads and view analytics
  • Change page settings and info
  • Add or remove other admins
  • Completely delete your Facebook page

As you can see, admins have a lot of control. That’s why you need to be careful who you assign this role to and revoke it promptly when needed.

Be Precise Removing Access

A key tip is being precise and selective when eliminating someone’s admin access. You generally don’t want to remove all admins and start from scratch. Instead, target specific individuals who should no longer have access. This ensures you don’t inadvertently lock yourself out!

Communicate With Other Admins

When removing someone’s admin role, it’s a good idea to give the other admins a heads up. Let them know that person will no longer have access and why. This prevents confusion if the other admins notice that person is suddenly missing from the Page Roles menu.

Triple Check Access

Be extremely careful when removing Page Roles to confirm the right person is losing admin privileges. Triple check you are targeting the correct individual. Once access is gone, it can be disruptive to restore, so you want to be 100% sure.

Have a Business Process

As your business grows, people will come and go from various roles. Make sure you have a process in place for assigning and removing Facebook business page access when this occurs. Document it in an employee handbook or operations manual.

Use Facebook’s Tools

Facebook provides very granular Page Roles tools, so be sure to leverage them. You can assign roles like Analyst, Advertiser, Moderator, etc if you want to provide more limited access.

Don’t Delay Action

When you identify that access should be revoked, act quickly. The longer you wait, the more potential damage could occur if the person misuses their privileges. Remove them right away once a decision is made.

Avoid Hard Feelings

Removing someone’s admin access can cause hurt feelings in some cases. Do your best to communicate clearly and avoid burning bridges. This protects your reputation and prevents a disgruntled ex-employee.

Review Roles Regularly

Make it a habit to periodically review your Facebook business page Roles. Check that people who should have access still do, and remove those who don’t. Keeping roles current is good security.

Consider Ads Too

Don’t forget to look at Advertiser roles too when removing access. You want to confirm the person no longer has ability to run Facebook ads as well.


Removing an admin from your Facebook business page just takes a few clicks, but you need to be cautious in doing so. Always confirm who currently has access, be selective about who you remove, and appoint new admins promptly. With the proper precautions, you can successfully revoke privileges when needed.

Situation Action to Take
Employee is leaving the company Remove their individual admin access
Consultant’s contract has ended Eliminate their Page Role privileges
Business is changing directions Consider removing all admins and starting fresh
Current admin abused their powers Immediately revoke their access
Partnership with another company dissolved Take away any joint admin access

This table summarizes some common scenarios where removing a Facebook Page admin is likely needed and the actions you should take.

When employees leave

If an employee with Facebook business page admin access leaves your company, promptly remove their Page Role. You don’t want them retaining control over your page after departure.

When contracts end

Similarly, if a contractor, agency, or partner has been granted admin privileges, revoke them if that business relationship ends. Do not leave access open.

When pivoting your business

If your company is changing directions or undergoing a major transition, you may want to consider removing all admins and starting fresh with new roles. This can signify a clean slate.

When power is misused

If a current admin misuses their privileges, such as posting inappropriate content, remove their access immediately. You can’t risk them doing further damage.

When partnerships dissolve

Joint admin roles with another company may need to be dissolved if you part ways with that business. Eliminate any collaborative access that is no longer needed.

Carefully evaluating when to assign and revoke Page Roles is crucial. Use the table scenarios to prompt removal when necessary.

Try to Avoid Deleting the Page

In most cases, you want to avoid deleting your entire Facebook business page while resolving admin access issues. Permanently deleting the page means losing all your content, audience, and brand presence. If possible, simply remove problematic admins instead.

Watch for Access from Multiple Accounts

Sneaky admins could try to regain access using another Facebook profile. Keep watch for new admins being added from accounts you don’t recognize and remove promptly.

Seek Help if Needed

Removing administrators from your Facebook business page can be a complex process. Don’t be afraid to reach out to Facebook support or an agency for help if you get stuck. They can provide troubleshooting assistance.

Maintain Company Social Media Policies

As your team changes over time, having strong company social media policies helps guide Facebook business page administration. Include policies about adding and removing access.

Change Page Name if Necessary

In an extreme case where an admin goes rogue, you may need to change your page name entirely to gain control. This should be a last resort, but is an option.


Maintaining control over your Facebook business page is crucial. Use the Page Roles settings to selectively add and remove admins as needed. Identify who currently has access, determine if they still require privileges, and revoke as necessary. Staying on top of your admin team ensures your company page stays secure and effective.