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How do I remove reels from profile grid?

How do I remove reels from profile grid?

Instagram Reels are short video clips that can be created and shared on the Instagram app. Reels last up to 30 seconds and can be edited with audio, effects, timers and more creative tools.

When you post a reel on Instagram, it will automatically be added to the reels tab on your profile next to the posts tab. However, reels also show up on your main Instagram profile grid by default. This means when someone visits your Instagram profile, they will scroll through a mix of both your photo posts and reels in chronological order.

Some Instagram users prefer to keep their feed focused solely on photos and would rather not have reels mixed in. The good news is you can remove reels from your Instagram profile grid if you wish to display only photo posts there.

In this article, we will explain two different methods to remove reels from your Instagram profile view so that only static posts are visible in your grid. The steps include:

Method 1: Temporarily Hide Reels from Your Profile Grid

The easiest way to quickly remove reels from your Instagram profile grid is to temporarily hide them. This prevents reels from showing up in your profile view, however it does not delete them. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Go to your profile page

Open the Instagram app and navigate to your own profile by tapping on your profile picture in the bottom right. This will bring you to your profile view that displays all your posts and reels together.

Step 2: Tap on the three dot menu in the top right

When viewing your own profile, you will see three small dots in the top right corner. Tap on this to open the menu.

Step 3: Select ‘Hide Story Archive’

This menu has an option called “Hide Story Archive.” Tap on this to toggle it on.

Step 4: Confirm by tapping ‘Hide’

A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm. Tap on the ‘Hide’ button to proceed.

Step 5: Reels are now hidden from your grid

Once you hide your story archive, reels will temporarily be removed from your profile grid view. You will only see your photo and video posts.

The reels are just hidden – they are not deleted. You can make them reappear in your profile at any time by repeating the steps above and toggling ‘Hide Story Archive’ off.

Method 2: Permanently Remove Reels from Profile Grid

If you want your reels gone for good, you can permanently delete them from both your story archive and profile grid:

Step 1: Go to your profile and tap the reel you want to remove

From your profile, locate a specific reel you want to delete and tap on it to open the reel viewer.

Step 2: Open the menu and select ‘Delete’

In the bottom right corner of the reel viewer, tap on the three dots to open the menu. Choose ‘Delete’ from the options.

Step 3: Confirm deletion

Instagram will ask you to confirm that you want to permanently delete this reel. Tap ‘Delete’ to verify.

Step 4: Repeat for each reel you want to remove

Go back to your profile and delete any other individual reels you want gone in the same way. This will permanently remove them from both your story archive and profile grid.

Should You Remove Reels from Your Profile?

Now that you know how to delete Instagram reels from your profile view, should you actually do it? Here are some pros and cons to consider:

Pros of Removing Reels from Profile:

  • Keeps your Instagram profile consistent if you only want to share photos
  • Prevents reels from interrupting the flow of your Instagram grid
  • Lets you focus engagement on permanent Instagram posts

Cons of Removing Reels from Profile:

  • Reels don’t get as much visibility to your followers
  • You lose out on the benefits of reels like going viral on Explore
  • Followers who like your reels content may be disappointed

Ultimately, it’s a personal choice depending on your brand and goals on Instagram. If you do keep reels on your profile, you can space them out between photo posts so they blend in more seamlessly in your grid.

Should You Post Reels to Your Feed?

In addition to sharing reels to your story archive, you also have the option to post reels directly into your main Instagram feed like any other post.

Here are some pros and cons of posting reels to your Instagram feed:

Pros of Posting Reels to Feed:

  • Reels can perform very well in-feed and get more engagement
  • Followers who don’t check stories still see your reels
  • Creators can reuse viral reels content in their profiles

Cons of Posting Reels to Feed:

  • Can clutter or overwhelm your photo feed
  • Followers may prefer your permanent photo posts
  • You lose the ephemeral, casual nature of stories

Overall, it makes sense for some creators to share reels directly to their feeds if they have highly engaging reels content. Just be selective about which reels are feed-worthy and don’t overdo it. Spread out reels between your static Instagram posts.

Do Reels Affect Your Instagram Algorithm?

Posting reels – whether to your story or feed – can be beneficial for your account if you want to increase reach and engagement. This is because Instagram’s algorithm favors reels content.

Here are some of the ways the Instagram algorithm boosts reels:

  • Increased distribution to non-followers on Explore pages
  • Chance of getting featured on niche reels channels
  • Higher visibility in Instagram search results
  • Better overall ranking in Instagram feed

Because reels have so much growth potential, creators that consistently make high-quality reels tend to see their accounts pushed by the algorithm thanks to better engagement metrics.

So while removing reels from your profile has its benefits, you may want to also consider the algorithm pros of sharing reels if you are focused on Instagram growth. Test both sharing reels and not sharing reels to see which strategy works best for your goals.

Tips for Managing Your Instagram Profile Grid

Beyond just removing reels, here are some additional tips for visually managing your Instagram profile grid layout:

Use a consistent editing style

Apply similar filters, colors, etc to make your grid cohesive.

Plan posts around a theme or campaign

Coordinate your posts so they tell a story when seen together.

Use the Layout app from Instagram

This lets you preview how posts will look in your grid before sharing.

Schedule posts so your grid has variety

Space out different types of content throughout your profile.

Only show your best work

Be selective about what makes it to the grid based on quality and aesthetics.

Keep old posts to a minimum

Archive or delete old posts if you want to keep your profile fresh.

Taking the time to intentionally design your Instagram profile will make your page more visually appealing and engaging for visitors.


To remove Instagram reels from your profile grid feed, you can either temporarily hide your story archive or permanently delete old reels you don’t want showing up. Keep in mind the pros and cons before wiping your reels clean from your page.

While reels offer growth opportunities, you may decide your profile looks better showcasing only your best photo content. Just know that consistently posting quality reels can help boost your account through Instagram’s algorithm.

Test out different profile strategies and measure the results. Find the right balance between photos and reels that aligns with your brand aesthetic and audience. Take advantage of tools like Instagram Layout to craft a cohesive, visually appealing profile that engages visitors.

Prioritize only your best, most relevant content on your Instagram grid. Follow these tips to curate an on-brand profile that resonates with your followers and helps you achieve your goals on Instagram.