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How do I remove myself from being an admin on a Facebook page?

How do I remove myself from being an admin on a Facebook page?

If you are currently an admin on a Facebook page and want to remove yourself, there are a few simple steps you can take to relinquish your admin privileges. As an admin, you likely have full control over the page including the ability to add other admins, create and delete posts, respond to comments and messages, edit the page’s settings and more. Removing yourself as an admin will revoke these privileges so you no longer have access to manage that page.

Can a Facebook Page have no admins?

Before removing yourself as an admin, it’s important to understand that a Facebook page cannot exist without at least one admin. There must be a minimum of one person acting as the admin for a page. So before you remove yourself, be sure to add another admin user or the page will be deleted by Facebook.

If you are the only admin for a page, you have two options:

  • Add another Facebook user as an admin before removing yourself
  • Delete the page entirely if you no longer want it to exist

As long as at least one admin is in place, you can safely remove yourself without impacting the page itself.

How to add another admin to a Facebook page

If you need to add another admin before removing yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Facebook page and click “Settings” at the top
  2. Select “Page Roles” from the left sidebar
  3. Click “Add a Page Role”
  4. Enter the name of the person you want to make an admin and select them from the list
  5. Choose “Admin” as their role
  6. Click “Add” to confirm

This will grant admin privileges to the other user. Once confirmed, you can safely remove yourself as admin without impacting the page.

How to remove yourself as a Facebook page admin

Once at least one other admin is in place, here is how to remove yourself as a page admin:

  1. Go to the Facebook page and click “Settings” at the top
  2. Select “Page Roles” from the left sidebar
  3. Find your name under the “Admins” section
  4. Click the “X” icon next to your name
  5. Confirm that you want to remove yourself as an admin

This will instantly remove all admin privileges from your account. You will no longer be able to access any admin settings or features for that page.

How to delete a Facebook page if you’re the only admin

If you are the sole admin for a page and do not want to pass it on to someone else, you can delete the page entirely:

  1. Go to the Facebook page and click “Settings” at the top
  2. Select “Page Roles” from the left sidebar
  3. Click “Delete Page” at the bottom
  4. Confirm that you want to permanently delete the page

Once confirmed, the page and all its content will be removed from Facebook.

What happens when you remove yourself as admin?

Here’s an overview of what happens when you delete yourself as a page admin:

  • You immediately lose all admin privileges and access to the page
  • You can no longer edit page info, settings, roles or managers
  • You cannot post, edit or delete content on the page
  • You cannot respond to or moderate comments or messages
  • You cannot view page insights or analytics
  • You cannot add apps or services connected to the page
  • You have no control over advertising or monetization

Essentially, you relinquish all control and access to the inner workings of the page. Other admins will remain in place to manage it moving forward.

Can you re-add yourself as a Facebook page admin?

If you decide in the future you want to manage the page again, you can be re-added as an admin. However, you will need an existing admin to add you back.

Here is the process to re-add yourself as a Facebook page admin:

  1. Contact a current page admin and ask them to add you back
  2. That admin will go to “Settings” > “Page Roles”
  3. They will click “Add a Page Role” and select your name + “Admin” role
  4. Once added back, you will have full admin privileges again

So you cannot directly re-add yourself, but another admin can. This gives the existing admins control over who is in the admin role.

Best practices when removing yourself as admin

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when removing yourself as a Facebook page admin:

  • Always add another admin first before removing yourself to avoid deleting the page
  • Document any important page info, assets or credentials before removing yourself
  • Let the other admins know you are removing yourself and why
  • Clear your browser history/cache after removing yourself to purge old links
  • Double check that your admin removal was successful
  • Avoid making yourself an admin again unless necessary


Removing yourself as an admin from a Facebook page is straightforward, but you need to take the proper steps to avoid deleting the page entirely. Always add another admin first, then remove yourself through the Page Roles settings. document anything important beforehand and let others know of your removal. While you can be re-added later, avoid giving yourself admin access again unless you truly need it.