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How do I remove myself from a Facebook business page?

How do I remove myself from a Facebook business page?

If you are listed as an admin, editor, moderator, or advertiser on a Facebook business page, you may want to remove yourself from that role at some point. Removing yourself from a Facebook business page can be done in just a few steps.

Why Would You Want to Remove Yourself?

There are a few common reasons why someone might want to remove themselves from a Facebook business page:

  • You no longer work for or represent that business
  • You don’t want to be associated with that business anymore
  • You don’t have time to manage that page anymore
  • You had a falling out with the other admins or owner
  • The business changed ownership

Removing yourself as an admin or editor on a Facebook business page essentially revokes your access and permissions for that page. You will no longer be able to post, respond to comments, create ads, or make any changes to the page.

How to Remove Yourself from a Facebook Business Page

If you are currently listed in a manager role on a Facebook business page, here are the steps to remove yourself:

  1. Go to the Facebook business page you want to remove yourself from
  2. Click “Settings” at the top of the page
  3. Select “Page Roles” from the left sidebar
  4. Find your name under the manager role you currently have (Admin, Editor, Moderator, Advertiser)
  5. Hover over your name and click the “X” icon to remove yourself
  6. Confirm that you want to remove yourself from that page role

Once you click to confirm, you will immediately be removed from that role on the Facebook page. The process is quick and simple.

Things to Know Before Removing Yourself

Here are some things to keep in mind before you remove yourself from a Facebook business page:

  • Double check that you have admin approval if required
  • Make sure someone else has admin access to manage the page
  • Consider downloading an archive of the page for records
  • The page owner may re-add you if you don’t communicate with them
  • You will no longer see admin-only feed posts from that page
  • You won’t get notifications or be tagged in that page’s posts

Essentially, removing yourself will disconnect you fully from an administrative role on that Facebook page. You will not be able to access any of the insider information or make changes, so it’s like you are a regular external follower of that page.

What Happens When You Remove Yourself

Here’s an overview of what happens when you remove yourself from a Facebook business page:

  • You immediately lose administrator access and permissions
  • Your name is removed from the Page Roles tab
  • You stop receiving page role-related notifications
  • You can no longer post as the page or access insights
  • Your admin-only feed posts are removed
  • You are essentially considered an external follower

It’s as if you had never been an admin there in the first place. All your privileges are revoked. The only thing that remains is if you have interacted with that page by liking, following, or commenting as your personal profile.

Can You Undo Removing Yourself?

If you accidentally remove yourself from a Facebook business page or change your mind shortly after, it is possible to undo it in some cases:

  • If the page owner re-adds you right away, you can undo your removal
  • But if too much time passes, you may have to be re-added from scratch
  • You can request to be added back, but the page owner approves new admins
  • If you permanently deleted your Facebook profile, you cannot undo your page removal

Essentially, once you are fully removed from a page, it is out of your control. The page owner or another admin would need to add you back. Removal is meant to be permanent, so you should be certain before you remove yourself.

Should You Tell the Page Owner?

In most cases, it’s wise to let the Facebook page owner or other admins know that you need to remove yourself and will no longer be managing that page. Here’s why you should communicate with them:

  • It ensures the page will still be properly managed
  • Another admin can be assigned your past responsibilities
  • It maintains a positive relationship as you transition off the page
  • The owner may need to update company records of your role change
  • It gives them a chance to archive any of your contributions

Sharing your plan to remove yourself from the Facebook page can make the transition smoother. However, in some cases like a major conflict, you may not want to notify them.

What to Do If You’re the Sole Admin

If you are the only person in a manager role on a Facebook business page, here are a few things to consider before removing yourself:

  • Add another admin to avoid the page being orphaned
  • Download a copy of the page content for company records
  • Communicate plans with the business owner via email
  • Provide all login details and transfer ownership officially
  • Agree to be available for questions in the short term

Without at least one page admin, the Facebook page risks being unpublished or deleted. Appoint a successor or temporary fill-in admin if you are the sole person running that page.

Mistakes to Avoid When Removing Yourself

Here are some common mistakes that people make when removing themselves from a Facebook business page:

  • Not archiving important info and assets from the page
  • Deleting all your content out of frustration
  • Blocking other remaining admins
  • Removing company assets like images and videos
  • Leaving the page with no admins
  • Forgetting to cancel scheduled posts and ads

It can be tempting to vent your grievances or leave a mess behind. Avoid these mistakes to ensure a professional transition off of that Facebook business page.

How to Completely Disassociate Yourself

If you really want to completely disassociate yourself from a Facebook business page, here are some additional steps you can take:

  • Unlike and unfollow the Facebook page
  • Remove any public personal associations on your profile
  • Delete your comments and posts as your personal profile
  • Ask admins to remove you from any photos
  • Request removal of admin-only posts you are tagged in
  • Avoid linking your personal profile on other networks

While removing your admin access disconnects you officially, you can take it a step further to separate your personal profile from that Facebook page as well. Just be aware it cannot undo any past associations.

What About Business Manager?

If a Facebook business page uses Business Manager, removing yourself from the page may not fully remove your access. Here is what to know about Business Manager when removing yourself:

  • You may still show under Business Manager as an ad account
  • Your Business Manager role permissions may need adjusted
  • You need to be removed from ad accounts and assets
  • Page roles and Business Manager roles are separate
  • Communicate with other Business Manager admins

To fully revoke access via Business Manager, your specific role permissions need to be modified or revoked by another Business Manager admin. Adjusting page roles does not automatically affect those separate Business Manager permissions.

In Summary

Here are the key tips to remember when removing yourself from a Facebook business page:

  • Go to the page, Settings, and Page Roles to remove yourself
  • Communicate plans with other page admins if possible
  • Avoid deleting assets or leaving the page with no admins
  • Be sure to export any data you need before removing access
  • Adjust related Business Manager roles and permissions as well
  • The page owner can re-add you if needed

Removing yourself from a Facebook business page fully revokes your admin access and permissions. With the right planning and communication, the transition can go smoothly. Just be sure you are certain before you remove yourself, as it cannot easily be undone.