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How do I remove Messenger from my Facebook page?

How do I remove Messenger from my Facebook page?

Removing Messenger from your Facebook Page can be done in a few simple steps. Messenger allows people to message your Page privately, which can be useful for certain businesses and organizations. However, if you don’t want Messenger on your Page, you can disable it. Here are the key things to know about removing Messenger from a Facebook Page:

Why Would You Want to Remove Messenger?

There are a few reasons why someone might want to remove Messenger from their Facebook Page:

– You don’t want people to be able to message your Page privately. For some businesses, having public-facing conversations is preferable.

– You find Messenger messages distracting or overwhelming. Reading and responding to Messenger messages takes time.

– You want a more streamlined Page experience. Removing Messenger can declutter your Page’s look.

– You don’t have the capacity to respond to messages. If you can’t commit to responding, it’s better to remove Messenger.

– You want all conversations to be public. Making conversations public allows you to point other users to answers you’ve already provided.

Things to Know Before Removing Messenger

Before you remove Messenger from your Page, keep these things in mind:

– It’s permanent. Once Messenger is removed, conversations cannot be accessed.

– Existing messages will be deleted. All previous Messenger conversations will be erased.

– Alternate contact info should be provided. Without Messenger, users will need another way to get in touch.

– It can’t be re-enabled for a while. You’ll have to wait several months after removing Messenger before re-adding it.

– Users may still try to message you. Even without Messenger, some users will try sending private messages.

How to Remove Messenger from a Facebook Page

Removing Messenger only takes a few steps. Here is the process:

1. Go to your Page and click “Settings” in the bottom left.

2. On the left sidebar, click “Messaging”.

3. In Messaging settings, toggle the Messenger switch off.

4. Confirm that you want to turn off Messenger when prompted.

Once you toggle Messenger off and confirm, the option will immediately be disabled on your Page. All previous Messenger histories and conversations will be erased.

Keep in mind that after removing Messenger, you’ll have to wait several months before re-enabling it. The waiting period before Messenger access can be restored varies, but is at least a few months.

Alternative Contact Options

With Messenger disabled, you’ll want to provide other ways for people to get in touch with your business or organization. Here are some alternate contact methods to consider:

– Add an email address, phone number, or contact form to your Page’s “About” section. This gives users a way to contact you publicly.

– Enable messaging through your Page’s inbox. This lets users send private messages, which are accessed through your Page’s general inbox rather than Messenger.

– List contact details on your website or other social media profiles. Ensure you have contact info on multiple online channels.

– Set up a customer service messaging platform. Dedicated platforms like Zendesk allow users to message you while keeping conversations organized.

– Encourage commenting on posts. Comments on your Page’s posts can serve as public messages.

What Happens When You Remove Messenger

Once you disable Messenger on your Facebook Page, here is what will take place:

Existing Conversations Are Deleted

All previous Messenger conversations between your Page and users will be permanently deleted. There is no way to retrieve or access those conversations once Messenger is removed. Make sure to save any important records or details.

The Messenger Box Disappears

The Messenger box that previously displayed on your Page will no longer be shown. Users will not see the option to privately message your Page.

Users May Still Try to Message You

Even with Messenger disabled, some users will continue trying to message you. They may click where the Messenger box used to be or look for other ways to privately contact you. Having alternate contact info visible on your Page can help redirect them.

You’ll Have to Wait to Re-Enable

As mentioned above, once you disable Messenger you’ll have to wait at least a few months before re-enabling it. The waiting period is designed to prevent Pages from toggling Messenger on and off repeatedly. Be sure you are committed to losing Messenger for a while.

Considerations for Re-Enabling Messenger

If you do opt to re-enable Messenger for your Page in the future, keep these points in mind:

– Previous messages won’t be restored. Conversations deleted when disabling Messenger are gone permanently.

– Not all users will be notified. When re-enabled, not all prior message senders will be alerted automatically.

– Alternate contact methods should remain. Keep alternate contact options in place since some users may not check Messenger.

– Messenger may need to be set back up. Check your Messenger settings after re-enabling in case anything needs to be reset.

Pros and Cons of Removing Messenger

Should you remove Messenger from your Facebook Page? Consider the key pros and cons:


– Creates a more streamlined Page experience
– Eliminates distracting or overwhelming message notifications
– Encourages public-facing conversations
– Frees you from expectation of responding to messages
– Allows reallocation of time previously spent on Messenger


– Permanently deletes existing Messenger histories
– Removes a way for users to privately contact you
– May frustrate users who try messaging you and can’t
– Requires adding alternate contact methods
– Prevents re-enabling Messenger for several months

Steps to Preserve Important Info Before Removing Messenger

Since removing Messenger permanently deletes conversation histories, take steps to preserve important information first:

Export and Save Conversations

Use the “Export Conversation History” option in Messenger settings to save chat exchanges as a CSV or JSON file.

Take Screenshots of Relevant Messages

Screenshot key messages you may need to refer back to later. This creates a visual record.

Note Down Contact Details

Copy or otherwise record contact information for important message senders.

Save Important Files or Media

If any files or media like photos were sent via Messenger, be sure to download these to your computer.

Extract Key Details to Another Document

Copy essential details like names, dates, appointment times into another file for future reference.

Answering User Questions About Removing Messenger

You may get questions from users about removing Messenger. Here are some sample responses:

Why can’t I message your Page anymore?

We’ve disabled private messaging via Messenger in order to streamline communications and keep all conversations public. Please get in touch via our contact form on our website instead!

What happened to my previous messages with your Page?

When Messenger is disabled, existing message histories are permanently deleted. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we encourage you to get in touch again through our public posting options.

When will Messenger be available again to message you?

Once disabled, Messenger takes several months to re-enable in order to prevent repeatedly toggling the option on/off. Please check back in a few months to see if messaging is available again!

How else can I get in touch with you privately?

We’ve removed Messenger for now, but you can still contact us publicly through commenting or via email/phone/contact form listed on our website. Thanks for understanding!


Removing Messenger from your Facebook Page takes just a few clicks, but permanently deletes existing conversations and prevents re-enabling for a while. Consider alternatives for contacting you, preserve any important Messenger records before disabling it, and inform your audience of the change. With Messenger gone, your Page can have a more focused, public-facing experience.