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How do I remove Facebook profile picture without deleting it?

How do I remove Facebook profile picture without deleting it?

Having a Facebook profile picture is important for personalizing your account and allowing friends to easily recognize you. However, there may come a time when you want to remove or change your profile picture without deleting your entire account. Thankfully, Facebook makes it simple to remove your profile photo while keeping the rest of your account active.

Why Would You Want to Remove Your Facebook Profile Picture?

There are a few common reasons why someone might want to remove their Facebook profile photo:

  • You want a fresh start with a new profile picture.
  • Your current photo is outdated or unflattering.
  • You want more privacy and less visibility on Facebook.
  • You no longer want your face associated with your Facebook account.
  • You’re temporarily leaving Facebook and don’t want your profile picture visible.

Removing your profile photo allows you to take a break from your public persona on Facebook without losing access to your account. You can always upload a new profile picture later if you choose.

How to Remove Facebook Profile Picture

There are two ways to remove your Facebook profile picture:

  1. Via Facebook website
  2. Via Facebook mobile app

Both options are quick and easy, so choose the method that works best for you.

Removing Profile Photo via Facebook Website

Here are the steps to remove your profile picture using the Facebook website:

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top left corner.
  3. Click on your name to go to your profile page.
  4. Hover over your profile picture and click on “Update Profile Picture.”
  5. Click on “Remove” to delete your current profile picture.
  6. Click “Save” to confirm. Your profile picture will now be removed.

Once you remove your profile photo, your account will display a gray silhouette as a default placeholder image.

Removing Profile Photo via Facebook Mobile App

You can also easily remove your Facebook profile picture via the Facebook mobile app for iOS or Android devices:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on the Menu (three line icon).
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Settings & Privacy.”
  3. Tap on “Settings.”
  4. Tap on “Profile and Tagging.”
  5. Tap on your profile picture to change it.
  6. Tap on “Remove Profile Picture” to delete your current photo.
  7. Tap “Save” to confirm removal. Your profile will now display a default silhouette.

The process is very similar across iPhone and Android devices, with the menu options located in the same general area of the Facebook app.

What Happens When You Remove Facebook Profile Picture

Here’s what happens after you delete your Facebook profile photo:

  • Your profile picture will be removed across Facebook.
  • A gray silhouette will become your temporary profile picture.
  • Your name and other profile info will remain.
  • Friends will no longer see your profile picture on your profile, posts, or messages.
  • You can still upload a new profile picture at any time.
  • Photo tags of you by friends will not be affected.

Essentially, your profile shifts into a more private, anonymous state while keeping your account active. You can still use Facebook normally, but without an identifiable photo.

What About Profile Pictures on Posts and Comments?

When you remove your Facebook profile picture, it is deleted from all areas of Facebook, including:

  • Your profile page
  • Posts you’ve made
  • Comments you’ve left
  • Chat and Messenger conversations

Anywhere your profile picture previously appeared will now display the anonymous gray silhouette. Your identity and past posts are still preserved, but they become less identifiable without your profile photo.

Troubleshooting Profile Photo Removal

In most cases, deleting your Facebook profile picture is quick and straightforward. However, here are some solutions if you run into issues:

Problem: Profile picture won’t remove

  • Refresh the page – profile picture changes can take a moment to take effect across Facebook.
  • Log out and log back in – this forces a refresh of your profile data.
  • Clear browser cache – cached Facebook data can sometimes interfere with updates.
  • Try the mobile app – the app version may work if the website has issues.
  • Contact Facebook support – if all else fails, Facebook help can resolve stubborn photo removal problems.

Problem: Gray silhouette won’t display after removing photo

  • Give it some time to changeover from your old profile picture.
  • Check that you completed the full removal process and clicked “Save.”
  • Try closing and reopening Facebook to reset the cache.
  • The mobile app silhouette may appear sooner than the website version.
  • Contact Facebook if the silhouette still won’t display after trying the above steps.

Problem: Old profile picture still visible

  • Clear your browser cache and cookies to delete outdated Facebook photo data.
  • Old Facebook profile pictures can cache in CDNs, so give it a day or two to fully clear.
  • Ask friends to refresh their browsers and apps to refresh your new photo-less profile.
  • If your old picture persists, contact Facebook support to trace the issue.

Readding a Profile Picture After Removal

If you later decide you want to display a profile picture again after removing it, readding one is easy.

Simply follow the steps to change or update your profile picture on the Facebook website or mobile app. Once you select a new photo, it will override the default gray silhouette and become visible to your friends.

You can change your profile picture as often as you like. Removing your old photo does not lock you into the faceless silhouette forever. Feel free to experiment with different profile pics!

Does Facebook Require a Profile Picture?

Having a profile picture is recommended, but not required on Facebook. You can use the social media platform perfectly fine without an identifying photo attached to your account.

Some key things to note:

  • Facebook does not force you to upload a profile photo during signup.
  • If you remove your profile picture, Facebook replaces it with a generic gray silhouette.
  • You will not be penalized or banned for using the silhouette long-term.
  • Without a photo, your page loses some personalization – but remains functional.

In summary, while most people do display profile pictures, Facebook does not mandate it. You can opt out by deleting your profile photo at any time without consequences.

Should You Remove Your Facebook Profile Picture?

Here are a few pros and cons to weigh when considering removing your Facebook profile picture:


  • More privacy and anonymity online.
  • Avoid unwanted friend requests or contacts.
  • Refresh your profile’s look and feel.
  • Practice using social media less publically.
  • Reduce facial recognition and tracking.


  • Harder for old friends to recognize you.
  • Less personal connections with new friends.
  • May need to explain why you removed your photo.
  • Could seem suspicious to some people.
  • Lose the fun of sharing photos from your life.

There are valid reasons for and against removing your Facebook profile picture. Think carefully about your motivations and how it will impact your connections. In some cases, a social media break can be refreshing – while in others, you may want the extra visibility.


Removing your Facebook profile picture without deleting your account is simple and straightforward. Just visit your profile, change your photo, select “Remove,” and save the changes.

You’ll then revert to a generic gray silhouette as your temporary profile photo across Facebook. You can readd a photo at any time in the future.

Deleting your profile picture can increase privacy, reduce unwanted contacts, and give you a social media break. However, it also comes with downsides like less personal connections.

Consider your reasons carefully before removing your Facebook profile photo. And if you do delete it, know the process is quick to reverse. Change your profile picture as often as you like – a fresh photo can equal a fresh start!