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How do I remove an incorrect tag on Facebook?

How do I remove an incorrect tag on Facebook?

Being tagged in photos or posts on Facebook can be a fun way to connect with friends and family online. However, sometimes you may get tagged in content that you don’t want to be associated with on your profile. Fortunately, Facebook provides tools for untagging yourself from posts so you can control what shows up on your Timeline.

What happens when you get tagged on Facebook?

When someone tags you in a Facebook post or photo, it creates a link to your profile. This means that the post or photo will appear on your own Timeline along with the friend who tagged you. In addition, the post or photo may also show up in the News Feeds of your friends and followers.

So if you get tagged in something you don’t want to be connected to, it can be seen by a lot of people and spread widely. That’s why it’s important to know how to remove tags that you don’t want on your profile.

How to untag yourself from a post

Untagging yourself from a Facebook post is easy to do. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Timeline and find the post you want to untag yourself from. Click on the post to expand it.
  2. Hover over the tag with your name and click on the “X” that appears near your name. This will give you the option to remove the tag.
  3. Click “Remove Tag” to confirm. The post will remain visible, but your name will no longer be linked to it.

Once you untag yourself, the post will no longer be visible on your own Timeline. Be aware that the post could still show up in the News Feeds of any mutual friends you share with the person who originally tagged you.

Removing a tag from a photo

Similar to posts, you can untag yourself from photos you’ve been tagged in using these steps:

  1. Go to the photo in which you’re tagged and click on it to expand the image.
  2. Hover over the tag on your name and select “Remove Tag” when the option appears.
  3. Confirm that you want to remove yourself from the photo. Your name will be disassociated from the image.

The photo tag will disappear from your profile once you untag yourself. The photo itself will still be visible to whoever uploaded it originally.

Preventing tags in the future

If you find yourself needing to untag often, you can take steps to avoid being tagged in unwanted posts and photos altogether. Here are some options:

  • Review tags: Enable review for tags under Settings & Privacy so you can approve tags before they go public.
  • Limit audience: Adjust settings so you can only be tagged by friends rather than friends of friends or public.
  • Block tags: Block specific people from ever tagging you in their posts or photos.

You can also let friends know in a polite way if you prefer not to be tagged in certain situations. Communication and boundary-setting can prevent unwanted tags down the line.

What happens if you remove a tag on someone else’s post?

When you untag yourself from someone else’s post or photo, it has no effect on the original poster. The post will still be visible on their Timeline along with any other tags. Removing a tag only affects your own profile – it does not delete or alter the content being posted by others.

The original poster will get no notification if you untag yourself. The tag will simply disappear from your perspective. You’ll no longer be associated with the post, but they are still free to keep it on their own Timeline.

Can someone re-tag you after you’ve removed a tag?

Yes, it is possible for someone to add your tag back to a post or photo after you’ve untagged yourself. They would simply have to re-enter your name on the post/photo like normal as the original poster.

If you find that someone keeps re-tagging you in content you don’t want to be associated with, you may need to take additional steps like blocking that person from being able to tag you altogether. This can prevent frustrating situations where they repeatedly add your tag after you’ve removed it.

Should you untag or delete unwanted posts?

If you come across an embarrassing post or photo that you’re tagged in and want it gone, is it better to untag yourself or ask the poster to delete it? Here are some things to consider:

Untagging Yourself Asking for Post Deletion
  • Only affects your profile
  • Post remains visible to others
  • No confrontation required
  • May still show up in mutual friend’s feed
  • Removes post entirely if person agrees
  • No lasting association with content
  • Requires confrontation/explanation
  • Person may refuse or repost again

In general, untagging yourself is the easiest solution that instantly dissociates you from the content. However, deleting the post entirely is more thorough. If the content is damaging, politely requesting deletion may be worth a try.

Can you remove tags on Instagram or Twitter?

Facebook is not the only social media platform where users can tag each other in posts. On sites like Instagram and Twitter, you may also encounter unwanted tags that you want removed.

Here is how to untag on some other popular networks:

Removing Instagram Tags

  1. Go to the photo or video you’re tagged in and tap your name tag.
  2. Tap “Remove Me from Post” to untag yourself.

Removing Twitter Tags

  1. Go to the tweet in which you’re mentioned and click the ellipses icon.
  2. Choose “Untag yourself from this Tweet” to remove the tag.

The same general rules apply on these platforms – untagging yourself only affects your profile, not the original post. The post/tweet will need to be deleted entirely to be fully removed if it’s especially problematic.


Having tags you don’t want on your Facebook profile can be annoying or even damaging in some cases. Fortunately, the platform makes it easy to untag yourself from posts and photos with just a few clicks. While untagging may not erase content completely, it does provide an instant solution to dissociate yourself from posts you don’t want tied to your name online. Just be prepared that the original post may still show up in other places, and that the person who tagged you can choose to re-tag you again if they want.