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How do I remove a post from my timeline on Facebook?

How do I remove a post from my timeline on Facebook?

There are a few different ways to remove or delete a post from your Facebook timeline. Here are some quick answers to common questions about deleting Facebook posts:

– You can delete posts you’ve shared on your own timeline. You cannot delete posts shared by others on your timeline.

– When you delete a post, it is removed from your timeline for you and anyone else who can see your timeline.

– Deleting a post removes it completely from Facebook. However, some cached or archived versions may still exist on search engines and other sites.

– If you shared the post on a friend’s timeline or in a Facebook group, deleting it from your timeline does not remove it from those other places.

– You can delete posts whether you’re on the Facebook website or mobile app. The process is the same.

– If you shared a post on your timeline that was originally posted by someone else, deleting their post from your timeline does not delete it from their profile.

How to Delete a Post from Your Facebook Timeline

Here are step-by-step instructions for deleting a post from your Facebook timeline:

On the Facebook Website

1. Go to and log into your account.

2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner and select “Profile” from the dropdown menu. This will take you to your timeline.

3. Find the post you want to delete and click on the three dots “…” icon in the top right corner of the post.

4. Click on “Delete” from the dropdown menu.

5. Click on “Delete Post” to confirm. The post will be immediately removed from your timeline.

On the Facebook Mobile App

1. Open the Facebook app on your smartphone or tablet.

2. Tap on the three line “hamburger” icon in the top right corner and select “Profile”. This will open your profile and timeline.

3. Scroll to find the post you want to remove and tap on it to open it.

4. Tap on the three dots “…” icon in the top right corner of the opened post.

5. Tap on “Delete” from the dropdown menu.

6. Tap on “Delete Post” to confirm. The post will be deleted.

How to Delete a Post You Shared From Someone Else

If you shared a post originally made by someone else, deleting it from your timeline does not remove it from their profile. However, you can disconnect the post from your timeline:

1. Find the shared post on your timeline and click on the three dots in the top right corner.

2. Select “Delete” from the dropdown menu.

3. Choose “Unshare Post” rather than “Delete Post”.

4. Confirm that you want to unshare the post.

This will disconnect the post from your timeline without deleting the original post made by the other person. The post will remain on their profile.

What Happens When You Delete a Facebook Post

Here is what happens when you delete a post from your Facebook timeline:

– The post is immediately removed from your profile and will no longer be visible to you or anyone else.

– If you shared the post on a friend’s timeline, it will be disconnected from their profile but not deleted.

– If you shared it in a group, it will be removed from the group feed.

– Any photos or videos in the post will also be deleted.

– Comments on the post will be deleted.

– Reactions and shares associated with the post will be removed.

– The post is no longer searchable on Facebook.

– A cached version could still appear in Google or other search engine results until it is recrawled.

So in summary, deleting a post fully removes it from Facebook immediately, but remnants of it may still exist on the internet for a short time after deletion.

Important Notes About Deleting Facebook Posts

– You can only delete posts for up to 10 minutes after publishing them through the mobile app. On the desktop site, there is no time limit.

– Deleting is permanent – you cannot retrieve a post after deleting it.

– You cannot delete posts made by other people that are shared on your timeline. You can only disconnect them.

– You have to delete posts individually. There is no “delete all” option.

– Facebook may retain deleted post data in backups or internal logs, but it will not be visible to users.

Alternative Options to Deleting a Post

If you don’t necessarily want to delete a post entirely, here are some other options:

Hide Post from Timeline

This lets you hide the post from your timeline only while leaving it visible to anyone you shared it with. To do this:

1. Click the three dots in the top right corner and select “Hide from Timeline”.

2. Choose whether to completely hide it or limit audience.

3. The post will disappear from your profile but remain shared elsewhere.

Edit Privacy Settings

You can edit the audience of a post so only certain people can see it:

1. Click the three dots on the post and select “Edit privacy”.

2. Adjust the audience selector to limit who can view.

3. The post will only be visible to the chosen audience.

Turn Off Sharing

This prevents resharing of a post while still leaving it on your timeline.

1. Click the three dots on the post.

2. Choose “Turn off sharing”.

3. The post will now only be visible on your profile.

Save Post to Drafts

You can temporarily save a post as a draft before deciding to delete or publish it.

1. Click on the downward arrow at the right end of the “Post” button.

2. Choose “Save draft” from the dropdown menu.

3. The post will be saved in your drafts for editing later.

How Long Does it Take for a Deleted Facebook Post to Disappear?

When you delete a Facebook post, it is removed instantly from your profile and will disappear right away from your timeline and news feed. You should see it disappear within a few seconds of deleting.

However, it can take more time to be removed from other places where it was shared or cached:

– Up to 90 days to be cleared from Facebook servers and infrastructure.

– Up to 24 hours to disappear from search engine caches and results.

– Up to several hours to be unshared from friends’ timelines.

So the post is immediately deleted from Facebook but residual copies may persist in other places temporarily until they are refreshed. But it will become inaccessible within seconds from your own timeline.

Can You Recover a Deleted Facebook Post?

Unfortunately, once you permanently delete a post from Facebook, there is no way to recover or retrieve it. A few things to keep in mind:

– Facebook does not store deleted posts or provide a trash/recycle bin feature.

– Deleting is irreversible and permanent. The content is erased from their servers.

– You cannot find the post again in your profile, timeline, or news feed after deletion.

– You cannot undo deletion or view deleted posts.

– There is no “view delete activity” log or archive.

– Facebook does not offer any kind of data recovery service.

– Cached versions in search engines will eventually disappear.

So if you accidentally delete an important post, it is likely gone for good. Your only option may be to repost the content if you have it saved somewhere else. But there is no way to get back the original deleted post.

Mistakes to Avoid When Deleting Facebook Posts

Be careful when deleting Facebook posts to avoid these common mistakes:

– Double check which post you are deleting before confirming. It is easy to delete the wrong one by accident.

– Don’t delete in haste or anger. Give it some time in case you change your mind afterwards.

– Make sure you have a copy of any important photos or info before deleting a post containing them.

– Know that deletion is permanent. Don’t assume you can retrieve posts later on.

– Be aware that others may have shared or copied posts before you delete them.

– Do not assume deleting from your profile also deletes copies shared elsewhere.

– Avoid mass deleting posts in bulk. Carefully consider each one before removing.

– Remember that cached versions may still exist for a short time after deletion.

Proceeding carefully and deliberately when deleting Facebook posts can prevent regrettable mistakes. Always double check before confirming removal of any important posts.

Does Facebook Notify People When You Delete a Post?

When you delete a post from your Facebook timeline, Facebook does not directly notify anyone else or post about it on your profile. However, some signs your post was deleted include:

– People who try to view the post on your profile will see it is unavailable.

– Any shared posts are disconnected from friends’ timelines.

– Comments, reactions, and shares associated with the post are removed.

– If you delete a popular post, people may notice it is suddenly missing.

– Friends may still have notifications about your deleted post in their email or feed until it is updated.

So while Facebook does not announce or declare the removal of deleted posts, people who previously interacted with the post are likely to notice if they go looking for it. But the site will not broadcast a notification to your friends list about your deletion activity.

Should You Notify People if You Delete Their Content?

If you shared a post originally made by someone else and then delete it from your timeline, it’s considerate to let them know:

– Comment on the original post explaining you removed the share.

– Send them a private message or email notifying them.

– If it is sensitive content, explain why you no longer want to share it.

– Apologize for any inconvenience removing their content causes.

– Thank the person for understanding your decision.

You don’t have to notify everyone every time you remove something. But for posts with sensitive, controversial, or personal content, it is polite to inform the original author when you delete those shared posts from your profile.

What to Do if Someone Else Deletes a Post You Shared on Their Timeline

If you notice someone deleted a post from their timeline that you had shared, here are some things you can do:

– Check if it was actually deleted or just hidden from their timeline.

– Respect their decision if they confirm it is deleted.

– Ask them politely via private message why they removed it.

– If it is sensitive content, apologize for any offense or misunderstanding.

– Request they also delete any of your private content shared on their profile.

– Unfriend or block them if they continually delete your posts without explanation.

– Learn from the experience and be cautious about sharing on their timeline in the future.

– Refrain from calling them out publicly or confronting them aggressively.

Stay civil and remain on good terms if possible. With shared social media posts, the original author has the right to delete them from their own profile whenever they want to.

What to Do if Someone Deletes a Post on Your Timeline

If someone else takes down a post they shared on your timeline, here is what you can do:

– Check if they actually deleted it or just changed the audience settings.

– If deleted, the post will no longer appear on your profile.

– Ask them privately why they removed a post from your timeline.

– Politely request they let you know in the future before removing any posts.

– If it was your content, ask them to clarify prior to posting on your profile again.

– Unfriend or restrict them if they continue removing posts without permission.

– Report them to Facebook if they delete your original content without consent.

– Do not retaliate or publicly shame them. Try to handle it maturely.

– Be understanding if they deleted something offensive or embarrassing.

Having open communication is key. There may be a reasonable explanation for their removing the post. Discuss it civilly and establish boundaries to prevent problems in the future.

Best Practices for Deleting Facebook Posts

Here are some best practices when deleting posts on Facebook:

– Review each post carefully before deleting and double check which one you are deleting.

– Only delete your own posts. Do not remove anything shared or posted on your profile by someone else without permission.

– Keep in mind that deletion is permanent. Save important photos or information before removing a post.

– Avoid deleting in haste or anger. Give it time to be sure you want to remove something.

– Notify others politely if you are deleting something they shared or removing their post from your profile.

– Explain your reasons respectfully if asked why you deleted something.

– Remember that deleted content could still briefly appear in cached searches.

– Monitor your timeline to see if others remove shared posts without telling you.

– Communicate with civility if someone deletes your post or something you shared on their profile.

– Report any harassment or unauthorized deletions of your posts.

Following these guidelines helps maintain good relationships, prevents misunderstandings, and keeps your timeline curated the way you want it.


Deleting Facebook posts can help keep your timeline clean and professional. But remember it permanently removes content, so be cautious about what you choose to delete. Always double check which item you are removing before confirming deletion. Notify others respectfully if you take down something they posted or shared. If someone else deletes your content or a shared post without permission, communicate calmly to understand why and avoid future issues. Handled properly, deleting the occasional Facebook post can be an effective way to curate your profile.