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How do I remove a like reaction from my Facebook story?

How do I remove a like reaction from my Facebook story?

If you’ve liked a Facebook story and later decide you want to remove your like reaction, it’s easy to undo. Here are some quick answers to common questions about removing like reactions on Facebook:

Can I unlike a Facebook story?

Yes, you can unlike a Facebook story you previously liked. When you like a story, such as a friend’s post or a Page’s update, it shows up in your activity log with a thumbs up reaction. If you change your mind, you can simply unlike the story by clicking on the thumbs up icon again to remove your like.

Does unliking a Facebook story notify the person who posted it?

No, when you unlike a Facebook story, it does not send a notification to the person who originally posted it. The number of likes on the story will decrease by one, but the original poster will not be alerted that you specifically unliked it.

Can I see all of my liked Facebook stories?

Yes, Facebook keeps track of all the stories you’ve liked. To see everything you’ve liked:

  • On desktop: Click the arrow in the top right and select “Activity Log”.
  • On mobile: Go to your profile, tap the three horizontal lines in the top right, and choose “Activity Log”.

This will show you a log of all your Facebook activity, including stories you’ve liked. You can unlike posts from here.

What happens when I unlike a Facebook story?

Here’s what happens when you unlike a Facebook story:

  • The number of likes on the story decreases by 1.
  • The story no longer appears in your list of liked stories.
  • The blue thumbs up icon reverts back to gray.
  • The original poster is not notified that you unliked it.

Essentially, it’s like you never liked the story in the first place. The only difference is that the total like count decreases.

Can someone see if I’ve unliked their post?

No, it’s not possible for someone to see that you’ve unliked their post. When you unlike a story, it does not show up in the original poster’s notifications or activity log. All they will notice is that the total number of likes has gone down.

Will unliking a post remove my comment on it?

No, unlike liking and commenting on Facebook, these two actions are not connected. If you’ve commented on a post in addition to liking it, unliking it will not remove or delete your comment. The comment will remain on the post until you specifically choose to delete it.

Can I unlike a Facebook ad that I accidentally liked?

Yes, you can unlike Facebook ads and sponsored posts just like regular posts. Simply click the thumbs up reaction again to remove your like from any ad or sponsored content in your feed.

What happens if I unlike a Facebook Page I follow?

If you unlike a Facebook Page you currently follow, it will unfollow that Page as well. Your like essentially signifies that you follow that Page. So if you unlike the Page, you’ll stop seeing updates from that Page in your news feed.

Can I unlike a story without unfollowing a Page?

Unfortunately, no. On Facebook Pages, the like button functions as both a reaction to their content and a way to follow the Page. So if you unlike a Page’s post, you will also unfollow that Page at the same time.

What’s the easiest way to unlike a story?

The quickest way to unlike a Facebook story is:

  1. Go to the post you want to unlike.
  2. Click on the blue thumbs up reaction icon.
  3. That’s it! The icon will turn gray to show you’ve removed your like.

You can access posts you’ve liked in your activity log to unlike them in bulk or view all your past liked stories.

Can I remove likes from my entire Facebook history?

Unfortunately, there is no way to mass unlike or delete all likes from your Facebook history all at once. The only way is to manually unlike posts one by one. However, you can delete your entire activity log, which will remove likes alongside other activity.

Is there a time limit to unlike Facebook stories?

No, you can unlike a Facebook story at any time after initially liking it. There is no time limit or expiration date. Even if the original post is years old, you can still remove your like as long as the post is still online.


Removing a like reaction from a Facebook story is simple. Just re-click the thumbs up icon to unlike the post or sponsored content. This reduces the like count by 1 but does not notify the original poster or show up in your mutual activity logs. You can access all your liked stories to unlike them in bulk. Liking and unliking Facebook posts is easy and intuitive.

Summary in a Table

Question Answer
Can I unlike a Facebook story? Yes
Does unliking notify the original poster? No
Can I see all my liked stories? Yes, in your Activity Log
What happens when I unlike? Like count decreases by 1, story removed from your likes
Can someone see if I unliked their post? No
Does unliking remove my comment? No
Can I unlike Facebook ads? Yes
Does unliking a Page unfollow it? Yes
What’s the easiest way to unlike? Re-click the thumbs up icon

Step-by-Step Instructions

Here is a step-by-step guide to removing a like reaction from a Facebook story:

On Desktop

  1. Go to the Facebook story you want to unlike.
  2. Hover over the thumbs up icon next to the post.
  3. The icon will turn blue, indicating you’ve liked the story.
  4. Click on the blue thumbs up icon to remove your like.
  5. The icon will revert to gray to show your like was removed.

On Mobile

  1. Go to the Facebook story you want to unlike.
  2. Tap and hold on the thumbs up icon next to the post.
  3. The icon will turn blue, indicating you’ve liked the story.
  4. Tap on the blue thumbs up icon to remove your like.
  5. The icon will revert to gray to show your like was removed.

From Activity Log

  1. Click the arrow in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Select “Activity Log” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Scroll to find the story you want to unlike.
  4. Click on the gray thumbs up icon next to the story.
  5. The story will be unliked and removed from your activity log.

That’s all there is to it! Just click or tap the thumbs up reaction again on desktop or mobile to unlike any Facebook story with ease.

Troubleshooting Tips

Post won’t unlike

If re-clicking the thumbs up icon doesn’t work, try:

  • Refreshing the page
  • Closing and reopening the Facebook app
  • Using the Activity Log method

Like count not updating

It may take some time for the like count to update after unliking. Give it a few minutes then refresh the page or app.

Seeing old likes

Even after unliking, old likes can appear in your activity log temporarily. Give it some time to sync up across Facebook’s servers.

Can’t access Activity Log

Make sure you’re on the latest version of the Facebook app or website. The Activity Log is accessed via the menu in the top right corner.

Unliking Etiquette

Here are some general guidelines to follow when unliking Facebook posts:

  • Unlike respectfully – don’t go on a massive unliking spree.
  • Remember the original poster won’t be notified.
  • Don’t feel obligated to like something – it’s okay to change your mind.
  • Don’t unlike just because a post has low likes.
  • Consider untagging yourself if you don’t want to be associated with a post.
  • Don’t unlike friends’ or family members’ posts as a passive aggressive move.

The option to unlike gives you flexibility. Use it judiciously and don’t worry about occasional unlikes – it’s perfectly normal Facebook behavior.

Facebook Support

If you have any other questions or issues unliking posts, reach out to Facebook support:

  • Visit Facebook’s Help Community and search for your issue.
  • Use the Report feature to flag problematic posts.
  • Submit feedback via Facebook Settings.
  • Contact Facebook support directly for account issues.

Facebook’s support team can provide personalized assistance with any technical issues that appear while attempting to unlike posts or stories.


Unliking Facebook posts is quick and easy – simply re-click the thumbs up reaction icon to remove your like. This subtracts your like from the total count but does not notify the original poster or remove associated comments. You can access all your liked stories in your activity log and unlike them in bulk. Remember to unlike thoughtfully and reach out to Facebook support if you encounter any technical issues.