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How do I remove a friend from a video on Facebook?

How do I remove a friend from a video on Facebook?

Quick Answer

To remove a friend from a video you have posted on Facebook, you can edit the privacy settings for the video post. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the video post on your Facebook timeline.
  2. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the post.
  3. Select “Edit audience”.
  4. In the audience selector, click “Friends” to see a list of your friends.
  5. Uncheck the box next to the name of the friend you want to remove.
  6. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom.

This will update the privacy settings for that video post so that the friend you unchecked can no longer see or engage with that post.

Step-by-Step Guide

Here is a more detailed walkthrough of how to remove a friend from seeing and interacting with a video you’ve posted on Facebook:

1. Navigate to the Video Post

First, go to your Facebook timeline and locate the specific video that you want to update the audience settings for. This can be a video that you directly uploaded or a video that you were tagged in by someone else.

Once you’ve located the video post on your timeline, you can move on to editing the audience.

2. Click the Three Dots Icon

At the top right corner of the video post, you will see three small dots in a vertical line. Click on these three dots to open up a dropdown menu.

These three dots allow you to access post settings and options, including the option to edit the audience.

3. Select “Edit Audience”

In the dropdown menu that opens when you click the three dots, select the option that says “Edit Audience.”

This will open up the audience selector where you can specify exactly who can view or interact with that post.

4. View List of Friends

By default, the audience selector will be set to “Friends” with a blue checkmark indicating that all of your friends on Facebook can see the post.

Click on “Friends” to view the full list of your friends. This will open up a popup window.

You will now see an alphabetical list of all your friends along with checkboxes next to their names.

5. Uncheck the Friend You Want to Remove

Scroll through the list of friends until you locate the name of the specific person you want to block from seeing or interacting with this video post.

Uncheck the box next to their name. This will remove them from the audience for this individual post.

Leave the rest of your friends still checked to keep the post visible to them.

6. Save Your Changes

Once you’ve unchecked the friend you want to remove, scroll down and click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the popup window.

This will save your updated audience settings for the video post.

The friend you unchecked will no longer be able to find or see that particular video on your timeline. The rest of your friends will still have access.

Additional Details

Here are some additional details to keep in mind when removing a friend from a Facebook video post:

They May Still See It If Tagged

If you only remove the friend from your audience settings, but they were tagged by someone else in the actual video, they may still be able to see and engage with the post through the tag notifications. To fully block access, untag them from the video itself.

Re-Sharing Could Expose the Post

If any of your other friends reshare the video post you’ve limited, it may become visible again to the person you removed. So be cautious when allowing resharing of limited videos.

It Only Affects That Video

These audience settings are specific to each individual video or post. Removing a friend from one video will not block them from seeing your other videos or posts. You’ll need to update audiences separately.

Some Devices May Cache Content

If the person you removed has already viewed the video on their device, it may still be cached or stored so they can still access it. Clearing their caches may fully block it.

They Can Still See Comments

While removed friends won’t see the video itself in their feed, they may still be able to view and participate in the comments section. Use caution posting comments you don’t want that person to see.

You Can Also Fully Block a Friend

For a more complete block, instead of just removing from a video audience, you can fully unfriend or block that person. This will limit all interactions with them.

Troubleshooting Problems

Here are some troubleshooting tips if you are having problems limiting a friend’s access to a video post:

Double check your settings

Go back through the audience selector and confirm the box is still unchecked for the friend you want to remove. Make sure no one else has edited the settings.

Try clearing caches

Have the blocked friend clear out their browser history and caches. Cached versions may allow them continued access even if blocked.

Consider stricter blocking

You may need to actually unfriend or block the user if simply limiting video access doesn’t sufficiently keep it private from them.

Review tag settings

Check if the video post tags the user themselves. Even if limited, tags may grant access. Remove tags if you want full blocking.

Check for post sharing

See if the post was reshared by any mutual friends, potentially exposing it again to the blocked person. Ask resharing friends to remove their shares.

Report harassment issues

If a blocked person is harassing you about restricted content, report them to Facebook for violating community standards.


In summary, removing a friend from a Facebook video post involves accessing the audience selector menu, unchecking their name specifically from the list of friends, and saving your updated audience settings. This will prevent that friend from finding and viewing that individual video in their feed. Be aware limitations may not fully block the video depending on tags, sharing, caching, and other factors. Additional blocking using Facebook tools may be required in some cases.