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How do I recover a deleted Marketplace listing on Facebook?

How do I recover a deleted Marketplace listing on Facebook?

Facebook Marketplace is a convenient platform for buying and selling items locally. With over 1 billion monthly active users on Facebook, Marketplace gives sellers access to a huge audience of potential buyers.

However, mistakes happen and you may accidentally delete a Marketplace listing that you wanted to keep active. The good news is that Facebook does give sellers the ability to recover recently deleted listings.

Can I recover a deleted Facebook Marketplace listing?

Yes, it is possible to recover a recently deleted Facebook Marketplace listing. However, there is a time limit on how long deleted listings remain recoverable.

According to Facebook, you have 7 days to recover a deleted Marketplace listing. After 7 days, the listing will be permanently removed from Facebook’s system and cannot be retrieved.

So if you notice soon after deletion that you still need the listing, take action quickly to restore it within that 7 day window.

How do I recover a deleted Marketplace listing on Facebook?

Here are the steps to recover a recently deleted Facebook Marketplace listing:

  1. Open the Facebook Marketplace page on desktop or mobile.
  2. Click on the “Selling” tab at the top of the page.
  3. You should see a link for “Recently deleted”. Click on it.
  4. This will display a list of your Marketplace listings that have been deleted in the past 7 days.
  5. Find the deleted listing you want to recover and click the “Restore” button next to it.
  6. The listing will now be active in Marketplace again.

That’s all there is to it! As long as you recover the deleted listing within 7 days, you can easily restore it with just a few clicks.

What happens if I don’t recover a deleted listing in time?

If more than 7 days pass since a Facebook Marketplace listing was deleted, it will be permanently removed and unable to be recovered.

When a listing is permanently deleted, all the details, photos, and information for that listing will be erased from Facebook’s system. The listing cannot be restored.

So if you notice after 7 days that you made a mistake deleting a listing, unfortunately there is no way to retrieve it. The only option is to create a brand new listing from scratch.

To avoid this issue in the future, be very careful when deleting Marketplace listings. And if you do delete a listing by accident, try to notice and recover it within 7 days.

Tips for recovering deleted Marketplace listings

Here are some useful tips to ensure you can recover listings if accidentally deleted:

  • Check for deleted listings frequently – Don’t wait until day 7 to check if anything was deleted.
  • Note important listing information – Have key details written down so recreating a listing is easier if permanently deleted.
  • Be very careful when deleting – Double check you want a listing deleted before confirming.
  • Delete old, inactive listings – Get in the habit of removing old listings so your “deleted” list stays clean.
  • Bookmark the recovery page – Save the Recently Deleted page URL so you can access it easily.

Recovering listings deleted over 7 days ago

Is there any way to recover a Facebook Marketplace listing that was deleted more than 7 days ago?

Unfortunately, no. Facebook does not allow listings to be retrieved once the 7 day period has elapsed.

Some sellers have contacted Facebook support in hopes of having an older deleted listing restored. However, Facebook has confirmed they do not make any exceptions to the 7 day policy.

Listings deleted over a week ago are permanently erased from Facebook’s servers. The only option going forward is to create a new listing.

Mistaking deleting and hiding Marketplace listings

It’s important not to confuse deleting a Marketplace listing with hiding it. These two functions are different:

  • Deleting – Removes the listing completely and it can only be recovered within 7 days.
  • Hiding – Temporarily makes the listing inactive but it remains saved in your Selling tab.

If you only wanted to temporarily disable a listing, make sure you clicked “Hide Listing” and not “Delete Listing.”

You can unhide a hidden listing at any time. But a deleted listing must be recovered within 7 days or it will be gone forever.

Avoiding accidental Marketplace deletion

How can you avoid accidentally deleting important Facebook Marketplace listings?

Here are some tips:

  • Be cautious when deleting – Always double check before confirming a delete.
  • Note listings you want to save – Favoriting or marking important listings.
  • Disable swipe to delete – This removes the option to delete by swiping.
  • Use “hide” instead – Hide unwanted listings vs. deleting right away.
  • Review frequently – Check your Recently Deleted page more often.

Taking precautions when managing your Marketplace listings can prevent costly mistakes.

Recovering deleted listings on Facebook Buy and Sell Groups

The listing recovery process outlined above only applies to the Facebook Marketplace platform.

If you posted an item for sale in a Facebook Buy and Sell Group and then deleted it, there is no way to recover the post.

Deleting a post, comment, or item within a Facebook Group is permanent. Since Buy and Sell Groups are administered by their own moderators, there is no 7 day restore window like Marketplace.

So be very careful when deleting posts in Facebook Groups. Accidental deletions cannot be undone.

What to do if you can’t recover a Marketplace listing

In the event a Facebook Marketplace listing gets permanently deleted and cannot be recovered, here are some options:

  • Relist the item by creating a new listing from scratch.
  • Review your listing details, photos, etc. to accurately recreate it.
  • Consider alternative sales platforms if available.
  • Post in relevant Buy and Sell Facebook groups about the deleted item.
  • Learn from the experience and be more cautious about deletions moving forward.

Although an old listing may be gone forever, you can take steps to get your item back up for sale on Marketplace or elsewhere.

Other Facebook listing management issues

In addition to accidental deletion, some other common issues that can occur with Facebook Marketplace listings include:

  • Listings being mistakenly flagged and removed.
  • Duplicate listings created in error.
  • Errors editing or updating existing listings.
  • Problems with listing visibility and exposure.
  • Trouble communicating with interested buyers.

Marketplace does have its challenges, but overall provides a great sales outlet if you learn to navigate it effectively.

Key takeaways

Here are the key points to remember when recovering deleted Facebook Marketplace listings:

  • Deleted listings can be recovered for up to 7 days.
  • Permanently deleted listings cannot be retrieved after 7 days.
  • Check the Recently Deleted page to restore deletions.
  • Be extremely careful when deleting listings to avoid permanent loss.
  • Learn from any listing mistakes to improve your Marketplace strategy.

With some caution and diligence, you can manage your Marketplace listings while minimizing costly deletions and omissions.


Accidentally deleting important Facebook Marketplace listings can be incredibly frustrating. But thankfully Facebook does allow sellers to easily recover and restore deleted listings within 7 days.

Just be sure to check Marketplace frequently, act quickly if you find any unintended deletions, and exercise caution when removing listings in the future. With the right system in place, you can avoid losing Marketplace sales opportunities.