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How do I reconnect my Facebook page to my Facebook account?

How do I reconnect my Facebook page to my Facebook account?

If you’ve lost the connection between your Facebook page and personal account, don’t worry – it’s usually an easy fix to get them reconnected. Here are the main reasons the connection can be broken and how to fix it:

Your page was restricted or disabled

If your Facebook page was restricted or disabled for any reason, it will become disconnected from your personal account. To fix this:

  1. Log into your personal Facebook account
  2. Go to the page you want to reconnect
  3. Click “Edit Page” > “Page Roles”
  4. Re-add your personal account as an Admin or Editor

Once you’ve added your personal account back as a page role, the page should automatically reconnect. Make sure to read any alerts from Facebook on why your page was restricted to prevent it from happening again.

Your personal account was disabled

If your personal Facebook account was disabled, any pages connected to it will also be disconnected. To fix it:

  1. Submit an appeal to reinstate your disabled Facebook account. This can take anywhere from 24 hours to a few weeks.
  2. Once your personal account is reinstated, go to your page and re-add your account as an Admin or Editor in the Page Roles section.

Your page should then reconnect automatically. Be sure to resolve any issues that caused your personal account to be disabled to prevent future interruptions.

You removed your personal account from the Page Roles

If you manually removed your personal Facebook account from the page roles, this will break the connection. To restore it:

  1. Go to your page and click “Edit Page”
  2. Select “Page Roles” and re-add your personal account as an Admin or Editor

The connection should be instantly restored. Only remove your personal account from the page roles if you want to permanently disconnect that page from your account.

Your Facebook account was hacked

If your Facebook account was hacked, the hacker may have removed your personal account from any connected pages. To fix this:

  1. Regain access to your hacked Facebook account by resetting the password
  2. Go to your page, click “Edit Page” > “Page Roles” and re-add your personal account

This should instantly reconnect the page. Be sure to enable Two-Factor Authentication on your Facebook account to help prevent future hacks.

You created a new personal account

If you created a new personal Facebook account, your old pages will remain connected to your previous account. To link them to your new account:

  1. Add your new personal account as an Admin or Editor to your page in the Page Roles section
  2. Remove your old, disconnected personal account from the Page Roles

Your new account will then become the connected account for the page. Make sure you regain access to your old account first if it has other pages you need to migrate.

You transferred page ownership

If you fully transferred ownership of your Facebook page to someone else, it will no longer be connected to your personal account. The only way to reconnect it is to have the new owner transfer it back to you in the Page Roles section.

You permanently deleted your account

If you permanently deleted your personal Facebook account, any connected pages can no longer be reconnected to it. Your only option is to create a new Facebook account and have the pages transferred to the new account.

If none of these scenarios apply and you still can’t reconnect your page, here are some additional troubleshooting tips:

Make sure you still have an active Facebook account

You need an active personal Facebook account to connect pages. Make sure your account hasn’t been disabled or permanently deleted.

Check your account’s page visibility

Go to your personal account’s settings and make sure “Show Pages managed by me on my profile” is enabled. This allows pages you manage to be visible from your profile.

Remove yourself from the page first

Try completely removing your personal account from Page Roles, then re-adding it. This essentially “resets” the connection.

Wait for changes to process

Changes to Page Roles can take some time (minutes or hours) to fully process. Wait a bit before troubleshooting further.

Ask a page admin for help

If you don’t own the page, ask a current Admin to add your account to Page Roles so you can reconnect.

Report the issue to Facebook

If all else fails, report the problem through Facebook’s help channels. They may be able to reconnect on their end.

Create a new page

As a last resort, you may need to simply create a brand new Facebook page and start fresh. You can transfer over fans from your disconnected page if needed.

Prevent future disconnections

To avoid this issue in the future, be cautious when removing accounts from Page Roles and follow Facebook’s policies to avoid account disables. Enabling Two-Factor Authentication is also recommended to prevent hacks.


Reconnecting a Facebook page is usually straightforward – simply re-add your account in the Page Roles section. Issues like account disables, hacks or ownership transfers can cause more persistent disconnections, but there are steps you can take to get your page reconnected in most cases. Act quickly if your page does get disconnected to prevent any major interruptions.

Reason for Disconnection How to Reconnect
Page was restricted or disabled Re-add personal account as page Admin or Editor in Page Roles
Personal account disabled Appeal account disable then re-add to Page Roles
Removed personal account from Page Roles Re-add personal account to Page Roles
Facebook account hacked Reset password to regain access, re-add account to Page Roles
Created new personal account Add new account to Page Roles, remove old account
Transferred page ownership Have new owner transfer page back to you
Permanently deleted account Create new account and transfer page ownership

By understanding the cause of a disconnected Facebook page and following the proper reconnection steps, you can usually resolve the issue quickly and restore full access to your page. Don’t hesitate to contact Facebook support if you need additional help.


Why did my Facebook page disconnect from my personal account?

The most common reasons Facebook pages disconnect include:

  • Your personal account was disabled
  • Your account was removed as a page Admin or Editor
  • Your account was hacked
  • You created a new personal account
  • You transferred page ownership

How can I tell if my Facebook page is disconnected?

Signs your page is disconnected from your account include:

  • The page no longer appears under “Pages” on your personal profile
  • You can’t access page admin features or insights
  • You see an alert that “only page admins can see this”

Does disconnecting a page delete it?

No, disconnecting a page does not delete it. The page still exists but you can no longer access or manage it until you reconnect.

Can I reconnect a page I didn’t create?

You can only reconnect a page you didn’t create if the current admin adds your personal account to the Page Roles section. Without admin access, you can’t reconnect someone else’s page.

Why can’t I just create a new Facebook page?

You can create a new page, but you will lose your old page’s followers and engagement. It’s better to reconnect your existing page if possible.


  • Disconnected Facebook pages can be fixed by re-adding your account as a page Admin or Editor.
  • Issues like disables, hacks, ownership transfers, and deletions can prevent reconnections.
  • Work through troubleshooting steps to reconnect your page or contact Facebook support.
  • Avoid future issues by securing your account and carefully managing page roles.