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How do I receive donations?

How do I receive donations?

Receiving donations can be a great way to fundraise for a cause, project, or personal need. With the rise of crowdfunding and online fundraising platforms, it’s easier than ever to accept donations from supporters all over the world. Here’s an overview of how to receive donations in the digital age.

Choose a fundraising platform

The first step is to select an online fundraising platform to accept and manage donations. Some top options include:

  • GoFundMe – The most popular crowdfunding site for personal causes and life events.
  • Kickstarter – Crowdfunding for creative projects, inventors, and entrepreneurs.
  • Indiegogo – Supports creative, cause-related, and entrepreneurial campaigns.
  • Fundly – All-purpose fundraising suitable for nonprofits and personal needs.
  • CrowdRise – Crowdfunding site with a special focus on charities and nonprofits.

Each platform works a bit differently but generally allows you to set up a campaign page, share your story to attract donors, provide donation tiers and rewards, and withdraw funds. Do some research to pick the best fit for your particular fundraising needs.

Set up your campaign

Once you’ve selected a platform, it’s time to set up your fundraising campaign. Most sites will walk you through the process step-by-step. Here are some tips for creating an effective campaign:

  • Choose an informative title. Summarize your cause or project in 15 words or less.
  • Tell your story. Share details about who you are, what you’re raising money for, and why donors should care in your campaign description.
  • Add photos and videos. Visual content can help bring your campaign to life and appeal to donors.
  • Explain how funds will be used. Be clear about how donations will support your cause or project.
  • Set a fundraising goal. This gives donors something to work towards.
  • Offer donation tiers/rewards. Encourages people to give at certain levels by offering perks.

Promote your campaign

With your campaign created, it’s time to spread the word to potential donors. Some smart ways to promote your fundraiser include:

  • Share on social media. Post your campaign on all your social channels and ask friends/followers to share.
  • Email outreach. Send your campaign page to your personal and professional contacts. Follow up with reminders.
  • Add social sharing buttons. Make it easy for supporters to share your campaign on their own social media pages.
  • Run Facebook ads. Consider investing a small budget in targeted Facebook ads to reach more potential donors.
  • Contact local media. Pitch your story to neighborhood blogs/newspapers.
  • Print flyers. Hang flyers promoting your campaign in busy local areas.

Focus on sharing your campaign through trusted networks first before branching out. Give people frequent reminders and updates on your progress to keep your fundraiser top of mind.

Thank and update donors

As donations start rolling in, be sure to show donor appreciation and provide campaign updates.

  • Send thank you notes. A handwritten card or email thanking each donor can go a long way.
  • Give social media shoutouts. Thank new donors publicly on your social channels.
  • Update donors on progress. Send email newsletters or social media updates when you hit major milestones.
  • Share how funds were used. Keep donors in the loop by showing how their donations helped make an impact.

Making donors feel appreciated and informed will encourage further support and build loyalty.

Withdraw and use funds

Once your campaign end date has passed, you can withdraw the funds you’ve raised. Here are some final steps:

  • Verify your withdrawal information. Provide necessary bank account or PayPal information.
  • Pay platform fees. Most fundraising sites charge a small percentage as a transaction fee.
  • Withdraw funds. Request the transfer of your donations from the platform to your bank.
  • Use funds as promised. Be transparent by using donations only as outlined in your campaign.

Make sure to closely track incoming donations and outgoing expenses. If you come up short of your fundraising goal, consider running an extension campaign or finding ways to scale your plans.

Tips for donation campaign success

Running a thriving donation campaign takes effort and smart strategy. Here are some top tips to boost fundraising:

  • Personalize outreach: Donors want to feel a connection. Share your authentic story and appeal to shared interests/values when reaching out.
  • Offer a variety of giving levels: Provide donation tiers that fit all budgets – $10, $25, $50, $100, $500 etc. Don’t limit options.
  • Run campaign promotions: Offer time-limited matching donations or supporter contests to spur giving.
  • Report impacts: Share testimonials, videos, and stats demonstrating your progress to inspire further donations.
  • Keep costs low: Use free promotional channels as much as possible. Keep overhead costs transparent and minimal.

With smart strategy and consistent outreach, your donation campaign can exceed its fundraising goals and make a difference.

Common donor questions

Those considering supporting your cause may have some questions before donating. Here are some common inquiries donors may have:

Is my donation tax deductible?

Whether donations are tax deductible depends on the receiving organization. Donations to registered charities and nonprofits approved by the IRS are typically tax deductible. Personal fundraisers or crowdfunding campaigns are generally not.

When will funds be used?

Be transparent by providing donors with an estimated timeline of when their donations will support expenses for your cause or project. Share periodic updates on progress.

How much of my donation goes directly to the cause?

Reassure donors by communicating what percentage of funds goes directly to your project vs. overhead costs. Many fundraising platforms keep fees under 5%.

Is my donation information secure?

Leading fundraising platforms use encryption and other security measures to protect donor data. Provide donors with information about the platform’s safety practices.

How can I give beyond financial donations?

Consider noting if donors can contribute through volunteering, sharing your story, or providing pro-bono professional support. Be creative about non-monetary ways to support your cause.

Alternatives to online fundraising

While online fundraising platforms open up donation possibilities, more traditional methods still have merit:

Direct mail appeals

Mailed letters, brochures, and inserts focused on fundraising appeals to reach local supporters. Requires access to a mailing list.

Event hosting

In-person fundraising events like galas, tournaments, stunts, or auctions. Takes significant planning but can build community.

Apply for grants

Seek grants from government agencies, nonprofits, corporations and foundations that award funds to eligible causes.

Partnership campaigns

Join up with a charity or nonprofit to tap into their donor base by running a co-branded fundraising effort.

Sell branded merchandise

Raise funds by selling custom t-shirts, hats, bags, and other items related to your cause or project.

A combined strategy incorporating both online and offline fundraising often gives the best results. Evaluate your target donors and resources to determine the ideal mix.

Creating a donation submission form

To directly accept donations on your own website, you can create an online submission form. Here are some tips for setting one up:

  • Use a secure platform like PayPal to process transactions.
  • Collect necessary billing details – name, address, payment info etc.
  • Make the form easy to complete with dropdowns, buttons and auto-fill.
  • Provide clear instructions for successful submission.
  • Send automatic confirmation emails to donors upon receipt.
  • Make the form mobile-responsive so donors can give on all devices.

You can use plugins like GiveWP or Formidable Forms to add sleek, functional submission forms to your WordPress site. Make sure the page with your donation form is SSL encrypted for security.

Accepting donations through cryptocurrency

With the rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, many organizations are exploring accepting donations through crypto. Here’s how it works:

  • Get a crypto wallet to receive and store coins. Popular options include Coinbase, Exodus, and MetaMask.
  • Choose which cryptocurrencies to accept, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin etc.
  • Add wallet addresses or QR codes to your campaign materials and website.
  • Use a payments processor like Coinbase Commerce to accept crypto donations.
  • Confirm transactions through the blockchain network.
  • Convert crypto to traditional currency as desired.

Cryptocurrency donations can expand your donor pool, allow global giving, and provide donors with tax benefits. But make sure to understand the risks, fees and volatility associated with crypto transactions.

Legal and tax considerations

When raising funds for any purpose, it’s important to be aware of legal and tax obligations, such as:

  • Charitable registration – Nonprofits and charities soliciting donations may need to register with state/national charity regulatory bodies.
  • Tax documentation – Organizations providing tax receipts to donors may need to collect details and provide documentation like tax ID numbers.
  • Fiscal sponsorship – Projects without nonprofit status can partner with a nonprofit organization for oversight and meet requirements.
  • Reporting donations – Funds received may need to be reported as income depending on the recipient’s tax status.
  • Transparent use of funds – Clearly communicate to donors how their contributions are used in compliance with laws and expectations.

Consult qualified legal and tax professionals to understand requirements based on your fundraising activities and entity structure.


With the right digital tools and outreach strategy, soliciting donations for your cause or project is more feasible than ever. Focus on choosing the right fundraising platform, crafting a compelling campaign, spreading the word through your networks, and showing donors impact. Combine online fundraising with traditional approaches for the best results. Stay compliant through proper registration and by transparently using funds as promised. With dedication and savvy promotion, your campaign can meet or exceed its fundraising goals.