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How do I rearrange albums on Facebook?

How do I rearrange albums on Facebook?

Rearranging the order of photo albums on Facebook can help you organize and prioritize the albums that are most important to you. With a few simple steps, you can customize the album order in Facebook to your liking.

Why Would You Want to Rearrange Facebook Albums?

There are a few key reasons why someone may want to rearrange their Facebook albums:

  • Organize albums chronologically – Put newer albums first and older ones later
  • Prioritize favorite albums – Move your best or most important albums to the top
  • Group similar albums – Cluster albums from the same event, time period, or location together
  • Separate professional from personal – Distinguish work albums from personal life albums

Customizing your album order allows you to curate how your Facebook profile presents your photos and life events to friends and visitors.

How to Rearrange Facebook Albums

Rearranging Facebook albums is a simple process using the Facebook website:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile page and click on the “Photos” tab
  2. In the left sidebar, click “Albums”
  3. Click on the 3 dots “More” menu next to an album
  4. Select “Move Album” from the dropdown menu
  5. Drag and drop the album to the desired new position
  6. Click “Move” to save the new album order

Repeat steps 3-6 to rearrange additional albums as desired. The new order will update right away.

Tips for Rearranging Albums

  • Work top to bottom – Start by moving your most important albums to the top
  • Do it in chunks – Move several albums at once instead of one by one
  • Check it out – Review the new order on your profile to make sure it looks right

What About Rearranging Photos Within an Album?

In addition to rearranging full photo albums, you can also customize the order of photos within a specific album:

  1. Open the album and click “Options” at the top
  2. Select “Rearrange Photos”
  3. Drag and drop photos to put them in the desired order
  4. Click “Done” when finished

Use this to tell a better story with your album or highlight your best shots up front.

Rearranging Albums on Mobile

Facebook album order can also be changed in the Facebook mobile app for iOS and Android:

  1. Tap the menu icon in the top right
  2. Go to your profile and select “Photos”
  3. Tap “Albums” at the top of the screen
  4. Long press on an album to select it
  5. Drag it to the new position and lift your finger

The process works the same way as on desktop. The updated album order will sync across mobile and desktop.

What If I Have Lots of Albums?

If you have hundreds of Facebook albums, rearranging them manually can become tedious. Here are some tips:

  • Sort by newest/oldest first – This groups them chronologically
  • Divide into smaller chunks – Rearrange 20-30 albums at a time
  • Use search to find specific albums – Search for keywords to quickly locate albums
  • Hide old unimportant albums – Archiving old albums removes them from view

Taking small steps makes organizing a large collection of albums more manageable.

Can I Automate Album Order?

Unfortunately Facebook does not have a built-in tool to automatically sort albums chronologically or by number of photos. The only way is to rearrange albums manually.

Some third-party social media management platforms like Hootsuite offer more bulk editing and arranging tools for Facebook content. However, these require connecting your Facebook account to the platform.

Overall, the native Facebook tools provide the simplest and most direct way to reorder your photo albums. Doing it manually may take longer but gives you the most control.

Pros and Cons of Automated Sorting

Pros Cons
Faster reordering Less customization control
Sort by metadata Need third party platform access
Handle large album libraries Automated order may not match your preferences

Does Rearranging Albums Impact Privacy?

Importantly, rearranging your Facebook albums does not change their privacy settings or visibility. Only you can see and access your full album collection.

Album privacy depends on the audience settings configured for each individual album, which are completely separate from their order. Photos and albums will remain private regardless of how your albums are reordered.

However, your profile’s featured photos may change when rearranging albums. Featured photos are visible to the public by default. So if you move a private album to the top, you may wish to update your featured album as well.

Can I Rearrange Albums on Facebook Business Pages?

Facebook business pages have a similar photo album feature. Page owners can upload albums and rearrange the order using the same steps described above.

The key difference is that albums on Facebook pages are publicly visible to anyone who visits the page by default. There is no privacy setting.

So the album order on a business page will impact how they are seen by customers and website visitors. Popular or important albums should be kept at the top for maximum visibility.

Tips for Facebook Page Albums

  • Pin featured albums to the top
  • Group product albums together
  • Put newest/latest albums first
  • Keep event albums chronological


Customizing the order of your Facebook albums is simple to do yourself manually, and provides great control over how your photos are presented. Focus on your favorite and most important albums first when rearranging.

While automated sorting would be faster for very large collections, the native Facebook tools give you precision over your albums’ sequence. Just take rearranging in small chunks.

Rearranging albums does not affect privacy or visibility, except potentially on business pages. Keep your albums organized the way you want them!