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How do I put the navigation bar on top of FB?

How do I put the navigation bar on top of FB?

Placing your navigation bar at the top of your Facebook page is a great way to provide easy access to important pages and information for your visitors. A fixed navigation menu that stays visible as users scroll through your content can improve site navigation and encourage visitors to explore more of your website. Here are some tips on how to put a navigation bar at the top of your Facebook page:

Use a Facebook Page Plugin

One of the easiest ways to add a navigation bar to the top of your Facebook page is by using a Facebook page plugin. Plugins like Page Plugin by Social Plugins and Shortcodes allow you to easily embed a full-width navigation bar at the top of your page. Simply install the plugin, configure your navigation links, and copy/paste the provided code into your Facebook page. The plugin will handle displaying the navbar and keeping it fixed at the top as users scroll.

Use a Custom Facebook iFrame App

For more customization options, you can create a simple iFrame app that contains your navigation HTML/CSS code. iFrames allow you to embed external content directly into your Facebook page. To do this:

  1. Create an HTML file with your navigation HTML and CSS styling.
  2. Upload the HTML file to a public web hosting space or Facebook hosting.
  3. Use the iFrame generator to create an iFrame embedding your HTML file.
  4. Paste the iFrame code into your Facebook page where you want the navbar to display.

Adjust the height/width of the iFrame so the navbar displays correctly. The content will remain fixed as users scroll.

Use a Custom Facebook Page Tab App

For even more customization and features, you can create a custom Facebook Page Tab app using Facebook’s Graph API and development tools. This allows you to develop a tab app that contains your own navigation bar and other components.

Some advantages of a custom tab app include:

  • Add dynamic features like live updates, interactions, etc.
  • Customize design, layout, components
  • Integrate with other apps and databases
  • Tab persists when linking to other tabs/pages

You will need some development experience to build a custom Facebook Page Tab app. But this option gives you the most flexibility over features and design.

Step-by-Step Guide

Here is a step-by-step guide to putting a navigation bar at the top of your Facebook page:

  1. Create the navigation bar HTML/CSS – Build out the HTML and CSS code for your navigation bar. Include list or div elements for the nav links, CSS styling, etc. Make sure to use fixed positioning.
  2. Set up website hosting – Upload the navigation bar files to hosted web space, like Facebook hosting or a public server. This allows Facebook to access the code.
  3. Generate an iFrame – Use an iFrame generator to create an iFrame embedding your navigation bar files. Adjust width/height as needed.
  4. Copy iFrame code – Copy the generated iFrame code to embed your navigation bar.
  5. Paste code into Facebook – Go to your Facebook page and paste the iFrame code into the HTML section. Position as desired.
  6. Test and adjust – Preview your page and test the navigation bar. Make any adjustments to the code needed.
  7. Publish changes – When it’s working as intended, publish changes to your live Facebook page.

Now your custom navigation bar will display fixed at the top of your Facebook page!

Adding Features to Navigation Bar

Once you have a basic navigation bar implemented, there are additional features you may want to add:

Responsive Design

Use CSS media queries to make your navigation bar responsive across desktop, mobile, and tablet. Adjust sizes, positioning, and styling for different viewports.

Active Status Indicators

Use CSS styling to indicate which page the user is currently viewing. This improves navigation feedback.

Hover/Active Menu Effects

Apply CSS styling like background colors, animations, and transitions to menu items on hover and active. This improves the user experience.

Dropdown Menus

For sites with many pages, add dropdown submenus that display on hover or click. This allows fitting more navigation links.

Search Bar

Adding a search bar allows users to quickly find content on your site.

Language Selector

For multi-language sites, add a language chooser to your navigation.


Integrate notifications into your navigation bar, like order updates, new messages, etc. Requires custom integration.

User Menu

Display user account links and options in the navigation for logged in users.

Customizing Navigation Bar Design

Some tips for visually designing your Facebook page navigation bar:

Color Scheme

Match your overall brand colors. Use complementary colors that stand out from the background.

Company Logo

Include your logo in the navigation bar to reinforce branding.

Font Choice

Choose an easy to read font that complements your brand style. Sans-serif fonts generally work best.

Item Spacing

Use sufficient spacing between nav items so they are easy to differentiate. Add extra spacing between sections.

Hover Effects

Add visual feedback like color changes, underlines, and animations on hover.

Spacing Around Navbar

Add top/bottom margins so the navbar doesn’t crowd other content.

Inner Page Links

Style inner page links differently from external links for clarity.


Use icons and imagery along with text labels for visual interest and quicker identification.

Troubleshooting Issues

Some common issues when adding a navigation bar to Facebook pages:

Positioning Problems

Use fixed positioning and zero side margins. Check that width fits the page.

Unresponsive Design

Add CSS media queries to create responsive breakpoints for smaller screens.

Facebook Display Issues

Facebook may occasionally have display glitches. Try clearing cache and reloading.

Broken Links

Double check all link URLs and that files are uploaded correctly.

Slow Load Times

Compress images, remove unnecessary code, and use Facebook hosting for better performance.

Styling Conflicts

If custom styling doesn’t work, add !important tags or use inline styles.

Integration Problems

For complex features, ensure you have fully integrated functionality with Facebook’s API.

Optimizing Navigation Bars

Some best practices for optimizing the user experience of your Facebook page navigation:

Concise Labels

Use short, descriptive labels for navigation links. Avoid lengthy names that wrap text.

Well Organized Layout

Categorize related sections together for intuitive clicking and scanning.

Visible on All Pages

The navigation should persist as users navigate across different pages.

Easy to Tap on Mobile

Larger taps targets and spacing for fat finger-friendly mobile navigation.

Fast Loading

Optimize code and assets for fast loading navigation bars.


Keep styling, structure, and behavior consistent across device widths.

Analytics Integration

Integrate analytics to understand nav usage patterns. Optimize accordingly.

Customer Feedback

Solicit user feedback through surveys and support tickets to improve nav design.

A/B Testing

Try A/B testing different variations to determine optimal navigation setup.


Adding a great navigation bar to your Facebook page provides a better browsing experience and makes it easy for visitors to access important content and pages. Flexible options like Facebook plugins, iFrames, and custom apps allow implementing different navigation features and designs. Focus on organization, ease of use, and performance when structuring your Facebook navigation. Test and optimize frequently based on analytics and user input. With some strategic planning, you can have a custom navigation bar that makes navigating your Facebook page smooth and intuitive for users.