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How do I put I’m in a relationship on Facebook?

How do I put I’m in a relationship on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to indicate their relationship status on their profile. This relationship status is displayed on the user’s profile and can also appear in friends’ News Feeds. There are several different options for indicating a relationship status on Facebook, including “Single”, “In a Relationship”, “Engaged”, “Married”, “In a Civil Union” or “In a Domestic Partnership”. Updating your relationship status to indicate you are in a relationship is easy to do through the Facebook website or mobile app. Here is an overview of how to put “In a Relationship” as your relationship status on Facebook.

Requirements for Setting a Facebook Relationship Status

Here are some key requirements related to setting a relationship status on Facebook:

  • You must have an active Facebook account.
  • Your relationship status is part of your Facebook profile information that other users can potentially see.
  • You can only have one relationship status displayed on your profile at a time.
  • Both people in the relationship do not need to display the same relationship status. You can indicate you are “In a Relationship” even if the other person does not.
  • The relationship status can be updated, edited or removed at any time.
  • If under 18, options like “Married” or “Engaged” may not be available.

So as long as you have a Facebook account, are comfortable displaying your relationship status publicly on your profile, and meet any age requirements, you can put that you are in a relationship on Facebook.

How to Change Your Relationship Status on the Facebook Website

Here are step-by-step instructions for updating your relationship status to “In a Relationship” using the Facebook website:

  1. Log into your Facebook account on a computer.
  2. Click on your profile icon in the top right corner of the page.
  3. From the drop down menu, select “View Profile”.
  4. On your profile page, in the left column, click on “Relationship”.
  5. Click on the current relationship status displayed.
  6. Select “In a Relationship” from the list of options.
  7. If desired, add your partner’s Facebook name.
  8. Click “Save Changes”.

Your relationship status field on your profile will now display “In a Relationship” and your partner’s name (if you added it). This updated relationship status may also appear in any friends’ News Feeds.

How to Change Your Relationship Status on the Facebook Mobile App

You can also easily update your relationship status right from the Facebook mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. Here is how:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on the three line “hamburger” menu icon in the top right corner.
  3. Select “View Profile”.
  4. Tap on your current relationship status.
  5. Choose “In a Relationship” from the list.
  6. Optional: Search for and select your partner from the list if desired.
  7. Tap “Done” to save your new relationship status.

The Facebook app makes it quick and easy to indicate you are in a relationship right from your mobile device.

Other Key Points About Facebook Relationship Status

Here are some other important things to know about setting your relationship status on Facebook:

  • The “In a Relationship” status does not automatically connect you to the other person. They must also add it to their own profile.
  • You can tag your partner in posts, photos, etc even if they have not indicated the same relationship status.
  • Your News Feed may show when other friends enter into or change their own relationship statuses.
  • You will have the option to approve tags from a partner before they appear on your own profile.
  • Relationship details can only be seen by your Facebook friends, not the general public.
  • Others can only tag you in a relationship if you have already added them as a friend.
  • You can choose who sees your relationship status using the audience selector when you update it.

So you have full control over sharing relationship details – it’s completely optional and customizable based on your preferences.

Pros of Displaying Your Relationship Status

Here are some potential benefits of displaying an “In a Relationship” status on Facebook:

  • Lets your Facebook friends know you are in a relationship in a quick and easy way.
  • Avoids potential awkwardness or confusion around your relationship status.
  • Allows you to easily tag and connect with your partner on Facebook.
  • Shows relationship milestones like engagements or marriages for your family and friends.
  • Adds context when posting photos, updates and details involving your partner.
  • Gives your Grandma an easy way to know you’ve found someone special!

Displaying your relationship status can be a nice way to share milestones and experiences with those close to you.

Cons of Displaying Your Relationship Status

However, there are also some potential downsides to consider:

  • It may not accurately portray very new or casual relationships.
  • Makes breakups and relationship changes more public.
  • Opens up the potential for excessive tagging by a partner.
  • Some people may prefer to keep relationship details more private.
  • Could attract unrelated or inappropriate friend requests.
  • May result in getting relationship questions or input from wider social circles.

Posting details about a relationship requires trust in your Facebook friends and network. It’s not the right choice for every person or situation.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Easily share relationship status updates with friends and family. Breakups become more public.
Avoid awkwardness about relationship status. Potential overtagging by partner.
Tag and connect with partner on Facebook. Some prefer privacy around relationship status.
Share milestones like engagements. May attract unwanted friend requests.
Adds context for posts involving partner. May prompt unwanted questions or input.

When deciding whether or not to post a Facebook relationship status, weigh the benefits and downsides based on your specific circumstances.

Other Facebook Relationship Options

Beyond “In a Relationship”, here are some other relationship status options you’ll see on Facebook:

  • Single – Indicates you are not currently in a romantic relationship.
  • Engaged – Shows you are engaged to be married.
  • Married – Indicates you are married.
  • In a Civil Union – For those in legally recognized civil unions.
  • In a Domestic Partnership – For those in long-term committed domestic partnerships.
  • In an Open Relationship – For those in non-exclusive romantic relationships.
  • It’s Complicated – A vague status for complex relationship situations.
  • In a Relationship with [Name] – Lets you specify your partner’s name.

These expanded options allow you to better define your specific relationship circumstances.

Adding Evidence of Your Relationship on Facebook

In addition to your main relationship status, you can also add evidence documenting your relationship on Facebook in other ways:

  • Post photos together and tag your partner.
  • Check-in together at locations like restaurants or events.
  • Share memorable relationship milestones and anniversaries.
  • Update your intro section with relationship details.
  • Write posts and give shoutouts to your partner.
  • Change your profile picture to a couples photo.
  • Link to your partner’s profile from your About section.
  • Create shared Facebook albums showcasing your relationship.

Using these types of features shows the depth of your relationship beyond just a status update.

Things to Consider When Posting About Your Relationship

If you do choose to share relationship details on Facebook, here are some tips:

  • Discuss boundaries with your partner on what you each feel comfortable posting.
  • Consider settings posts about your relationship visible to just close friends if desired.
  • Tag thoughtfully – make sure your partner approves tags before posting.
  • Don’t overshare details – some moments are better kept private.
  • Use caution when posting about issues or difficult moments in the relationship.
  • Remember your partner may not want the same level of sharing.
  • Maintain open communication if someone feels overexposed.

Having mutual respect for each other’s privacy is key in posting about a shared relationship on Facebook.

Updating Your Status When a Relationship Ends

If you do indicate your relationship status on Facebook, it’s important to update it appropriately when that relationship ends. Here are some tips for updating it post-breakup:

  • Change the status to “single” but don’t add further details.
  • Avoid negativity or placing blame when announcing the change.
  • Consider taking some time before announcing the change publicly.
  • Remove any relationship details from your intro or About section.
  • Adjust the audience on past relationship photos or posts if needed.
  • Delete former couples profile pictures or other inappropriate content.
  • Un-tag your former partner from any posts.
  • Notify your former partner first before announcing the change.

Being respectful and discreet can help minimize drama and tension after a breakup.


Displaying your relationship status is an optional feature on Facebook. weigh the pros and cons to decide if it’s right your your specific relationship and personal comfort level with sharing. If you do opt to indicate you are “In a Relationship”, be thoughtful about how you represent the relationship online. Make sure to update the status appropriately if that relationship ends in the future. With open communication between partners and measured sharing, Facebook can be used to share meaningful relationship milestones in a positive way.