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How do I put a live countdown on Facebook?

How do I put a live countdown on Facebook?

Putting a live countdown timer on Facebook can be a great way to build anticipation and excitement for an upcoming event or launch. Whether it’s counting down to a product release, the start of a sale, or a special date, a Facebook countdown timer allows you to get your audience involved and engaged.

Why Use a Facebook Countdown Timer

Here are some of the key benefits of using a countdown timer on Facebook:

  • Build excitement and anticipation for your event or launch
  • Encourage people to take action when the timer ends (e.g. visit your site, make a purchase, register for your event)
  • Boost engagement as people comment on the timer and share it with friends
  • Increase website traffic around the launch date as people click through to your site from the timer
  • Drive sales by motivating people to take advantage of a special offer or early bird pricing before time runs out

Countdown timers are a simple but powerful marketing tactic that tap into people’s innate curiosity and desire to be part of anticipating a big reveal or launch. The ticking clock also creates a sense of urgency and scarcity, encouraging people to take action now before time runs out.

How to Add a Countdown Timer to Facebook

There are a few different ways to add a customizable countdown clock or timer to your Facebook page or event:

Use a countdown timer app

One of the easiest options is to use a third party Facebook countdown app such as:

  • Social Timers
  • Woobox
  • OMGF Countdown
  • Thunderclap

These tools allow you to set a future date and time, customize the look and feel of the timer graphic, and generate a code snippet to embed on your Facebook page or event. Many of them offer free basic plans or free trials to test them out.

Create a countdown timer with HTML and JavaScript

For full customization options, you can create your own countdown timer using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. This involves:

  1. Setting a target future date and time in JavaScript
  2. Writing code to calculate the time remaining until that target date/time
  3. Updating the DOM to display the countdown clock on your page or post
  4. Styling the clock with CSS

Here is some sample code for a basic countdown timer:

<div id="countdown"></div>


  // Set countdown target date and time
  var countDownDate = new Date("Jan 5, 2024 15:37:25").getTime();

  // Update the countdown every 1 second
  var x = setInterval(function() {

    // Get today's date and time
    var now = new Date().getTime();
    // Calculate the distance between now and the count down date
    var distance = countDownDate - now;
    // Time calculations for days, hours, minutes and seconds
    var days = Math.floor(distance / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
    var hours = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60));
    var minutes = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60));
    var seconds = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60)) / 1000);
    // Display the countdown in the element with id="countdown"
    document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = days + "d " + hours + "h "
    + minutes + "m " + seconds + "s ";
    // If the count down is over, write some text 
    if (distance < 0) {
      document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = "EXPIRED";
  }, 1000);

This basic code can be modified and expanded on to style the clock and make it match your brand aesthetics.

Use an online countdown timer generator

For a simpler option, you can use an online countdown timer generator like the one at Online-Stopwatch. This allows you to enter a future date and customize the look of the timer graphic. It will generate the HTML/JavaScript code for you to copy and paste onto your Facebook page or event.

How to Embed a Countdown Timer on Facebook

Once you’ve created your countdown timer code, you’re ready to add it to Facebook. Here’s how:

Add it to your Facebook page

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click “Edit Page”
  3. Paste your countdown timer HTML/JavaScript code into the HTML section
  4. Click “Save Changes”

This will embed the timer directly on your Facebook page where fans can see it.

Include it in a Facebook post or ad

  1. Create a new post or ad on your Facebook page
  2. Switch from the default post editor to HTML mode
  3. Paste your countdown timer code into the HTML editor
  4. Publish the post/ad

This lets you display the timer in your Facebook feed and ads.

Add it to a Facebook event

  1. Go to your Facebook event page
  2. Click “Edit Event”
  3. Paste the code into the HTML section, same as for a page
  4. Click “Save Changes”

Having it on your event page allows people to watch the countdown to the event date.

Countdown Timer Placement Tips

To maximize visibility and engagement, here are some countdown timer placement best practices:

  • Put it at the top of your Facebook page or event page so it’s one of the first things people see.
  • Include it in website headers/footers so it’s visible on every page.
  • Place it above the fold in Facebook posts and ads so it catches attention immediately.
  • Show it prominently on any special landing pages, popups or fly-ins promoting your launch or offer.
  • Feature it on relevant blog and social media imagery to pique curiosity.

Driving Actions with Your Countdown Timer

The countdown timer itself will generate interest and engagement around your launch. But you’ll want to provide clear calls-to-action so people know what to do when the timer ends. Some ideas:

  • Have a signup link, email capture form, or “Register Now” button so people can get notified as soon as your offer goes live.
  • Encourage people to save the launch date on their calendar or set a reminder.
  • Prompt people to share the countdown timer with friends to spread the word.
  • Offer a special discount, prize or incentive for taking action before the timer runs out.
  • Include links to your website, online store, or event ticketing page so people can immediately take advantage of your launch.

The more you can make it clear what you want visitors to do when the timer hits zero, the more effective your countdown campaign will be.

Optimizing Your Countdown Timer

Here are some tips for making your Facebook countdown timer as impactful as possible:

  • Choose an eye-catching countdown timer visual with your branding colors and logo.
  • Give it an urgent, exciting headline like “Countdown to the Big Reveal!” or “Just 3 Days Left for Early Bird Pricing!”
  • Include milestones like “Just 1 week to go!” at 7 days, 1 day, 1 hour etc. to keep momentum going.
  • Post daily countdown updates in the last week and hour to maintain excitement.
  • Make sure it links to a working page on your site with info about the launch.
  • Test different placements, images and text to see what generates the most clicks and engagement.
  • Set your date and time carefully. Don’t start too early but give people enough notice to get involved.

With testing and optimization, you can perfect your countdown campaign to maximize its impact and results.

Do’s and Don’ts

Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind when creating a Facebook countdown timer:


  • Pick an important, highly anticipated event date to build excitement around
  • Make the purpose and end goal of the timer clear
  • Use bright, engaging graphics that align with your brand
  • Include urgency and scarcity messaging as the timer winds down
  • Have a plan for what happens when the timer hits zero


  • Use a timer for no clear purpose just because it seems interesting
  • Have a sloppy, generic looking timer that doesn’t match branding
  • Start the timer too early or too late
  • Leave people wondering what happens when time runs out
  • Overuse countdown posts to the point of annoyance

Keep these tips in mind and your countdown timer can be an impactful, highly engaging addition to your Facebook marketing campaigns!


Adding a countdown timer to Facebook can build tremendous hype and excitement around an upcoming product launch, sale, or event. While there are different ways to create a timer, the easiest options are to use a countdown app or online generator that produces the HTML/JavaScript code for you.

Strategically place your timer on your Facebook page, in your posts/ads, and on your event page. Provide clear calls to action so people know what you want them to do when time runs out. With compelling creative and strategic placement, your Facebook countdown timer can help drive significant traffic, engagement and conversions.