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How do I promote my Facebook to get more likes?

How do I promote my Facebook to get more likes?

Having a popular Facebook page with lots of likes and followers can be beneficial for businesses, organizations, or personal brands. A popular page gives your content more visibility, helps establish credibility, and allows you to reach a larger audience. However, getting those initial likes and growing an engaged following takes strategic promotion. Here are some tips on how to effectively promote your Facebook page to get more likes.

Optimize Your Facebook Page

The first step is making sure your Facebook page looks professional and is completely filled out. You want to make a great first impression on visitors to convince them to like your page. Follow these Facebook page optimization tips:

  • Have an informative, keyword-rich page title – Include your brand name and a description of what you do/offer
  • Use an eye-catching cover photo and profile picture – Show off your brand visually
  • Write an intriguing page description – Summarize what people can expect from your page
  • Pin an engaging welcome post – Greet new visitors and encourage them to like your page
  • Add branding details like your mission, story, contact info, and more
  • Organize and utilize playlists to showcase content themes
  • Make sure any website links are working

An optimized page gives people all the information they need to decide if they want to like and follow you. Make a great first impression and convince them your page will provide value.

Promote Your Facebook Page Offline

Don’t limit Facebook page promotion to just online methods. Use offline marketing tactics to drive local awareness of your page. Here are some ideas:

  • Add a call-to-action to like your Facebook page on all other marketing materials – website, print ads, direct mail, etc.
  • Place stickers or signs with your Facebook info at your physical business location
  • Print your Facebook URL on receipts, packaging, and shopping bags
  • Promote during live or in-person events and include your Facebook handle on any giveaways or swag
  • Ask business partners and affiliates to promote your page to their customer base

The key is placing your Facebook information anywhere you can reach potential fans offline. Then make it easy for them to find and like your page.

Run Facebook Ads

One of the fastest ways to get more Facebook page likes is through paid advertising directly on the platform. Facebook Ads allow you to target specific demographics and interests who are more likely to engage with your page. You can choose to optimize your campaign for more page likes or other objectives like website traffic or conversions.

Some best practices for effective Facebook Ad campaigns include:

  • Segment your audience by location, age, interests, behaviors, and more
  • Test different images, copy, layouts, and calls-to-action
  • Make the most eye-catching creative and copy within the first 3 seconds before people scroll past
  • Advertise posts that performed well organically or promote your best content
  • Set a friendly, inviting tone and encourage interaction
  • Use videos and images that humanize your brand and connect emotionally

The great thing about Facebook Ads is you can start small with any budget and scale up as you test what resonates best with your target audience. The more likes your page gets, the more credibility it will have with future visitors as well.

Go Live and Create Video Content

Video marketing is growing across all platforms and tends to outperform static image posts. Creating fun, informative Facebook Live streams and pre-recorded videos can help attract new page likes by showing off your brand personality.

When going live or sharing video, remember these tips:

  • Educate or entertain – deliver value for viewers
  • Produce videos natively for Facebook
  • Keep videos short – under 2 minutes performs best
  • Promote your video content with ads
  • Invite engagement with questions, polls, comments, etc.
  • Give people a reason to want to see more of your videos

The more human and “real” you seem on video, the more viewers will connect with your brand and want to like your page. Videos also tend to be shared more, expanding their reach.

Host Facebook Contests or Giveaways

Contests, giveaways, and sweepstakes are a tried and true way to quickly get more Facebook page likes. The incentive of free stuff or prizes will entice people to not only like your page but also get their friends to like it too to increase their chances. Make sure your contests follow Facebook’s promotion guidelines. Ideas include:

  • Photo contests – users post pictures based on a theme for votes/prizes
  • Caption contests – supply a photo for fans to add funny captions
  • Product giveaways – like and share to enter a chance at free stuff
  • Loyalty rewards – like the page and get a coupon or discount
  • Referral incentives – share your unique link to get entries for each new like
  • User-generated content contests – fans post UGC around a hashtag/theme for prizes

Contests should complement your brand and engage your audience. The key is giving fans incentives to participate and reasons to keep coming back to your page.

Interact and Engage With Followers

Simply having lots of Facebook page likes looks impressive, but you need real engagement from followers for lasting success. Liking, commenting frequently, and responding to comments shows you’re an active, caring brand. Ways to interact include:

  • Like and reply to comments from followers
  • Ask intriguing questions to spark conversation
  • Run polls and surveys to crowdsource opinions
  • Thank people for likes, shares, and engagement
  • Ask followers to tag friends who may like your page
  • Share user-generated content featuring your brand

When people feel good engaging with you, they’ll be more likely to follow your page long-term and encourage friends to like you as well.

Leverage Influencers and Brand Ambassadors

Influencers and brand ambassadors with an established following can give your Facebook page a big lift by promoting it to their networks. Partnering with the right influencers aligned to your brand exposes you to targeted, engaged audiences. You can work out deals for sponsored posts, takeovers, reviews, social sharing, and more. Some tips:

  • Vet influencers to ensure an authentic fit and engaged following
  • Look at follower demographics and interests to find ideal partners
  • Avoid overused mega-influencers unless budget allows
  • Determine clear metrics of success upfront
  • Create win-win partnerships that also benefit influencers
  • Encourage creative freedom balanced with branding needs

Micro and mid-tier influencers are often more affordable yet can still lend credibility and organic reach. Make the partnership rewarding for both parties.

Cross-Promote On All Your Social Channels

The more places you promote your Facebook page, the faster it will grow. Leverage all your own social media platforms to raise awareness of your Facebook presence and drive traffic. Some ideas:

  • Pin your Facebook page link in your Twitter profile
  • Share Facebook posts and videos natively on Twitter
  • Upload Facebook videos to YouTube and embed them on websites
  • Link to your Facebook page in Instagram bios and Stories
  • Cross-post Instagram feed photos to Facebook
  • Promote Facebook in your email newsletters
  • Blog about your Facebook content and embed posts

The key is remembering to rotate where you’re driving traffic from to get the most diverse audience possible to your Facebook page. Integrate and align promotions across all platforms.

Utilize Facebook Tools

Take advantage of free tools Facebook provides specifically to help pages get discovered. Some options include:

  • Claim and optimize your Facebook Business Page listing
  • Link your website to Facebook for social integration
  • Enable Messenger to let followers message you directly
  • Add social sharing buttons on your website
  • Install the Facebook Pixel for ad tracking
  • Use Click to Messenger Ads to drive messages
  • Share content to Facebook from other tools like Buffer

Getting set up with all the Facebook business features not only simplifies marketing but also provides data to refine your strategy.

Network and Collaborate With Other Pages

Keep an eye out for partnership opportunities with other Facebook pages in your industry or location. Cross-promoting and sharing fans can help expand both communities. Ways to team up include:

  • Give and receive page recommendations and shoutouts
  • Share each other’s posts and content
  • Co-host Facebook Live videos or events
  • Collaborate on Facebook videos
  • Joint contests requiring liking multiple pages
  • List each other as related pages

Choose partner pages with audiences similar to yours when possible. Strategic networking leads to new likes and engaged followers.

Advertise On and Off Facebook

Advertising and marketing your Facebook page should use both on-platform and off-platform tactics for maximum visibility. Widen your reach by:

  • Placing Facebook Ads to target specific audiences
  • Promoting your page on other high-traffic websites
  • Working with influencers or paid ambassadors
  • Buying email or newsletter sponsorships
  • Taking out online/offline ads in complementary venues
  • Attending or hosting events to network and spread awareness
  • Pitching your page to media outlets for earned coverage

The more quality exposure you gain, the faster your Facebook community will grow. Allocate budget across diverse channels for amplification.

Make Liking Easy

Don’t make it difficult for interested visitors to like your Facebook page. Place prominent Like buttons on your website, in your email newsletters, at live events, and anywhere else you reach audiences. Other tips include:

  • Add a click-to-like Facebook button over top of all your images
  • Include easy Like/Follow buttons in your email signature
  • Use Facebook click-to-Messenger Ads to drive one-click likes
  • Make your Facebook URL short and easy to remember
  • Add Facebook page link shortcuts to your website and emails

Liking your page should take one or two clicks max or people may lose interest. Reduce friction wherever possible.

Post Consistent, Valuable Content

At the core of Facebook marketing is consistently posting content your audience wants to see. You need to give people ongoing reasons to keep engaging with your page. Strategize posting that focuses on:

  • Educating – How-tos, tutorials, tips
  • Entertaining – Funny videos, amusing stories
  • Inspiring – Motivational quotes, success stories
  • Informing – Company news, industry updates, events
  • Helpful – Product reviews, customer service

Determine what resonates best with your fans based on reactions and comments. More likes will come with valuable, consistent content.

Retarget Website Visitors

If people are visiting your website but not yet engaging on Facebook, you can retarget ads specifically to them. Install the Facebook pixel on your site first, then create custom audiences of site visitors to market to. You can tailor ad messaging to convince them to also like your Facebook page for continued brand connection. Retargeting warm traffic from your site to Facebook is highly effective at capturing more likes.

Make Your Facebook Page Beneficial

At the end of the day, your page needs to provide value and fill a need to get likes and grow over time. Assess what makes your page helpful by monitoring engagement metrics and listening to feedback. Ways to excel include:

  • Fulfill needs – Provide desired info, products, services, support
  • Build relationships – Be responsive, appreciative, friendly, fun
  • Recognize fans – Thank, feature, and spotlight active followers
  • Offer exclusives – Special access, sales, discounts for fans only
  • Fill knowledge gaps – Share little-known tips, insider advice

When current fans are happy, they’ll spread the word and liking your page becomes contagious. Focus on quality over quantity of likes.

Be Patient Yet Persistent

Gaining Facebook likes doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistency, commitment, and patience. But if you actively promote and regularly engage your community, your numbers will slowly but steadily rise. Other tips include:

  • Track growth over longer periods – month over month, year over year
  • Set realistic goals for liking milestones
  • Keep experimenting with new marketing tactics
  • Analyze your data to refine approaches
  • Stay motivated by focusing on helping people

Don’t get discouraged by short-term fluctuations. Maintain your efforts, continue providing value, and your ideal audience will find you.


Growing an engaged, active Facebook audience takes creativity, persistence, and knowing your target market. Use a diverse mix of online and offline tactics to get your Facebook page in front of those most likely to like and follow you. Brainstorm fun ways to interact with fans while providing a consistent stream of value. With enough care put into the community, your Facebook presence will continue expanding and making an impact.