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How do I prepare for a content reviewer interview?

How do I prepare for a content reviewer interview?

Preparing for a content reviewer interview can seem daunting, but having a game plan and being ready to highlight your skills will set you up for success. In the opening paragraphs, some quick answers to common questions are: research the company and role, practice responding to likely interview questions, review your own writing samples and portfolio, prepare questions to ask the interviewer, and dress professionally.

Understand the Role and Company

First and foremost, you’ll want to ensure you understand what content reviewing entails at the particular company you’re applying to. Content reviewer roles can vary greatly, so make sure you’re clear on the day-to-day responsibilities. Visit the company’s website and social media channels to get a feel for their brand voice and style. Look for any job descriptions, employee spotlights, or blog posts that detail what content reviewers do there. This will help you speak knowledgeably about the position during your interview.

It’s also crucial to understand the company’s goals, ethos, and target audience. Study their “About Us” and similar pages to get insight into their mission, values, and content strategy. Look for clues about who their typical customers or readers are. This will allow you to explain in the interview why you’re excited about the company and how your skills make you a great culture fit.

Practice Responding to Common Questions

Next, look over lists of popular interview questions for content marketing roles. Practice your responses out loud to get comfortable speaking about your experience. Reflect on specific examples from your past work that show off the top skills needed for content reviewing, such as:

  • Writing and editing
  • Research and fact-checking
  • Collaboration
  • Attention to detail
  • Time management
  • Creativity

Expect interview questions like:

  • “What do you look for when reviewing a piece of content?”
  • “How do you prioritize when managing multiple projects and deadlines?”
  • “Tell me about a time you had to fact-check something. What process did you use?”
  • “What experience do you have adapting your writing for different audiences and publications?”

Revisit your resume and past work samples to identify relevant anecdotes. Quantify achievements with statistics and results whenever possible.

Review Your Portfolio

Speaking of work samples, you’ll want to prepare a portfolio of your best writing and editing projects to share during the interview. This gives the interviewer something tangible to assess your abilities against. Include a range of content types, such as:

  • Blog posts
  • Articles
  • Website copy
  • Social media posts
  • Newsletters
  • Brochures/flyers
  • Press releases

For each sample, include a brief description of the project, your role, and the results. Be ready to discuss the goals, target audience, and your creative process. This portfolio enables you to showcase the range of skills needed to excel as a content reviewer in a visual way.

Prepare Questions for the Interviewer

Interviews go both ways, so bringing thoughtful questions shows your interest in the company and role. Prepare a list of questions focused on learning more about the position’s daily responsibilities, challenges, and goals. Here are some examples:

  • “What does a typical day look like for a content reviewer here?”
  • “How much collaboration is there between the content team and other departments?”
  • “What metrics are used to measure the success of your content?”
  • “How is work assigned and divided amongst the content team?”
  • “What are some of the biggest content challenges your team wants to solve this year?”

This not only satisfies your need for information, but also impresses the interviewer with your engagement. Bonus: it provides natural openings to highlight your relevant skills and experience.

Dress Professionally

While content roles don’t require formal business attire, you still want to make a polished first impression. Steer clear of casual clothing like jeans, T-shirts, or sneakers. Opt for clean, pressed pieces in neutral, muted tones. For women, a business casual dress or nice blouse and trousers are safe choices. For men, wear an ironed button-down shirt with khakis or slacks. Neat hair and minimal accessories complete the look. Dressing professionally visually reinforces your attention to detail and ability to represent the company well.


Prepping your knowledge, skills, and materials ahead of a content reviewer interview reduces stress. Understanding the role and company, practicing responses, reviewing your portfolio, and preparing questions put you in a position to impress. With this foundation, you can confidently convey your fit for the position from the moment you step through the door. Focus on highlighting your genuine enthusiasm and qualifications during the interview itself. Follow up promptly with a thank you note restating your interest. With this thorough approach, you can ace your next content reviewer interview opportunity.