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How do I post from Facebook to my Facebook page?

How do I post from Facebook to my Facebook page?

Posting content from your personal Facebook profile to your Facebook Page is a great way to share updates, photos, videos, and more with your audience. Here are the steps to post from your personal profile to your Facebook Page:

Switch to Your Facebook Page

First, log into your personal Facebook profile. At the top of your news feed you’ll see a shortcut bar with icons for Home, Friends, Groups, Marketplace, etc. Click on the “Pages” icon, which looks like a little house.

This will bring up a list of all the Facebook Pages you manage. Click on the name of the Page you want to post to in order to switch your account view to that Page.

Create Your Post

Now that you’re viewing Facebook as your Page, you can begin creating a post. Click in the status update box at the top of the page and type or paste your content.

You can include text, photos, videos, emoji, stickers, GIFs, polls, or any other content just like you would when posting from your personal profile.

Choose Where to Post

Before sharing your post, you’ll need to choose where you want it to be posted – just to your Page’s timeline, or also out to your Page’s followers. Use the privacy dropdown menu to select an option:

  • Public – Post to timeline and send notifications out to all of your Page’s followers
  • Friends – Post only to your Page’s timeline
  • Only Me – Post only to your own view of the Page (keep it private)

In most cases you’ll want to select Public so your post goes out to your audience. But the other options are handy if you want to draft a post without publishing it live.

Share Your Post

Once you’ve selected the audience, click “Share” or “Post” to publish your content to your Page.

That’s all there is to it! The post will now be live on your Page’s timeline and visible to your chosen audience.

Tips for Posting to Your Page

Here are some tips to optimize posting to your Facebook Page:

  • Schedule posts in advance using Facebook’s Creator Studio so you don’t have to post in real time.
  • Use analytics to see what types of content resonate most with your audience.
  • Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages.
  • Use calls-to-action to encourage followers to take specific actions.
  • Tag other Pages or people to increase reach and engagement.
  • Post consistently to stay top of mind with your audience.

Troubleshooting Issues

If you’re having trouble posting from your personal profile to your Page, here are some things to check:

  • Make sure your personal profile is an Admin on the Page. You’ll only be able to post if you have an admin role.
  • Check that your Page visibility is Public, not Unpublished.
  • Try logging out and logging back in to refresh permissions.
  • Clear browser cookies and cache in case of a technical issue.
  • Use Facebook’s Business Help Center to troubleshoot or contact support.

Posting vs Admin Rights

It’s important to understand the difference between being able to post to a Facebook Page and having full admin access:

  • Posting Ability – This permission allows you to post content as the Page from your personal profile. You can send updates but not make admin changes.
  • Admin Rights – This gives you full control over the Page including posting, editing settings, adding admins, moderating content, and more.

So you can post to a Page without being an admin, but you need admin rights to make broader changes and manage the overall presence.

Using Facebook Apps

You can also use third-party apps like Buffer or Hootsuite to post to your Facebook Page. These tools connect to your Page and allow you to schedule posts in advance.

The main benefits of using social media management apps include:

  • Schedule posts for optimal timing.
  • Easily post to multiple networks.
  • Analyze post performance.
  • Collaborate with a team.

To get started, you’ll need to connect the app to your Facebook account and grant permissions to post to your Page.

Posting from a Facebook Business Manager Account

Facebook Business Manager provides another option for managing your Facebook presence. It allows you to control multiple ad accounts, Pages, and more from one central account.

To post from a Business Manager account to your Page:

  1. Log into Business Manager and navigate to the “Publishing Tools” section.
  2. Click on the Page you want to post from.
  3. Create a post just like you would from an individual account.
  4. Click “Publish” to share to your Page.

Business Manager provides user roles and permissions, so you can control who on your team has access to post to your Facebook presence.

Posting from Facebook Creator Studio

Facebook Creator Studio is the platform’s dashboard for Pages and creators. It provides analytics, post scheduling, messaging tools, and more.

To use Creator Studio to post:

  1. Navigate to and click on Creator Studio.
  2. Select your Page from the left menu.
  3. Click “+ Create Post” at the top.
  4. Add your post content.
  5. Schedule the post or click “Publish Now”.

Posting directly from Creator Studio can help streamline managing your Facebook presence, especially if posting frequently.

Posting from a Facebook Group

If you manage a Facebook Group in addition to your Page, you may want to cross-post content between the two. Here’s how to post from a Group to your Page:

  1. From your Group, create a post as you normally would.
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner of your post.
  3. Select “Share to Page” and choose your Page.
  4. The post will now copy directly to your Page’s timeline.

This is an easy way to share Group updates, polls, or discussions with your broader Page audience. Just be sure the content aligns with your Page niche.

Posting from Instagram

Since Facebook owns Instagram, you can directly share Instagram posts to your Facebook Page.

On Instagram, when creating a post you will see a list of destinations you can share to. This includes your connected Facebook Page(s).

Toggle your Page on, then post the photo and caption as usual. The content will automatically appear on your Facebook Page.

You can also connect your accounts in Facebook or Instagram settings to enable one-click cross-posting.


Posting to your Facebook Page is easy and flexible. You can share content directly from your personal profile, a Business Manager account, Creator Studio, Groups, Instagram, and more.

Be sure to analyze your Facebook Page analytics to see what content best engages your followers. Experiment with different types of posts (links, photos, videos, questions, etc.) to see what your audience responds to best.

Consistently posting valuable content to your Facebook Page is key to growing your following and achieving your social media marketing goals.

Posting Method Pros Cons
Personal Profile Simple and easy Hard to separate personal and Page content
Business Manager Centralized management More complex setup
Creator Studio Post scheduling and analytics Additional platform to manage
Facebook Apps Scheduling and team features Monthly costs for premium plans
Instagram Cross-promote content Only shares static posts (no Reels)

Try utilizing a mix of posting methods to determine what works best for your unique needs and audience. The key is consistency – post frequently and foster engagement with your followers.

With a strategic approach, posting to your Facebook Page can help grow your brand and business online. The platform provides a wealth of tools and options – explore what works for you and have fun engaging your audience!