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How do I post a recommendation on a Facebook group?

How do I post a recommendation on a Facebook group?

Posting recommendations on Facebook groups can be a great way to share your opinion about businesses, products, services, etc. However, there are some best practices to follow when posting recommendations to ensure your post is well-received and provides value to the group.

Join the group first

Before posting a recommendation, make sure you have joined the relevant Facebook group. Most groups require you to be a member before allowing posts. Take some time to get familiar with the group by reading the description, rules, and a few recent discussions to get a feel for the norms of that community.

Make sure recommendations are allowed

Some Facebook groups do not allow recommendations or promotional posts. Carefully review the group’s rules before posting to ensure recommendations are permitted. If the rules are unclear, you can contact the group admin to ask if recommendation posts are allowed.

Provide context for your recommendation

Don’t just post “I recommend Company XYZ.” Give some background for why you are recommending a business or product, so the post is useful for other group members. Share details like:

  • How you found the company or product
  • Why you initially needed their services/product
  • Your experience interacting with the company or using the product
  • What makes you recommend them over alternatives

Be transparent if you have any affiliation

If you have any personal or professional connection to the business you are recommending, disclose this upfront in your post. For example, if you are an employee or owner of the company, or were given a discount or incentive to post. Being transparent will help build trust within the group.

Use a descriptive, relevant title

Make the title descriptive so group members can quickly grasp if your recommendation is relevant to them. For example “Seamless customer service from [Company]” or “Affordable option for [product]: [Company]”. Do not use vague titles like “You should use this!”

Post to relevant subgroups whenever possible

Larger Facebook groups may have smaller subgroups or categories within them. Whenever possible, post your recommendation to the most relevant subgroup instead of the main group. This helps target your recommendation to users most likely to be interested.

Include photos, but follow group rules

Including photos in your recommendation post helps catch people’s attention and makes the post more visually appealing. However, check the group rules first – some groups restrict photos to keep the feed tidy. If allowed, incorporate relevant high-quality photos like products, storefronts, or graphics.

Respond helpfully to any questions

Group members may have follow up questions about your recommendation. Be prepared to respond promptly and helpfully if anyone asks for more details or clarification. Do not get defensive if someone disagrees with your recommendation – have an open discussion.

Proofread before posting

Give your post a quick proofread to check for typos, formatting issues, unclear phrasing, etc. This gives a good impression and makes your post easier to read.

Follow up with feedback

After you have posted your recommendation for a while, follow up by commenting on your original post with a brief review. Share feedback on how the product/service has continued meeting (or not meeting) your expectations since originally posting.

Do not only post recommendations

While recommendations can provide value to group members, do not use groups solely as a platform for promotions. Actually engage with the community by commenting on other posts, participating in discussions, and posting other types of relevant content in addition to recommendations.

Use common sense and courtesy

As when posting in any online community, use basic etiquette and common sense when posting recommendations to Facebook groups. Make sure your posts are on-topic, professional in tone, and thoughtful about how they might impact group members.

Consider the benefits and drawbacks

Posting recommendations on Facebook groups has both advantages and disadvantages:

Potential benefits

  • Share your positive experiences with a broad audience
  • Surface little-known businesses or products
  • Provide helpful recommendations to group members
  • Promote brands and services you love

Potential drawbacks

  • Perceived as promotional even if well-intentioned
  • Can clutter group feeds if too frequent or irrelevant
  • Overwhelm small or local businesses if demand spikes
  • Create distrust if financial ties are unclear

Keeping both the potential upsides and downsides in mind will help you make thoughtful decisions about when and how to post recommendations appropriately.


Posting recommendations on Facebook groups can be beneficial if done properly. Make sure to join groups, follow rules, provide context, disclose affiliations, use descriptive titles, target relevant subgroups, incorporate photos, respond helpfully, proofread posts, give feedback, contribute beyond recommendations, and use common courtesy. Considering both the pros and cons of posting recommendations will help ensure your posts provide genuine value to group members.