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How do I post a 4K video on FB?

How do I post a 4K video on FB?

Posting 4K videos on Facebook can be a great way to share high-quality content with your friends and followers. However, there are a few requirements Facebook has in place for 4K video uploads. In this article, we’ll walk through everything you need to know to successfully post 4K videos on Facebook.

What is a 4K video?

First, let’s cover the basics. 4K refers to video resolutions that are approximately 4,000 pixels wide. This results in a much sharper, higher-quality image compared to standard HD video which is only 1080p.

Some key facts about 4K video:

  • 4K video has a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels (compared to 1920 x 1080 for HD)
  • It provides over 8 million pixels, 4 times as many as 1080p HD video
  • The increased resolution makes video look crisper and more lifelike
  • 4K video requires more bandwidth and storage space due to the larger file sizes

With the increased adoption of 4K TVs and displays, 4K video is becoming more popular across social media platforms like Facebook. Posting 4K content can help your videos stand out in viewers’ feeds and timelines.

Facebook’s requirements for 4K video

When uploading videos to Facebook, there are a few requirements your 4K videos will need to meet:

  • Resolution must be 3840 x 2160 pixels (4K)
  • Aspect ratio should be 16:9
  • Framerate should be 24, 25, or 30 fps
  • Bitrate should be 20-30 Mbps
  • Format must be MP4 or MOV
  • Max file size is 4GB

Meeting these technical specifications ensures your 4K video uploads successfully and plays back smoothly in viewers’ feeds.

Optimizing 4K videos for Facebook

In addition to meeting Facebook’s baseline requirements, you also want to optimize your 4K content for the platform:

  • Use simple titles that explain the video topic/content
  • Add a thorough video description for SEO and searchability
  • Select relevant tags so your video can be discovered by interested viewers
  • Include closed captions for accessibility
  • Use chapters to allow viewers to jump to specific sections

Properly titled, tagged, and described 4K videos are more likely to capture viewers’ interest and get engagement on Facebook.

Uploading 4K videos to Facebook

When your 4K video is edited and optimized, you’re ready to upload it to Facebook. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click “Photo/Video” to create a new post
  2. Select your 4K video file from your computer to add it
  3. Fill out the title, description, tags, and other fields while the video uploads
  4. The 4K video will process once the upload is complete (this may take time depending on the file size)
  5. Preview the video post and edit if desired before publishing

One tip is to upload when you have a strong internet connection, as 4K files can be large and may take a while to upload fully.

It’s also a good idea to watch your video after it processes to ensure it appears crisp and clear in the Facebook player in 4K resolution.

Video compression on Facebook

One important note about uploading 4K video to Facebook – the platform will compress and process your original file once it’s uploaded.

This means the 4K video displayed in viewers’ feeds will be a slightly compressed version of your source file, even if you upload a high-quality 4K file.

The compression helps accommodate different users’ internet speeds and device capabilities when streaming the video. But it may result in some decrease in visual quality compared to your original 4K footage.

Just keep this Facebook compression in mind if your 4K video appears slightly softened or degraded after processing. The tradeoff is ensuring your 4K video can be smoothly delivered to a wide range of viewers.

Using Facebook Premiere for 4K video

If you want to build hype for your 4K video, you can use Facebook Premiere when posting.

Premiere allows you to schedule a video to premiere at a specific time, sort of like a live video launch.

Viewers are notified when the Premiere starts and they can watch together as the first viewers of your new 4K video. This helps drive momentum and engagement right from the start.

Just check the “Schedule Premiere” box after uploading your 4K video file and Facebook will walk you through the Premiere setup.

Viewing 4K video on Facebook

When watching 4K video on Facebook, you’ll need:

  • A 4K-capable display screen
  • A computer, mobile device, or internet connection with sufficient bandwidth
  • The latest version of your browser or Facebook app

Without a 4K display, you’ll see the video but not in full 4K resolution. So having a 4K TV or monitor is ideal for the best playback experience.

On a computer, you can get 4K playback on recent Mac or PC models. For mobile, you’ll need a fairly new smartphone like an iPhone 8 or Galaxy S8. 4K video consumes significant bandwidth so a fast internet connection helps avoid buffering or quality issues.

Make sure to update your browser and Facebook app regularly as well, as updates improve 4K video support.

Troubleshooting 4K video issues

If your 4K videos don’t upload correctly or appear overly compressed/pixelated on Facebook, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Double check your video meets Facebook’s 4K requirements
  • Try re-encoding the video with Handbrake or other software for wider compatibility
  • Lower the bitrate slightly if file size is too large
  • Clean metadata/caches and attempt reuploading the file
  • Upload shorter 4K clip tests before posting long-form video

With some experimentation, you can usually resolve any 4K upload or playback issues on Facebook.

Promoting your 4K Facebook videos

Once your 4K video is successfully posted, you’ll want to promote it to maximize viewership. Some tips:

  • Share the video post on your other social media accounts
  • Run Facebook Ads targeted to relevant audiences
  • Ask fans and friends to like, comment, and share the video to boost reach
  • Share previews or trailers of the 4K video ahead of the full premiere
  • Analyze performance with Facebook Insights to refine your strategy

Driving engagement and shares is key to getting your 4K content seen by more people on Facebook.

Should you post 4K video on Facebook?

Posting 4K video on Facebook has some clear benefits:

  • Higher quality, more visually stunning video
  • Ability to capture viewers’ attention in crowded feeds
  • More immersive, engaging viewing experience
  • Opportunity to show off technological capabilities

However, there are also some downsides to keep in mind:

  • 4K requires more expensive recording equipment
  • Significantly larger file sizes than HD video
  • Higher bandwidth needed for uploading and streaming
  • Not all viewers have 4K displays to take advantage

Weighing the pros and cons will help determine if posting 4K video makes sense for your Facebook presence and audience. You may want to experiment with a mix of HD and 4K content.

Facebook’s push into 4K video

Facebook sees high-quality video like 4K as the future of social media. The company is heavily investing in video technology across its apps.

Some signs of Facebook’s 4K video priorities:

  • Support for uploading and streaming 4K video
  • Virtual reality app Oculus Rift runs at 4K resolution
  • 360-degree 4K video is supported
  • Facebook Watch original programming being filmed in 4K
  • Executives emphasizing video as the next wave of content

Facebook will likely continue enhancing 4K video capabilities and pushing creators to adopt 4K across news feeds, stories, live videos, and more. Staying on top of these developments will ensure your video strategy evolves along with Facebook.

Best practices for 4K on Facebook

If you’re ready to start uploading 4K video to Facebook, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Film at the highest 4K settings possible for your equipment
  • Use tripods, stabilizers, and proper lighting to get pro-level shots
  • Edit and encode source files properly before uploading
  • Pay close attention to Facebook’s current 4K requirements
  • Optimize titles, descriptions, and other metadata
  • Publish 4K videos natively rather than upscaling HD

Following these tips will help ensure your 4K Facebook videos turn out looking great and engaging your audience.

The future of 4K video

4K video adoption is still in the relatively early stages, but steady growth is predicted in the coming years.

Some forecasts indicate that by 2027:

  • Over 50% of US households will have a 4K TV
  • 4K streaming will make up over 50% of internet traffic
  • Online platforms like Facebook will be viewing predominantly in 4K

More affordable 4K cameras, better internet speeds, and new display technology will also help drive the expansion of 4K video.

As a creator, staying ahead of the curve with 4K content will future-proof your presence. Viewers’ expectations for vivid, ultra-high definition video will only increase over time.

Establishing yourself as an early 4K adopter on Facebook sets you up well to capitalize on this growing demand for superb visual quality.


Posting 4K video on Facebook comes with technical requirements but offers a more immersive viewing experience. Assessing your audience, resources, and strategy will determine if pursuing 4K makes sense for your brand. With Facebook prioritizing video innovation, 4K presents creative opportunities to stand out and engage viewers in new ways. Following best practices and keeping pace with Facebook’s evolving features will ensure your 4K content shines.