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How do I pin a description to a Facebook group?

How do I pin a description to a Facebook group?

Pinning a description to a Facebook group is a great way to provide important information to all members of the group. The pinned description serves as an announcement that sits at the top of the group page, ensuring that any member who visits will see it immediately. This can be especially useful for conveying rules, guidelines, or helpful resources related to the group.

What is a pinned post on Facebook?

On Facebook groups, admins and moderators have the ability to “pin” posts to the top of the group’s page. This causes the pinned post to appear at the top of the page, above all other posts, comments, and information.

Pinned posts stand out from regular posts because they remain static at the top regardless of any new activity in the group. While regular posts quickly move down as members add new posts, pinned posts stay put.

Facebook allows admins/mods to pin up to 2 posts at a time. One pinned post can be used for rules/guidelines, and a second can highlight important info or group resources.

Why pin a description post in your Facebook group?

Pinning a post that contains your group description accomplishes a few useful things:

  • It ensures the description is highly visible. This lets new and existing members clearly understand the group’s purpose and guidelines.
  • It makes the description easy to find. Members don’t have to dig for the info—it’s right at the top.
  • It makes the description sticky. Unlike regular posts, a pinned post never gets lost in the shuffle.

In short, pinning the description post promotes better understanding of your group’s focus and rules among members.

How to pin a post to the top of a Facebook group

Pinning a post to the top of your Facebook group is easy to do. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook group page and log in as an admin or moderator.
  2. Locate the post you want to pin. This may be an existing post or you may need to create a new one.
  3. Hover over the post and click the three dots icon in the top right corner.
  4. Select “Pin to Top of Group” from the dropdown menu.
  5. The post will now be pinned to the top of your group page.

And that’s it! The post will now be pinned at the top of the group for all members to see.

Best practices for pinning your group description

To make the most of pinning your Facebook group description, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Create a dedicated description post – Don’t just pin an existing post. Craft a post specifically as your description.
  • Include key group details – Cover your purpose, rules, guidelines, resources, etc. Include any info you want new members to know.
  • Keep it short and scannable – Avoid long blocks of text. Use sections, lists, and line breaks for easy reading.
  • Pin it ASAP – Pin the post as soon as you publish your group to make the description visible from the start.
  • Update it if needed – Edit the pinned post in the future if you need to update any details.

Following these tips will ensure your pinned description post is as informative and helpful as possible!

Can I pin multiple posts in my Facebook group?

Yes, Facebook does allow groups to pin more than one post at the same time. Specifically, you can have:

  • 1 announcement post pinned at the very top
  • 1 regular pinned post below the announcement

So in total, you can pin up to 2 posts simultaneously.

The top announcement pin is designed for important, time-sensitive updates like rule changes or event reminders. The regular pinned post below that can be used for your group description, resources, or anything else you want visibility on.

To pin multiple posts:

  1. Pin your group description post first following the steps above.
  2. Pin a second standalone post for your announcement.
  3. The announcement will now appear at the top, followed by your description post.

Use your 2 pinned posts strategically to keep your members engaged and informed!

Can I pin a post on Facebook without being an admin?

No, pinning posts in Facebook groups can only be done by admins and moderators. General group members do not have access to the “Pin to Top of Group” option.

Here are the requirements to pin posts in a group:

  • To pin posts in a group you created, you must be the group admin.
  • To pin posts in a group you didn’t create, you must be a group moderator.

If you try pinning as a regular member, you’ll get an error saying only admins/mods can pinned posts. Don’t worry though—if you want a post pinned, you can always request it in the group or ask an admin directly.

Can I pin a post on Facebook on my phone?

Pinning posts works the same whether you’re on Facebook in a desktop browser or using the mobile app on your smartphone. The functionality is available on both.

To pin a post from your phone’s Facebook app:

  1. Navigate to your group and tap the post you want to pin.
  2. Tap the three dots in the top right corner.
  3. Choose “Pin to Top of Group” from the menu.

The post will now be pinned at the top just like if you were on a computer. The process is quick and easy!

Do pinned posts show for all Facebook group members?

Yes, a pinned post in a Facebook group is visible to anyone who visits or joins the group. Pinning makes the post stand out at the top of the page both on desktop and mobile.

It doesn’t matter if a member is new or existing, active or inactive—a pinned post will be one of the first things they see upon entering the group.

This is what makes pinning so useful for important info like descriptions, rules, announcements, etc. Since it’s seen by everyone, it ensures all members are on the same page.

A few pinned post visibility notes:

  • You don’t need to interact with a group to see its pinned posts.
  • Pinned posts remain visible even if you leave a group.
  • The only exception is banned members. Banned members cannot view any group content.

Can I edit a pinned post on Facebook?

Yes, you can edit the content of a pinned post after it’s been published and pinned. This allows you to update any details as needed.

To edit a pinned Facebook post:

  1. Go to the pinned post and click the three dots in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Edit Post” from the menu.
  3. Make your changes to the post text, images, etc.
  4. Click “Save” to update the pinned post.

The post will remain pinned while you edit. All group members will now see the updated version.

A couple edit notes:

  • You can only edit your own posts. Only the original author can edit a pinned post.
  • Editing does not bump a pinned post down. Its position remains fixed to the top.

Can I delete or unpin a post on Facebook?

If you’ve pinned a post that you want to remove, you have a couple options:

  • Unpin the post – This leaves the post in place but removes the pinned status.
  • Delete the post – This removes the post entirely from the group.

To unpin a Facebook post:

  1. Go to the pinned post and select the three dots > Unpin Post.
  2. The post will now be unpinned but remain visible in the group.

To delete a pinned Facebook post:

  1. Go to the pinned post and select the three dots > Delete Post.
  2. Confirm the deletion in the popup.
  3. The post will be removed entirely.

In general, simply unpinning is better if you still want group members to access the content. Deleting removes all access to that post.

Mistakes to avoid when pinning in Facebook groups

When using pinned posts in your Facebook group, be sure to avoid these common mistakes:

  • Pinning too many posts – Don’t overdo it. One or two pinned posts max is plenty.
  • Pinning outdated information – Be timely. Edit or unpin stale posts.
  • Pinning unimportant posts – Reserve space for your most important content.
  • Forgetting to pin your description – Your description should always be pinned.
  • Pinning excessively long posts – Keep pinned posts short, scannable and to-the-point.

As long as you pin high-quality posts that stay relevant over time, your members will find great value in them.

Facebook group pinned post ideas

To spark ideas for great pinned content, consider pinning posts that cover:

  • Group description
  • Group rules and guidelines
  • FAQs and key resources
  • Member spotlights
  • Virtual events or meetups
  • Ongoing classes or programs
  • Important news and updates
  • Polls and surveys
  • Contests or giveaways

Mix it up with a description pin plus a timely highlights post. Rotate pins consistently to keep members engaged. Consider requests from members for posts they want pinned as well.

Do Facebook group announcements work the same as pinned posts?

Facebook group announcements are different from pinned posts in a couple key ways:

  • Position – Announcements appear above pinned posts at the absolute top.
  • Lifetime – Announcements expire after 7 days automatically.
  • Limit – Only 1 announcement can be active at a time.

So in summary:

  • Pinned posts – Permanent, can have 2, appear below announcements.
  • Announcements – Temporary, can have 1, appear above pinned posts.

Use announcements for time-sensitive alerts and pinned posts for evergreen info members need to know. Together they are a powerful combination!


Pinning key posts is a valuable tool for Facebook group admins. It keeps the most important and relevant information right at the top where both new and existing members can see it.

Be sure to pin an informative group description post so all members immediately understand your purpose. Take advantage of the ability to pin a second post too for rules, resources or timely updates.

Follow best practices like crafting high-quality pins, updating them as needed, and pinning only the most useful info. Avoid common mistakes like pinning too much. Strategic use of pinned and announcement posts will boost engagement and provide value in your Facebook group!