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How do I notify Facebook of a deceased person?

How do I notify Facebook of a deceased person?

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is difficult. In addition to the emotional turmoil, there are many practical matters that must be handled, including notifying online services and social media sites like Facebook. This guide will walk you through the steps for memorializing or deleting a deceased person’s Facebook account.

Can I memorialize a deceased person’s Facebook account?

Yes, Facebook allows you to memorialize the account of a deceased person. This preserves their profile while also preventing anyone from logging into it in the future.

When an account is memorialized:

  • The word “Remembering” is added to the top of the deceased person’s profile
  • Profile and cover photos remain visible
  • Friends can still post on the memorialized Timeline
  • Account can no longer be accessed for log in
  • Profile does not appear in “People You May Know” suggestions
  • Memorialized accounts no longer appear in ads or birthday reminders

In essence, memorializing an account turns the deceased person’s profile into a place where friends and loved ones can gather to share memories, stories, and photos.

Who can memorialize a Facebook account?

Facebook allows both family members and friends to memorialize an account. Here are the specifics:

  • Immediate family members can request to memorialize the account of their deceased loved one.
  • The account can also be memorialized by anyone who can provide documentation showing they are an immediate family member of the deceased.
  • If immediate family members are unable or unwilling to memorialize the account, a verified friend can make the request.

Facebook requires verification to prevent memorializing someone’s account in error. This often means providing a copy of the deceased’s death certificate or obituary.

How do I request to memorialize a Facebook account?

To begin the process of memorializing someone’s Facebook account:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Request Form:
  3. Fill out the form with the deceased person’s name, your relationship, and the reason you are requesting memorialization.
  4. Attach a copy of the deceased’s death certificate or obituary notice.
  5. Click Submit.

Once submitted, Facebook will review the request and documentation. If approved, the account will be memorialized. This process may take up to 24 hours.

Can a memorialized Facebook account be deleted?

Yes, it is possible to permanently delete a memorialized Facebook account. This erases all the posts, photos, and data associated with the profile.

To delete a memorialized account:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Request Form.
  2. Fill out the form again, this time requesting account deletion.
  3. Attach a copy of your government ID to prove you are an immediate family member.
  4. Click Submit.

Facebook will review the information and delete the account if you are verified as an immediate family member. This erases the profile and removes the ability for friends to post memories.

Should I delete or memorialize a Facebook account?

The choice between memorializing or deleting a Facebook account is a personal one. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Memorializing preserves posts and memories to look back on.
  • Deleting erases all account data which some may prefer for privacy.
  • Memorializing maintains a gathering place for friends to connect and remember the deceased.
  • Deleting removes notifications and suggestions which some find painful reminders.

Overall, memorializing is preferable if the deceased would have wanted their Facebook presence maintained for friends and family. Deleting makes sense for those who were private or would not have wanted an ongoing profile.

Can I reactivate a memorialized account?

No, Facebook does not allow memorialized accounts to be reactivated. Once an account is memorialized it remains that way permanently, unless deleted upon request from immediate family members.

If someone passes away and you memorialize their account, it cannot be undone. This prevents accounts from being memorialized and then accessed by others fraudulently.

What options are there besides memorializing or deleting an account?

If you do not want to fully memorialize or delete a deceased person’s account, Facebook provides these other options:

  • Trusted Contact – Appoint a friend to manage the account for memorialization.
  • Legacy Contact – Designate someone to post final messages or respond to new friend requests.
  • Tributes Section – Leave memories without memorializing the account.

The Trusted Contact can memorialize the account once the person passes away. The Legacy Contact can post and respond but not see messages. The Tributes Section allows anyone to post on a separate area of the deceased’s profile.

Can I create a memorial page on Facebook instead?

Facebook has a specific feature for creating memorial pages rather than profiles. These act as ongoing tributes separate from an individual’s account.

To create a Facebook memorial page:

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Create a Memorial Page”
  3. Enter the deceased’s name and verify your relationship
  4. Fill in bio info and profile picture
  5. Click “Create Page”

The memorial page will act as a gathering place for friends and family to post memories without impacting the individual’s main account.

How do I report a deceased person’s memorialized profile that is still active?

If you notice a deceased person’s memorialized account is still active and allowing posts or access, you can report it to Facebook:

  1. Go to the memorialized profile
  2. Click the three dots in the upper right corner
  3. Select “Find Support or Report Profile”
  4. Choose the option “Report deceased person’s profile that is still active”

Facebook will then investigate and take steps to fully memorialize or disable the reported profile. This prevents ongoing access to accounts that should be inactive.

Can someone hack into a memorialized or deleted Facebook account?

It is very rare, but technically possible for hackers to break into inactive Facebook accounts, memorialized or deleted. This is an illegal activity that Facebook tries to prevent.

If you notice signs of unauthorized access such as new posts or messages, report it immediately to Facebook. Tell them the account was memorialized or deleted, and you suspect foul play.

Facebook will work to strengthen the account’s security. They may require proof of identity from whoever is reporting the unauthorized access to verify rightful ownership.

Does Facebook notify an account’s friends when it is memorialized or deleted?

No, Facebook does not proactively notify someone’s friends and connections when an account is memorialized or deleted. The change will be apparent to those who visit the deceased’s profile.

Some key signs an account has been memorialized include:

  • The word “Remembering” shown at the top
  • An inability to post on the person’s timeline
  • Lack of birthday notifications

Friends may also notice the person missing from Messenger contacts, group chats, and other areas, indicating the account deletion.

Can I download data from a memorialized/deleted account first?

Yes, before requesting to memorialize or delete an account, you can download a copy of the data for records.

To download data:

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Request Info” on the deceased’s profile
  3. Select relationship to the deceased
  4. Enter account credentials if known
  5. Choose what data to download

This lets you archive posts, photos, videos, and profile info before the account is disabled. The downloadable data can act as a meaningful keepsake.

Am I responsible for someone’s unpaid Facebook ads when I memorialize their account?

No, the person who memorializes a Facebook account is not responsible for any unpaid advertising fees. Memorializing prevents future ad creation but does not transfer financial liability.

Any outstanding ad balances remain associated with the original account holder. Facebook will retain and attempt to collect that debt as necessary.

The only potential responsibility would be if you as the successor continue running existing ads after memorializing the account. In that case, you must pay any future charges.

Can I transfer a deceased person’s Facebook business page to someone else?

If the deceased person owned a Facebook business page, you can transfer ownership to someone else rather than memorializing or deleting.

To transfer a Facebook business page:

  1. Go to Facebook Business Settings
  2. Click “Transfer Ownership”
  3. Enter the name of the person taking over the page
  4. Have the new owner accept the transfer

The person accepting responsibility for the business page should be another company representative, partner, or successor. This maintains operation of the page for ongoing business social media needs.

Can I save photos from a memorialized account?

Yes, you can save copies of photos from a memorialized Facebook account before it gets deleted:

  1. On the memorialized profile, click Photos
  2. Use the download option on any images you want to keep
  3. Or, do a bulk download of all photos from the account
  4. Save the photos to your computer or another device

This preserves special memories, events, and photos before the account and its data are removed. Be sure to download anything you want to hold onto.

What steps can I take to prepare my Facebook account in case of my death?

To make things easier for your loved ones, you can set up your Facebook account now to handle your passing:

  • Designate a legacy contact to manage your profile after you die.
  • Specify an account heir in your account settings.
  • Provide login details to a trusted contact or friend.
  • State your memorialization or deletion wishes in your will.

Taking these steps while still active on Facebook will smooth the process later and ensure your account is handled as you want.


Memorializing or deleting a loved one’s Facebook account can be emotionally difficult. But it is important for preventing unauthorized access and properly managing their online presence. Be sure to consider whether memorialization or full deletion is most appropriate. And appoint a legacy or trusted contact to make things simpler for family members in the future.

With some forethought and Facebook’s tools, you can ensure your account is smoothly handled in line with your wishes. This will make things a little easier on loved ones during an already difficult time.