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How do I merge FB groups and pages?

How do I merge FB groups and pages?

Facebook groups and pages serve different purposes, but sometimes you may want to combine them. For example, you might have an active group that you want to convert into a public page, or vice versa. Unfortunately Facebook does not have a built-in tool to directly merge groups and pages. However, with some strategic planning, you can effectively transition a group into a page, or vice versa. Here are some tips on how to merge Facebook groups and pages.

Converting a Facebook Group into a Page

If you have a private or public group that has grown significantly, you may want to convert it into a page so that it is public facing and anyone can view the content without joining. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Create a New Facebook Page

First, create a new Facebook page. You can do this by going to and clicking on the “Create” dropdown menu at the top. Select “Page” and then choose the category that best fits your group.

Step 2: Invite Members to Like the New Page

Once you’ve created the new page, invite all of the members of your existing group to like the page. You can do this by posting a link to the new page in the group and asking members to go like the page. Be sure to let them know that you will be migrating content over soon.

Step 3: Migrate Content Over

Now you can start migrating content from your Facebook group over to the new page. You have a few options for how to do this:

  • Manually re-share old posts: Go through your group history and re-share relevant posts to your page’s timeline.
  • Export data: Facebook allows you to export data from groups as an HTML file. You can then copy and paste key content from the group into posts on your new page.
  • Screenshot then re-post: Take screenshots of important conversations and posts in your group. Re-post the screenshots to your page.

Focus on moving over the most valuable discussions and resources first.

Step 4: Let Group Members Know the Group is Being Retired

Once most of the important information has been migrated over, let your group members know that you will be retiring the existing group and to follow the new page moving forward. Give them advance notice before shutting down the group.

Step 5: Shut Down Original Facebook Group

The final step is shutting down your original Facebook group. You can do this by going to the group, clicking on the Members tab, selecting “Edit Group” and then at the bottom choosing to delete the group.

Converting a Facebook Page into a Group

Sometimes you may find a public page you manage has morphed into a tight-knit community where members are constantly interacting. In this case, you may want to convert your page into a private or public group. Here is how:

Step 1: Create a New Facebook Group

Just like before, start by creating a new Facebook group. You can do this by going to, clicking on the “Create” menu and selecting “Group”. Choose the group privacy settings and category.

Step 2: Invite Fans to Join the New Group

Once your new group is setup, invite all of the people who have liked your page to join the new group. Make a post letting fans know about the new group and allowing them to opt-in.

Step 3: Migrate Content Over

Now you need to migrate content from your page to the new group. You can:

  • Share old posts to the group
  • Export page data as HTML and re-post to group
  • Take screenshots of key info and post in group

Focus on conversations, member comments and interactive content.

Step 4: Let Fans Know Page is Retiring

Give your fans advance warning that you will be retiring the page and to join the new group. Let them know on your page and via other channels.

Step 5: Delete Original Facebook Page

Finally, delete your original page. You can do this by going to the page, clicking “Settings” and at the bottom choosing to permanently delete the page.

Best Practices

When merging Facebook groups and pages, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Clearly communicate changes with members/fans
  • Only post key content to new group/page
  • Make the switch quickly once new group/page is setup
  • Redirect people from old group/page
  • Watch activity on old and new groups/pages
  • Delete old group/page once migration is complete

Reasons to Convert a Group to a Page

Here are some common reasons you may want to convert a Facebook group to a public page:

  • You want the content to be visible to non-members
  • Your group has grown very large
  • You are getting lots of membership requests
  • You want to build your brand publicly
  • You want to monetize with ads and selling products

Reasons to Convert a Page to a Group

Here are some reasons to go the other way and convert a page to a private or public group:

  • Your fans are very engaged and interactive
  • You want deeper connections with core audience
  • Your page is attracting spammers
  • You don’t want casual visitors just browsing
  • You want to limit membership

Pros and Cons of Groups vs. Pages

Facebook Groups


  • Membership is controlled
  • More personal connections
  • High engagement and interaction
  • No algorithms limiting organic reach


  • Private or hidden from public view
  • Harder to build brand awareness
  • Less ability to monetize with ads

Facebook Pages


  • Public facing to anyone on Facebook
  • Build brand and awareness
  • Monetization with ads, selling products


  • Less personal connections
  • Organic reach limited by algorithms
  • Less member interaction


Can you merge a Facebook group and page?

No, there is no direct way to merge a Facebook group and page. However, you can effectively migrate content from one to the other by sharing posts, exporting data, taking screenshots, and redirecting your audience.

Can you convert a Facebook group into a page?

Yes, you can convert a Facebook group into a page by creating a new page, inviting members to like it, migrating content over, letting members know, and finally deleting the original group.

Can a Facebook page be converted to a group?

Yes, you can convert a Facebook page into a group by creating a new group, inviting fans to join, migrating content over, notifying fans of the change, and deleting the original page.

What is migrated when converting a group to page?

When converting a group to a page, you’ll need to manually migrate over posts, comments, photos, files and other content. Unlike pages, Facebook groups do not have a public archive.

What happens to group members when converting to a page?

Group members will not automatically become page fans when converting. You will need to invite them to like the new page and redirect them there. Download the member list beforehand.

Can I delete a group or page after migrating content?

Yes, after migrating all important information over, you can delete the old group or page. Just be sure to save any data beforehand that you may need later.


While you can’t merge Facebook groups and pages directly, you can effectively transition from one to the other with some strategic planning. Move content over manually, let your audience know about the change, redirect fans/members, and ultimately delete the old group or page. Consider the pros and cons of groups vs. pages, and what will best meet your community’s needs.