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How do I memorialize my Facebook account after death?

How do I memorialize my Facebook account after death?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become an integral part of many people’s lives. It’s a place to connect with friends and family, share life events, and leave memories. But what happens to your Facebook account when you pass away? Memorializing your Facebook account allows you to set up a legacy so your memory can live on.

What does memorializing a Facebook account mean?

Memorializing an account essentially turns the page into a memorial site. It preserves the account just as it was when the person was still alive. Friends and family can still see the profile and posts, look through photos, and share memories. But memorialized accounts have some key differences:

  • No one can log into a memorialized account
  • Memorialized profiles don’t appear in public spaces like friend recommendations
  • Memorialized accounts can’t receive new friend requests

So memorializing locks the account and limits some features, but still allows loved ones to visit and interact with the profile.

Who can memorialize a Facebook account?

Only certain people can submit memorialization requests:

  • Immediate family members (spouse, parents, children, siblings)
  • Other verified family members
  • An executor of the estate

You’ll need to provide documentation proving your relationship to memorialize an account. This shows Facebook you have the authority to make changes.

How do I memorialize someone’s Facebook account?

The process takes just a few steps, but you need to access the Memorialization Request Form:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Request Form page. You can find the link in the Facebook Help Center.
  2. Enter the name and birthday of the deceased person’s account you want to memorialize.
  3. Select your relationship to the deceased.
  4. Check the box agreeing you have authority to make the request.
  5. Click “Continue” and follow the instructions to provide documentation proving your relationship.
  6. Once submitted, Facebook will review your request and documentation. If approved, the account will be memorialized within 24 hours.

The form allows you to select someone to manage the account. This memorial account manager can pin posts, respond to new friend requests, and update the profile picture and cover photo.

I need to memorialize a Facebook account but can’t access the form. What should I do?

If you can’t access the Memorialization Request Form, try these steps:

  1. Report the profile as belonging to a deceased person. You can do this from the account’s profile page.
  2. Facebook will likely reach out for documentation. Be ready to provide the necessary proof.
  3. Once confirmed, Facebook will memorialize the profile within 24 hours.

This alternate reporting method may take longer. But it’s useful if you can’t directly submit the request form.

Can a memorialized account be deleted instead?

Memorializing locks the account and preserves it as is. But completely deleting the account is also an option. Consider which choice better fits the situation:

Memorializing Deleting
Content stays visible All content is erased
Profile becomes a memorial Account disappears forever
Good for remembrance Better for privacy

Memorializing is best for preserving memories and letting the profile serve as a keepsake. Deleting removes the account entirely, which some may prefer for privacy reasons.

How do I delete a Facebook account instead of memorializing?

Only the account holder can delete their own Facebook account. But after death, a verified immediate family member can submit a special request:

  1. Fill out the Facebook Memorialization Request Form. But select “Delete Account” instead of memorializing.
  2. Facebook will contact you to confirm your relationship to the deceased.
  3. Once confirmed, Facebook will delete the account. All content and info tied to it will be permanently removed.

Similar to memorializing, you’ll need to provide documentation proving your relationship. Facebook wants to ensure accounts are only deleted or memorialized by authorized family.

What options are there for memorializing someone on Facebook without needing to access their account?

If you can’t memorialize or delete someone’s actual Facebook account, you still have options to honor their memory. Here are some ideas:

  • Create a memorial group dedicated to the deceased where friends can share memories.
  • Make a new profile using “Remembering” in front of the deceased’s name.
  • Share a post publically about the loss to allow anyone to leave condolences.
  • Make image collages or videos with photos of your loved one’s life to post.

Pages created specifically as memorials won’t have the same access and content as actual accounts. But they let the community come together to grieve, support each other, and pay tribute.

What happens if a memorialized account gets hacked or impersonated?

Unfortunately, scammers may try to hack or clone memorialized accounts. If this happens, report it to Facebook right away. Here’s how:

  1. Click the three dots in the top right of the imposter profile.
  2. Select “Find support or report profile.”
  3. Choose “Report profile” and follow prompts to explain it’s fake.

Facebook prioritizes reviewing reports of memorialized accounts being misused. They work to remove imposter profiles as quickly as possible.

Can I download data from a memorialized account?

Yes, you can download a copy of data and content from a memorialized profile. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the Memorialized Account Management page. Find the link in the Help Center.
  2. Enter the email address and password for the memorialized account. If you don’t have this info, request the data as an immediate family member instead.
  3. Click “Request data” and select what range of data you want to download.
  4. Facebook will email a link to download the archive when it’s ready.

Downloaded data includes posts, photos, videos, messages, and more. It serves as a full backup of the account’s history and memories.


Memorializing a Facebook account or creating alternative memorial profiles allows you to transform the page into a commemorative space. It’s a thoughtful way to honor someone’s life while allowing friends and family to gather in remembrance. Be sure to regularly monitor memorialized accounts to watch for any unauthorized changes.