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How do I memorialize a FB page?

How do I memorialize a FB page?

Memorializing a Facebook page after someone passes away can be an emotional but meaningful process. When you memorialize an account, the profile remains but some key features are restricted. This allows friends and family to share memories while protecting the privacy of the deceased.

What Happens When You Memorialize A Facebook Account?

When a Facebook account is memorialized, several changes take effect:

  • The word “Remembering” appears next to the name at the top of the profile
  • The profile no longer appears in public spaces like in suggestions for People You May Know
  • No one can log into the memorialized account
  • Memorialized profiles do not have the same login/security protections as normal accounts
  • New friend requests are disabled and no new photos can be posted to the Timeline

Despite these limitations, memorialized accounts can still function as active hubs for grieving friends and family. Existing friends can continue to post on the Timeline and share memories. Birthday reminders, messages, and tagging the deceased in posts keeps their memory alive.

Who Can Memorialize A Facebook Account?

Facebook has a hierarchy for who can submit a memorialization request:

  1. Immediate family members can memorialize an account first
  2. Other verified family members are next in priority
  3. Best friends and close relationships have the next level of access
  4. Admins of the memorialized profile’s legacy contact can submit requests
  5. Anyone else who can verify their relationship to the deceased

Documenting your relationship or getting in touch with immediate family is key if you want to memorialize someone’s account. Facebook may ask for a copy of the death certificate or obituary notice before honoring a memorialization request. This helps prevent harmful pranks or mistakes.

How Do I Memorialize A Facebook Account?

If you meet the above criteria, memorializing an account is simple:

  1. Go to the profile page of the deceased user
  2. Click the button next to Friends below the cover photo
  3. Select “Memorialization Settings” from the dropdown menu
  4. Choose to Contact Facebook to memorialize the account
  5. Enter your relationship with the deceased and any other requested info
  6. Click “Submit” and Facebook will begin the verification process

Once Facebook verifies your request, the word Remembering will appear on the profile and its functionality will be limited in the ways described above. The process may take a few days depending on the circumstances.

Alternative Memorialization Options

If immediate family members are unable or unwilling to memorialize an account, there are alternatives:

  • Request the profile be deleted instead of memorialized
  • Nominate a legacy contact to manage the memorialized account
  • Appeal directly to Facebook if the standard process fails

Documenting your unique relationship or concerns about privacy/data can help in these special cases. While memorializing an account is ideal for most, Facebook offers flexibility for special circumstances.

Can A Memorialized Account Be Deleted?

Yes, the family or legacy contact of a memorialized account can request it be permanently deleted. Reasons may include:

  • Belief the deceased would prefer complete deletion
  • Concerns over identity theft or hacking
  • Desire for the account to “rest in peace” and be taken offline

To delete a memorialized profile, communicate directly with Facebook to explain the situation and relationship to the deceased. Include a request for deletion and they will generally honor it, resulting in the full removal of the profile and its data.

What About Memorialized Account Data?

Memorialized Facebook accounts remain online and visible but in a limited, protected state. What about all the data inside them – photos, posts, videos, messages, etc?

Memorialized accounts have the following data policies:

  • Friends can still post/interact with the Timeline as usual
  • New content cannot be added by untrusted individuals
  • Legacy contacts control the download/removal of account data
  • Facebook may remove content that violates policies or law
  • Personal data can be requested removed but may be preserved

Facebook takes many precautions to protect memorialized accounts. But if you have concerns over specific content, work with the legacy contact or Facebook directly to address it.

Who Is The Legacy Contact?

Facebook allows every user to assign a legacy contact in their account settings. This person can manage a memorialized profile if the original account owner passes away.

Legacy contacts can do things like:

  • Write pinned posts to appear at the top of the memorialized Timeline
  • Respond to new friend requests on behalf of the deceased
  • Update profile pictures and cover photos
  • Request taking down the memorialized account

Legacy access is powerful so choose someone highly trusted who will honor your wishes, like a spouse or parent. Avoid assigning minors who may be too young to manage such responsibilities.

Can You Reactivate A Memorialized Account?

Generally, no. Once an account is memorialized, it is locked and cannot be logged into again. However, Facebook may reactivate a profile if:

  • It was memorialized by mistake (the person is still alive)
  • Immediate family contacts Facebook to contest the memorialization
  • Law enforcement or legal concerns cause the memorial to be revisited

These cases are extremely rare. Most memorialized accounts remain locked down permanently. Don’t memorialize an account as a prank since reactivating it is almost impossible.


Memorializing someone on Facebook after their passing strikes a balance. It allows friends and family to gather while protecting privacy. Special features like legacy contacts give control over the account. Overall, memorialization is meant to honor someone’s memory respectfully for many years to come.