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How do I memorialize a Facebook account as a legacy contact?

How do I memorialize a Facebook account as a legacy contact?

Memorializing a Facebook account allows you to secure the account while still keeping the profile visible to remember and honor someone who has passed away. Facebook has a special feature that allows a legacy contact to memorialize an account.

What does it mean to memorialize a Facebook account?

When you memorialize a Facebook account, it enters a special memorialized state that honors the memory of the deceased while also protecting their information. Here are some key things that happen when an account is memorialized:

  • The word “Remembering” will be shown next to the person’s name on their profile to indicate it is now a memorialized account.
  • The profile and timeline remain visible so friends and family can share memories and condolences.
  • Some profile sections such as status updates will become visible only to confirmed friends.
  • No one can log into the memorialized account.
  • Memorialized profiles do not show up in public places like People You May Know or birthday reminders.

Overall, memorialization aims to strike a balance between remembering the deceased while protecting their privacy at a difficult time.

Who can memorialize a Facebook account?

Only certain people designated by the original account holder have the ability to memorialize a Facebook account. They are:

  • Legacy contact – This is a single person chosen by the account holder to manage their account if they pass away. They can memorialize the account or delete it.
  • Immediate family members – If there is no legacy contact, verified immediate family members can request to memorialize the account.
  • Facebook – If there is sufficient public evidence that the original account holder has passed away, Facebook may independently memorialize the account.

How to become a legacy contact on Facebook

If someone designates you as their legacy contact, you will receive a notification from Facebook informing you of this. Here is how account holders can add a legacy contact:

  1. Go to the Settings menu on your Facebook profile.
  2. Click on Memorialization Settings.
  3. Enter the name of the person you want to be your legacy contact.
  4. Click Add to send them a notification inviting them to be your legacy contact.
  5. Once they accept the invitation, they become your confirmed legacy contact.

As a legacy contact, you have an important responsibility in memorializing or deleting the account if the original account holder passes away. Make sure you feel comfortable managing their account after they are gone.

How family members can request to memorialize an account

If there is no designated legacy contact, immediate family members can request to have a loved one’s account memorialized. Here is the process:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Request Form and fill in your information and details about the deceased.
  2. Provide a copy of your ID and the deceased’s death certificate as verification.
  3. Select an immediate family relationship you have with the deceased – spouse, sibling, parent, child.
  4. Explain your rationale for requesting account memorialization.
  5. Submit the form to Facebook for review.
  6. If approved, the account will be memorialized within 24 hours.

Facebook carefully reviews all requests to ensure the family member has authorization to make memorialization requests. Providing as much verification as possible speeds up the process.

How Facebook memorializes accounts without a request

In some cases, Facebook may independently memorialize an account without a legacy contact or family member request. This often occurs when there is sufficient public evidence that the original account holder has passed away, such as news reports of death or widespread online posts about the death from friends and family.

Facebook has an internal process for independently verifying deaths before memorializing an account. Some of the verification methods include:

  • Official public death notifications
  • Obituaries
  • Reports of death from family and friends
  • User tributes about the death
  • Confirmation through news articles

After verifying a death, Facebook will memorialize the associated account within 24 hours. Immediate family can still request to be legacy contacts after the memorialization if needed.

How to memorialize a Facebook account as a legacy contact

If you have been designated as the legacy contact for someone’s Facebook account, you can memorialize their profile if they pass away. Here are the steps:

  1. Log into your own Facebook account.
  2. Go to the Memorialized Accounts section under Settings.
  3. You will see the list of accounts for which you are a legacy contact.
  4. Click the Memorialize button next to the person’s name.
  5. Read the on-screen information about memorialization and click Memorialize Account.

Once you memorialize an account as a legacy contact, you can no longer log into it. The profile will enter the memorialized state with options to share memories and condolences.

Can a memorialized Facebook account be deleted?

Yes, the legacy contact of a memorialized Facebook account also has the ability to request permanent deletion of the account if desired. Here are the steps the legacy contact must take:

  1. Go to the Memorialized Accounts section in Facebook Settings.
  2. Click on the account name to open a menu.
  3. Select Request Account Deletion.
  4. Confirm your password when prompted.
  5. The account will be scheduled for deletion and disappear within 14 days.

With account deletion, all the content and pictures would be permanently removed. People would no longer be able to post on the profile or view past posts. So only choose this option if you feel the deceased would not want their memorialized profile to remain public.

Things to consider when memorializing an account

Memorializing someone’s Facebook profile after they pass away is an important decision. Here are some key considerations:

  • Privacy – Review their profile privacy settings closely. You may want to restrict some sections like posts from public view.
  • Content – Consider if any content should be removed that they would not want public, like private messages.
  • Photos – Download any photos you may want to keep before memorializing the account.
  • Friends – Notify close friends and family when you memorialize the account.
  • Timeline – Keep their timeline public so friends can share memories and condolences.

Take time to think through how to best memorialize their account to balance privacy, security, and remembering their life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I reverse account memorialization?

No, once an account is memorialized it cannot be reversed. The memorialization is permanent to protect the privacy of the deceased.

What happens to Facebook Messenger when an account is memorialized?

Memorializing an account disables the ability to send or receive new Messenger conversations. But existing conversations remain visible.

Can someone else manage a memorialized account?

No, Facebook does not allow account transfers. Once memorialized, an account cannot be accessed even by a legacy contact.

Will memorialized accounts show up in People You May Know?

No. As part of protecting privacy, memorialized accounts no longer show up as People You May Know recommendations to others.

Can I delete individual posts from a memorialized profile?

Yes. As the legacy contact you can delete individual posts, photos, or videos if needed while leaving the memorialized profile intact.


Memorializing a Facebook account after someone passes away takes some care and consideration. Work closely with immediate family to evaluate privacy settings, remove any unwanted content, and notify close connections. The memorialization allows friends and family to gather and share memories safely while protecting the account.