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How do I meet new people on Facebook?

How do I meet new people on Facebook?

Facebook can be a great place to meet new people and expand your social network. With over 2 billion monthly active users, there are lots of potential new connections out there! The key is learning how to maximize your visibility and engage with others in a genuine, non-spammy way. Here are some tips on how to meet new people on Facebook:

Optimize your profile

The first step is making sure your own Facebook profile looks great. Complete your profile with real information about yourself – your hometown, current city, work, education, interests, relationship status, etc. Include some nice profile pictures of you alone and with friends. The more your profile is filled out, the more approachable you will seem to new connections.

Adjust your privacy settings

Review your privacy settings and be sure you have made your profile visible to “Friends of Friends” at minimum. This allows friends of your existing connections to find and view your profile easily. You can limit some sections like photos to “Friends Only” but keep general info open to Friends of Friends.

Find your existing connections

Facebook allows you to search for specific people to see if they are on the platform and connect with them. Use the search bar to look up friends from childhood, former co-workers, classmates, relatives, acquaintances, and others you already know. Send connection requests to ones who pop up. This is an easy first step to expand your friend list.

Join Groups

Facebook has Groups around all sorts of hobbies, professions, interests, affiliations, and identities. Search for Groups around topics that matter to you and join ones that seem active and engaging. Groups related to your job, industry, causes, hobbies, alumni groups, hometowns, etc. Introduce yourself in new Groups and participate in the discussions.

Be active posting and commenting

Don’t just lurk on Facebook – actively post status updates, share articles/links/videos, upload photos, react to posts from existing friends, and comment on their content. This activity makes your profile more discoverable and shows up in the feeds of your Friends of Friends. Share stuff that shows your personality, interests, and opinions. Commenting on mutual friends’ posts can lead them to introduce you to their other connections.

Host or attend events

Facebook Events allows you to publicize get togethers and also discover local happenings. Create Events for parties, game nights, concerts, conferences, sporting events, and more. Or browse ones created by businesses, groups, and friends of friends – then request to attend. Attending events opens the door to meeting the event host and other attendees.

Slide into those DMs

If you share a Group or see Friends of Friends consistently liking/commenting on each other’s stuff, make the first move and send them a Facebook message. Compliment their posts, ask them questions, or make casual conservation. People are often receptive to chatting more via private message if there seems to be a mutual interest.

Leverage Facebook suggestions

Facebook is pretty smart about suggesting new connections for you. Pay attention to “People You May Know”, friend recommendations, Groups to join, Pages to follow, and Events to attend. Browse and accept suggestions that seem relevant – Facebook intel is based on shared connections, interests, locations, etc. This feature takes a lot of the work out of meeting new people.

Search by location

If you have recently moved or traveled somewhere new, find locals by searching Facebook for current city and state/country. Browse profiles and send requests to ones who seem interesting. For those without immediate mutual connections, reference your recent move or visit in your request message.

Follow brands/celebs/influencers

Another way to make new connections is by following public figures, brands, businesses, influencers, artists, authors, thought leaders, celebrities, athletes, and other accounts you admire or find entertaining. Engage with their content by commenting and sharing. This raises the visibility of your own profile and could lead to networking opportunities.

Ask for introductions

See a friend of a friend you’d like to get to know? Ask your mutual connection for a proper introduction. People are often willing to make intros within their extended social networks, which carries more weight than a “cold call” requesting to connect from a stranger. This gives you a built-in conversational starter and reason to reach out.

Say yes to new friend requests

Unless someone seems super spammy or fake, accept incoming friend requests from strangers too. Common interests, groups, locations, and connections can lead new people to find and follow you. Give new friendships a chance to blossom by saying yes – but use caution in engaging further unless they seem trustworthy.

Follow up after meeting in person

If you meet someone interesting at an event or gathering, don’t be shy about searching for them on Facebook later to connect online. Send them a request referencing where you met and continue the conversation. Linking your in-person encounter to a social media connection makes it feel more natural and builds on your initial rapport.

Advertise your account strategically

Promote that you’re seeking new Facebook friends by pinning your profile url to your email signature, personal website/blog, and anywhere else that makes sense. Share the link directly when appropriate too. This makes it super easy for new connections to find and follow you on Facebook.

Join a dating app

Facebook can be used for dating, though dedicated dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, etc. are much more designed for this purpose. Join a dating app to create a separate flirting/dating profile focused on romantic connections. But still link it to your Facebook account for trust verification – just keep the friends and dates separate!

Pro tips

Here are some expert tips for meeting new people on Facebook effectively:

Be strategic with friend requests

Focus on sending requests to friends of friends, local connections, and mutual group members rather than spamming every stranger that pops up.

Personalize requests

Include a customized message referencing a common interest, shared connection, or something specific in their profile.

Comment thoughtfully

Add value to threads and engage in a genuine, respectful way – don’t just spam emojis and generic comments.

Ask open-ended questions

Pose questions that invite conversation and discussion, not just yes or no responses.

Follow up after connecting

Message new connections to say hello, share an article, or continue an earlier chat. Don’t just connect and never talk again.

Set boundaries

Unfriend or block anyone who is inappropriate, toxic, spammy, fake-seeming, or makes you uncomfortable.

Seek common ground

Focus on shared interests, experiences, preferences, opinions, stories, goals, and identities.

Take it offline

After building some online rapport, suggest meeting up in person for deeper conversation. Video chat can work too.

Link to other networks

Connect new Facebook friends to your accounts on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. to cross-pollinate social graphs.

Don’t take it personally

If someone doesn’t accept a friend request or seems disinterested chatting, move on gracefully. Not all new connections will click.

What to avoid

Steer clear of these tactics, as they tend to be ineffective or off-putting:

Spamming friend requests

Mass sending requests to any/everyone rarely works and may get you blocked.

Aggressive flirting

Overly sexualized or strong romantic messaging can scare new connections away.

Hard sells

Don’t blast promotional material for businesses or try to aggressively recruit for groups/causes.

Controversial topics

Stay away from sensitive subjects like politics, religion, etc. unless you know the connection well.

Too much posting

Flooding feeds with excessive updates comes across as needy and may cause unfollows.

Global commenting

Commenting the same thing on a ton of random posts looks insincere.

Impersonal messaging

Don’t use overly generic pickup lines and introductions. Be custom and thoughtful.

Fake profiles

Don’t create fake personas or catfish-style accounts to meet people under false pretenses.


Expanding your Facebook network can open up new friendships, opportunities, connections, and more. Use the platform’s tools and features strategically and engage authentically to put your profile on new people’s radar. Send thoughtful requests, join active groups, and participate in the social community you want to join. With so many users, there are lots of potential new relationships to develop if you put yourself out there the right way.