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How do I mass delete shared posts on Facebook?

How do I mass delete shared posts on Facebook?

Facebook makes it easy to share posts from your friends, family, groups, and pages that you follow. Over time, your profile can accumulate a lot of shared content. If you want to do some cleaning up and remove a lot of these shared posts all at once, Facebook unfortunately doesn’t have a built-in “mass delete” option.

However, there are some workarounds you can use to delete shared posts in bulk. In this article, I’ll explain the different methods you can use to mass delete Facebook shares.

What Types of Shared Content Can I Mass Delete?

When people talk about “shared posts” on Facebook, they usually mean a few different things:

  • Posts you’ve shared from your friends to your own Timeline
  • Posts you’ve shared from Pages to your own Timeline
  • Posts you’ve shared into Facebook Groups

The methods in this guide will work to mass delete all of these types of shared posts. The main limitation is that you can only mass delete posts that you have shared yourself, not posts that other people have shared onto your Timeline.

Method 1: Use the Activity Log

Facebook’s Activity Log contains the full history of everything you’ve posted and interacted with on Facebook. This includes all of the posts you’ve shared over the years.

You can use the Activity Log to scroll back through your share history and delete posts in bulk. Here are the steps:

  1. Click on the drop down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page and select “Activity Log”.
  2. On the left sidebar, click on “Your Posts”.
  3. This will display a feed of everything you’ve posted on Facebook. Scroll down to go back through your sharing history.
  4. As you scroll, delete any shared posts you want gone by clicking on the three dots next to the post and selecting “Delete”.
  5. You’ll have to scroll down and do this manually for batches of posts at a time. Just keep repeating the process until you’ve removed all the shared posts you want.

The Activity Log method can be tedious, but it works. Just put on some music or a podcast and start scrolling and deleting. This is the only way to mass delete shares from your mobile device.

Method 2: Use a Third Party App

Going through your Activity Log on mobile can take forever. If you’re deleting shares from your desktop computer, you can speed up the process using a third party app.

Here are some apps that let you mass delete Facebook posts:

  • Social Book Post Manager – This Chrome extension lets you filter and delete posts from your Activity Log in bulk. You can specify criteria like date ranges and delete hundreds of posts at once.
  • FB Purity – Another Chrome extension that adds bulk deletion options for cleaning up your Facebook posts and activity.
  • MyActivity Manager for Facebook – A Firefox add-on that enables bulk actions for posts in your Activity Log.

The process of using these tools is essentially the same:

  1. Install the Chrome or Firefox extension.
  2. Go to your Facebook Activity Log.
  3. Use the extension’s filters to isolate the types of posts you want to delete (shared posts, date range, etc).
  4. Select all the posts you want removed.
  5. Click the extension’s “Delete” button to mass remove posts.

These tools make it much simpler to mass delete shared posts from your desktop. Give one a try the next time you want to clean up your Facebook profile.

Method 3: Use a Script or App to Automate Deletion

If you’re comfortable using scripts or coding, you can automate the process of deleting shared Facebook posts. This involves using the Facebook API and a scripting language like Python.

Here are a couple examples of scripts and tools that let you automate bulk deletion of Facebook shares:

  • Facebook Post Manager – A Python script that deletes posts matching certain criteria from your Activity Log.
  • Mass Delete Facebook Posts – A PHP script that automates deletion of posts in your Activity Log.

The overall process involves:

  1. Getting an access token for the Facebook API.
  2. Using the API and a script to search your Activity Log and identify deleteable posts based on filters like date, type, keywords, etc.
  3. Passing identified posts to the API to delete them.
  4. Scheduling and running the script to repeat this process.

Automated solutions like these make mass deleting Facebook shares a breeze. But they do require comfort with coding and developer tools to set up.

Considerations When Mass Deleting Posts

Here are some important things to keep in mind when you’re mass deleting shared posts from Facebook:

  • Deleted posts can still appear in backups. If someone else has shared a post that you’ve since deleted, that share may still be visible in their feed or your mutual friends’ feeds. The post itself will say “Post Unavailable” when you try to view it.
  • You can’t retrieve deleted posts. Once you delete a post from Facebook, it’s gone. Make sure to double check that you want to permanently remove posts before deleting them.
  • Don’t violate Facebook’s terms. Mass deleting posts is fine, but make sure you aren’t using automated tools to delete content in violation of Facebook’s Terms of Service.

As long as you understand the effects of mass deletion, it can be a great way to clean up old posts and curate what’s visible on your profile.

Step-by-Step Guide to Mass Deleting Shared Posts

Here is a step-by-step guide to mass deleting shared posts from your Facebook profile using the Activity Log method:

  1. Open the Activity Log – Click on the arrow at the top right of Facebook and choose “Activity Log” from the dropdown menu.
  2. Filter to your posts – On the left sidebar, click on “Your Posts” to view all your posting activity.
  3. Scroll through your history – Slowly scroll down through your history to load older posts.
  4. Delete individual shares – When you see a shared post you want to delete, click the three dots icon next to the post and select “Delete”.
  5. Repeat the process – Keep scrolling to load more history and delete any shares you find. Work in batches.
  6. Come back later – Facebook only loads a certain amount of history at once before stopping. You’ll have to revisit the Activity Log later to delete older shares.

Following this process of steadily working through batches will allow you to methodically mass delete the shares you no longer need on your profile.

Using Social Book Post Manager to Mass Delete

If you want to speed up mass deleting from a computer, using Social Book Post Manager for Chrome makes things much easier.

Here are the steps to use this tool:

  1. Install the extension – Add Social Book Post Manager to Chrome.
  2. Open your activity log – Go to your Facebook Activity Log in Chrome.
  3. Filter posts – Use the tool’s filters to isolate shared posts in a date range or by keywords.
  4. Select posts – Check the boxes next to posts you want to delete.
  5. Click “Delete” – Click the Delete button in the extension toolbar to remove the selected posts.
  6. Repeat as needed – Use filters to find more posts and delete them in batches.

Social Book Post Manager makes it easy to quickly identify and mass delete hundreds or even thousands of shared posts in just a few clicks. Much faster than manually going through your activity log!

Automating Mass Deletion of Shares with Scripts

For maximum efficiency, you can use a script to automate mass deleting shared posts from Facebook.

Here is an overview of the steps if you want to try automating it yourself:

  1. Get an access token – Create an app on Facebook for Developers and generate an API access token for your account.
  2. Write a script – Write a script in Python, PHP, etc to search your activity log and delete posts.
  3. Set filters – Configure the script’s search criteria to find shared posts in a date range.
  4. Pass to API – Use the API to pass identified posts to be deleted.
  5. Schedule it – Set the script to run on a schedule to repeatedly delete shares.

This is definitely more complicated than the previous methods, but the benefit is completely automated mass deletion. You just set it and forget it.

FAQs About Mass Deleting Facebook Shares

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about mass deleting shared posts on Facebook:

How many shared posts can I mass delete at once?

There is no specific limit to how many shares you can mass delete at once. Using a tool like Social Book Post Manager, you can delete thousands of posts per session if you want.

Can I undo a mass deletion if I make a mistake?

Unfortunately no. Once you delete posts on Facebook they are gone for good. You can’t retrieve deleted posts. So be very careful that you actually want to remove the posts before you mass delete.

Will deleted posts still show up in other people’s feeds?

Posts you delete may still be visible in other people’s feeds if they had previously shared the post themselves. It will show as unavailable when clicked on. The only full proof way to remove a post from Facebook is to delete it before anyone has had a chance to share it.

Can someone see I mass deleted posts from my profile?

Nope, there’s no way for anyone to tell if you’ve deleted posts in bulk from your profile. The posts will simply disappear from your Timeline for all users.

Is it against Facebook’s rules to mass delete my own posts?

Mass deleting your own posts is fine per Facebook’s Terms of Service. Just don’t delete posts or content that you don’t own the rights to, or use mass deletion to violate other Facebook rules.


Cleaning up old shares from your Facebook profile can be tedious, but is worth doing periodically to curate your visible content. Using the Activity Log directly lets you mass delete shares from mobile or desktop at no cost, while tools like Social Book Post Manager make bulk deletion even faster.

Automating the process using scripts provides the most efficient mass deletion, but requires comfort with coding. Understand that deleted posts can’t be recovered before you mass remove shares.

Now you have a full guide to the various methods you can use to delete Facebook shares in bulk. Just be thoughtful in your deletion and periodically clean up your profile to keep things fresh.