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How do I manage uploaded contacts on Facebook?

How do I manage uploaded contacts on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to upload their email contacts so they can find friends already on Facebook. This can be a useful feature, but it also raises privacy concerns about sharing contact information without permission. Here are some tips on managing your uploaded contacts on Facebook.

Should I upload my contacts to Facebook?

Uploading contacts can help you find Facebook friends among your contacts. However, there are some disadvantages:

  • You’re sharing other people’s contact information without their consent.
  • Scammers or spammers could potentially access your contacts.
  • People you emailed years ago may appear as friend recommendations.

Consider if the convenience is worth the privacy tradeoff. You can still find friends on Facebook without uploading by searching names.

How do I upload contacts?

If you do choose to upload contacts:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the Friends tab.
  2. On the left sidebar, click “Find Friends” then “Import Contacts.”
  3. Facebook allows importing from popular email providers like Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook.
  4. Click the email provider and enter your login credentials.
  5. Select which contact lists you want to import.
  6. Confirm the import and Facebook will check for matches.

Uploading contacts is a quick way to find Facebook friends from your address book. However, be thoughtful about sharing others’ information.

How does Facebook match my contacts?

When you upload contacts, Facebook checks for matches in a few ways:

  • Email address matches to existing Facebook accounts
  • Name and location matches to Facebook profiles
  • Phone number matches to user profiles

Facebook may surface name matches even if the email address doesn’t have an account. Review these carefully before adding as friends.

Can I delete uploaded contacts?

Yes, you can remove contacts you’ve uploaded:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on “About” in the left sidebar.
  2. Click on “Contact Info” under Basic Information.
  3. Click on “Manage Contact Uploads.”
  4. Click the “X” icon next to any provider to delete contacts.

Deleting the contacts removes them from your friends list suggestions. However, Facebook may still show name matches occasionally.

How do I stop Facebook from matching my contacts?

To prevent any contact matching suggestions:

  1. Go to your profile and click “About.”
  2. Under Basic Information click “Contact Info.”
  3. Uncheck the box next to “Look up contacts on Facebook.”

This prevents Facebook from comparing your contacts to user profiles. However, contacts you’ve already uploaded will remain on the service.

Can I download my Facebook contacts?

Yes, you can download a list of your Facebook friends:

  1. Click on your profile picture and go to Your Facebook Information.
  2. Select “Download Your Information” on the right.
  3. Deselect all categories and check “Friends.”
  4. Click “Create File” to request the download.
  5. You’ll get an email when the file is ready to download.

This lets you export a list of your Facebook friends and their contact info that you’ve added.

How do I remove specific contact matches?

You can unlink suggestions from your uploaded contacts:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Friends” in the left sidebar.
  2. Click “Find Friends” and then “Import Contacts.”
  3. Click “View Imported Contacts.”
  4. Hover over a name and click the “X” to unlink it.

This removes the link between that contact and profile but does not delete the information you uploaded.

Will unlinking a contact prevent future matches?

No, unlinking a name will not always prevent future matches. Even if you unlink, Facebook may suggest the same name again if:

  • You have mutual friends.
  • The profile matches your contact info again.
  • Their email or phone number is associated with an account.

To fully block future matches, you would need to delete the contacts from your uploaded list.

Can I tell if my contacts uploaded my info to Facebook?

There is no direct way to tell if someone has uploaded your contact info. But there are some signs:

  • You see friend recommendations for contacts you haven’t emailed in years.
  • You get friend recommendations shortly after meeting new people.
  • Friends surface your profiles to each other despite having no connections.

This suggests acquaintances may have uploaded your contact info and Facebook is matching based on emails or phone numbers.

How can I prevent my contacts uploading my info?

There is no way to fully prevent others from uploading your contact information. But you can take some precautions:

  • Be selective about who you give your business card or contact details to.
  • Use a unique email only for casual acquaintances.
  • Don’t store contacts in your phone under full name + location.

Also, adjust your Facebook privacy settings like contact matching and friend recommendations. Overall though, it’s hard to prevent others from uploading your details once shared.

Can I ask contacts to delete my info from Facebook?

You can ask people to remove you from uploaded contacts, but they’re not obligated to comply. Steps they would take:

  1. Go to your profile and click “About.”
  2. Click “Contact Info” under Basic Info.
  3. Click “Manage Contact Uploads.”
  4. Click the “X” next to your name to remove you.

This removes the link on their end. But if they added you as a friend, they would have to unfriend you too.

Should I avoid Facebook friend recommendations?

Facebook friend recommendations can surface contacts who uploaded your info without permission. But some recommendations are harmless, like friends of friends.

Tips for managing:

  • Adjust friend recommendation settings under “Privacy.”
  • Ignore recommendations for unfamiliar contacts.
  • Review mutual friends to gauge if a connection is legitimate.
  • Consider limiting your profile visibility to friends only.

With caution, you can benefit from recommendations while minimizing privacy risks.

Can I report contacts uploading my info without consent?

Facebook’s policy allows people to upload address book contacts. There is no reporting option specifically for unauthorized uploads.

You can try reporting under “Privacy Concerns” if contacts:

  • Repeatedly re-upload your info after deleting it
  • Acquired your info in a deceptive/illegal manner
  • Are uploading it to harass, abuse or threaten you

But general contact uploads likely won’t be removed. Try messaging the person first to request deleting your details.

Should I deactivate my Facebook account due to contact privacy risks?

Deactivating your account is an option if contact privacy is a major concern. This temporarily disables your profile until you log back in.

Consider if you can manage risks without deactivating:

  • Enhance privacy settings for posts, profile, contacts.
  • Practice cautious sharing of contact details offline.
  • Regularly review and remove uploaded contacts.
  • Ignore suspicious friend recommendations.

Deactivating may be right if risks outweigh the benefits of using Facebook. But often contact privacy can be managed without losing access.


Managing contacts uploaded to Facebook involves balancing convenience with privacy. Take advantage of finding friends while applying privacy precautions. Review your uploaded contacts regularly and unlink suspicious matches. Adjust settings like contact matching to customize. With proper management, uploaded contacts can enhance connecting with friends while mitigating risks.

Pros of Uploading Contacts Cons of Uploading Contacts
  • Quickly find friends already on Facebook
  • Get notified when contacts join Facebook
  • Discover connections among your contacts
  • Shares contact info without consent
  • Potential privacy and security risks
  • Surfaces old contacts and spam connections
Managing Uploaded Contacts Steps to Take
Stop syncing new contacts
  1. Go to “About” section of profile
  2. Click “Contact Info”
  3. Uncheck box to look up contacts
Delete uploaded contacts
  1. Go to “Contact Info”
  2. Click “Manage Contact Uploads”
  3. Click “X” icon next to provider to delete
Download your contacts
  1. Click profile picture
  2. Click “Download Your Information”
  3. Select “Friends” category only
  4. Click “Create File”

Key Takeaways

  • Consider privacy risks before uploading contacts to Facebook.
  • Regularly review and remove uploaded contacts you don’t want matched.
  • Customize settings like contact matching and friend recommendations.
  • Practice cautious sharing of contact details to minimize uncontrolled uploads.
  • Deactivate account only if privacy concerns outweigh the benefits of Facebook.