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How do I manage page roles on Facebook new page experience?

How do I manage page roles on Facebook new page experience?

Facebook’s New Page Experience update in 2021 introduced several changes to how pages are managed, including new options for assigning page roles. Page roles allow you to give different levels of access and permissions to people who help manage your Facebook page. Understanding these new page roles is key to setting up an effective system for collaborating with others on your business page.

Overview of Facebook Page Roles

There are now 5 main page roles you can assign to users on your Facebook page:

  • Admin
  • Editor
  • Moderator
  • Advertiser
  • Analyst

Admins have full access to manage all aspects of the page. Editors can create and edit page content, engage with users through comments and messages, and view insights. Moderators have limited access focused on moderating comments and responding to users. Advertisers can run ad campaigns for the page without additional page permissions. Analysts can view page insights but not make any changes to the page.

Assigning Page Roles

To assign someone a page role, go to your Facebook page and click “Settings” at the bottom of the left menu. Then click “Page Roles” on the Settings page.

This will show you a list of all current page roles. To add someone new, click “Add People” and search for the person either by name or Facebook profile URL. Select which role you want to assign – Admin, Editor, Moderator, Advertiser or Analyst.

You can also use this page to edit roles for existing people in page roles or remove them from the page entirely.

Key Permissions for Each Role

Here is a more detailed overview of what each page role can access and manage:


  • Full page access – can manage all page settings, content, apps, advertising, messaging, moderation, insights etc.
  • Add, edit or remove other page roles
  • Publish as the page by default when commenting or posting (name shows as page name)
  • Delete or archive the page


  • Create, edit, publish, share and delete page posts
  • Engage with users through comments, messages and notifications
  • Manage community settings like reviews, questions and lead generation forms
  • Analyze page insights and create reports
  • Limited advertising access – can only manageads they have created


  • Moderate and delete comments, replies and posts on the page
  • Ban or restrict users from commenting on the page
  • Reply to and delete messages sent to the page
  • View page insights and create reports
  • No access to create content or manage advertising


  • Create, manage and analyze advertising campaigns for the page
  • View basic page insights related to ads
  • No access to post content or moderate comments


  • View and download page insights and create reports
  • No ability to make any changes or updates to the page

Best Practices

Here are some tips for effectively managing page roles:

  • Only assign Admin access to 1-2 trusted individuals
  • Use Editor role for writers, photographers, social media managers to collaborate
  • Assign Moderator to respond to customers and clean up comments
  • Add multiple Advertisers if you have a larger team or agency managing ads
  • Analyst role good for data analysts who just need insights access

Regularly review the list of people in page roles and remove any that no longer need access.

When adding new people, only grant the minimum permissions they need to do their work.

Have at least one backup Admin in case your primary Admin is unavailable or leaves.

Communicate clearly with everyone who has a page role so they understand what they can and can’t access.

Managing Clients and Agencies

For agencies managing pages on behalf of clients, here are some best practices:

  • Add your main point of contact at the client as an Admin or Editor
  • Create an Agency role with Editor access for your team members
  • Offer to make the client an Analyst so they can access insights
  • Set up a formal page transfer process if you or client ends the relationship

When working with clients:

  • Clarify who on your team needs what roles
  • Train client Admins on the Page Roles tool
  • Have a plan to remove access if team members leave


Here are some common issues and solutions for managing Facebook page roles:

Removed from a page you used to have a role on?

This means the Admin has removed your role. Speak with the Admin to request access again if needed.

Need access you don’t currently have?

Ask the page Admin to add you in the Page Roles tool with the appropriate role.

Current role isn’t working?

The Admin can edit your existing role. Make sure correct permissions are enabled.

Too many people have Admin access?

Audit Admins and consider demoting unnecessary Admins to lower permission roles.

Page work unclear based on roles?

Talk to Admin and team about who is responsible for what based on their roles.

Facebook Page Role Updates

Facebook will likely continue improving and evolving page roles over time. Stay up to date on changes by following Facebook’s announcement channels:

  • Facebook for Business page and newsletter
  • Facebook Newsroom site and blog
  • Social media channels like Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn

Major updates will be posted on these platforms. You can also submit feedback directly to Facebook on how to enhance page roles.


Facebook’s new page roles take some adjustment from the old single Admin approach. But they offer much more flexibility to collaborate with a team and divide up work. Take time to review the permissions for each role and think through your page’s needs.

Add people strategically, offer training if needed, and lean on roles to create clearer content workflows. This will set you up to work efficiently together and have better results on your Facebook page!