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How do I manage page roles on Facebook Meta Business Suite?

How do I manage page roles on Facebook Meta Business Suite?

Managing page roles on Facebook Meta Business Suite is important for controlling access and permissions for your business pages. Here are some common questions and answers about managing page roles:

What are the different page roles on Facebook Meta Business Suite?

There are 5 main page roles on Facebook Meta Business Suite:

  • Admin – Has full access and permissions for the page including managing roles, creating ads, seeing insights, and posting as the page.
  • Editor – Can edit the page, respond to and delete comments, create ads, see insights, and post as the page.
  • Moderator – Can respond to and delete comments, messages, and posts as the page.
  • Advertiser – Can create ads and see insights but cannot post as the page or edit page content.
  • Analyst – Can see page insights but cannot post, edit, advertise, or moderate content.

How do I add someone to a page role?

To add someone to a page role on Business Suite:

  1. Go to Business Settings > Pages
  2. Click on Roles below the page you want to add a role for
  3. Click Add People
  4. Enter the name or email address of the person you want to add
  5. Select the role you want to assign them
  6. Click Add

An invitation will be sent to the person to accept the assigned page role. Once accepted they will have access based on that role.

How do I remove someone from a page role?

To remove someone’s page role access:

  1. Go to Business Settings > Pages
  2. Click on Roles below the page
  3. Hover over the person’s role and click Remove
  4. Confirm you want to remove their access

This will immediately revoke their access to that page based on the role that was removed.

How do I edit someone’s page role?

To edit an existing user’s page role:

  1. Go to Business Settings > Pages
  2. Click on Roles under the page
  3. Hover over the person’s existing role and click Edit
  4. Select the new role you want to assign
  5. Click Update to save the change

The updated page role and permissions will be effective immediately.

Can I assign multiple page roles to one person?

Yes, you can assign multiple page roles to a single person on Business Suite. For example, you may want to make someone both an Editor and an Advertiser for a page.

To do this:

  1. Go to Business Settings > Pages
  2. Click on Roles under the page
  3. Click Add People
  4. Enter the person’s name or email address
  5. Select the first role you want to assign
  6. Click Add
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 to add a second role for the same person

That user will then have permissions associated with both roles.

What’s the difference between an Admin and Editor?

The main differences between an Admin and Editor for a Facebook page are:

Permission Admin Editor
Manage Roles Yes No
Post as Page Yes Yes
Edit Page Content Yes Yes
Moderate Comments Yes Yes
Create Ads Yes Yes
See Insights Yes Yes

So in summary, Admins have full control while Editors have more limited posting, editing, and moderating abilities.

What permissions does an Advertiser have?

The Advertiser role has these permissions for a Facebook page:

  • Can create ads and view ad performance
  • Can view page insights and metrics
  • Cannot directly post content to the page
  • Cannot respond to or moderate comments
  • Cannot edit page content like the About section

So the Advertiser role is focused specifically on ads and analytics without broader page management permissions.

What can a Moderator do?

The Moderator page role on Facebook Business Suite can:

  • Respond to and delete comments on the page
  • Respond to and delete posts on the page by other people
  • Hide or report inappropriate comments or posts
  • Ban or restrict users from commenting
  • Message users who interact with the page
  • See notifications and messages for the page

Moderators help manage community engagement but cannot directly post content or access insights.

Can page admins remove the original page owner?

No, page admins cannot remove the original creator of the Facebook page from the Admin role. The original page owner will always have full Admin access that cannot be revoked by other admins.

However, the original owner can remove other Admins or voluntarily step down by making someone else the page owner. But no one can forcibly remove the page creator’s Admin access.

How many admins can a Facebook page have?

There is no specific limit to the number of page admins for a Facebook page. You can have as many admins as you need.

However, it’s best to avoid assigning the Admin role to too many people. Having many admins can cause confusion and make it hard to maintain accountability.

Aim to have only 2-4 Admins who are fully trusted to manage the page. You can supplement them with Editors, Moderators, and Analyts for specialized access.

Can I temporarily disable someone’s page role?

Unfortunately there is no built-in way to temporarily disable or suspend someone’s access to a Facebook page role without fully removing them.

If you need to temporarily restrict someone’s access, your options are:

  • Change them to a more limited role like Analyst or Moderator
  • Completely remove their page role
  • Block them from accessing Business Suite

Once removed or blocked, you can reinstate their original page role later on. But there is no pause or suspend feature for page roles.

What’s the best practice for assigning page roles?

Here are some best practices for managing page roles on Facebook Business Suite:

  • Carefully select 1-2 Admins who will be fully responsible for the page
  • Use the Editor role for contributors who create content
  • Use Advertiser for team members who just need ad and insights access
  • Use Moderator for community management team members
  • Don’t assign Admin broadly or to too many people
  • Remove page roles when team members leave the company
  • Audit page roles quarterly to ensure appropriate access

Following these best practices will help ensure your Facebook page is secure, well-managed, and roles are aligned to business needs.


Managing page roles is critical for controlling access and dividing responsibilities on Facebook Business Suite. Take time to understand the permissions for each role and assign them deliberately based on business needs and team structure. Audit and update roles on a regular basis to maintain proper security and access levels.